How do you like the new Dungeon System?


On my Personal Experience on this new PvE (Dungeons and Raids) FINDER System:

*I LIKE the Difficulty on being Harder than before and how they did with the Level Range at the Finder System. More fun with the Family, Friends/Guild-Mates, Game-Players.

*I DISLIKE the Extremely Hard Difficulty. It is time consuming and not fun for Leveling Characters faster to reach Maximum level Activities.


When all this STARTED, this was surely an Annoying Experience for New, Veteran and Returning players. -Good News are that they have been correcting and doing positive changes to the Matter:

I did a RANDOM PvE (Heroic) Dungeon with some Family/Friends and Random Players at the FINDER tonight and when we get into the Dungeon, after a long QUEUE we waited...

The first 2 ELITE mobs in the dungeon were exactly the same as 'MYTHIC/RAID mobs difficulty', Extremely hard, with a ton of HP and killed 3 different groups, (While people keep leaving the dungeon and new ones continue joining).

During the DUNGEON (Pandarian one), the people were discussing in all the way WHY THE MOBS WERE SO EXTREMELY STRONG, and keep killing us. (It is not the first time we were doing this Instance and we are not Unskilled Players). While we were in the Dungeon, people were frustrated, others were mad, etc. (Unhappy).

This new changes are not making the people to feel comfortable for keep doing them... We keep fighting all the way to the end to see if by completing the dungeon we will get a Special Reward or Something but the experience and rewards were low/cheap.

After feeling very tired and like if we just wasted our time for nothing, killing Bosses that were exactly the same hard difficulty AS IF WE WERE MAXIMUM LEVEL FIGHTING THE NEW CONTENT RAID BOSSES, what benefits will bring all this to the game?!? (We have Mythics, and Raids already), People were asking...

We would like to keep sharing the good time as we were doing with our Family & Friends before those new types of changes. "We would like to have challenge and difficulty on the In-Game Activities, but this was not even fun..."


*As Customers, our opinions and concerns should be evaluated and considerate.

Truly, something must be done.
It was too much time and effort spent for receive the experience and rewards that we just received. GAME PERSONNEL (GMs, DEVs, Etc.), PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND FIX IT BEFORE THIS CAUSE A MASSIVE GAME QUIT OF PEOPLES IN THE FUTURE.

Send me a PRIVATE MASSAGE for any additional information.

Thanks for your time and your service always!
(We love this Game).

Zokaniz "The FEARLESS Leader".

<Spirit Council>

-Also, my Primary Language it is Not English.
I sincerely hope you are trolling.
01/16/2018 11:10 PMPosted by Zokaniz
Also, EVERYONE Share your experiences...

But...... think of how much time that would take...... p:
This post is gold.
For any complains/feedback about it do:

"While In-Game, PRESS "ESC" ---> Help ---> Submit Suggestion."

Thanks and I hope too they do something for making it better for us all.

1 Like
1st let me say Hello... Now let me tell you of my experience... I am a Healer. or was up till today when i got on to play. this is my experience... I used the Dungeon Finder. it put me into A lvl 90 - 100 Rated Dungeon that i have done 1000's of times, never lost a single player unless they decided to run to far ahead and be stupid... however today i lost 2 full groups within the 1st 30 seconds...

The dungeon is one where you have 2 or 3 Non-boss NPC's that block a bridge that you must cross to precede. to cross you must kill the 2 NPC's before you can cross... It is in this 1st encounter that the true reality of what Blizzard has done really hits you hard.

1st run attempt: The tank runs up to them... i start healing. 30 seconds later hes dead and 3 others are dead and I leave thinking its a bad tank... having popped every Heal i have i quit... i wait for timer to reset due to abandonment ... then i re-Q

2nd attempt. new group, Same exact thing happens... i expend every single heal i have, Everyone dies at same 2 Normal NPC's and it hits me... Its not the tank or my heals its the massive amount of damage the Normal NPC's are Dealing... way to much damage...

now before you all think i am just a failure Healer let me say taht i have never had complaints about my healing abilities... EVER! from anyone.. and have always been told i am among the best healers that players have ever seen. i never lose anyone least of all the tank... ever...till today!

as for My class and spec's They are as follows.
I am A lvl 100 Druid (Full Healer Spec.) With an iLVL of 553 and Should not have any problems Healing a Dungeon made for lvl 90 - 100. when it is the first 30 seconds of the dungeon, and its only 2 non-boss NPC's, in no way should one have to Pop Every Heal they have available only to have it not have any effect at all in this situation.. i slowed the Death down by mabe 1.5 Seconds.. there was no hope of doing the dungeon i have played over 1000 times as a healer. at 1st i thought it was the tank so i left.. waited for the timer to reset and rejoined and again Totally different group... Same thing happened. this is Not fun or playable.

if you wish to read more or wish to add to my post as well:
My Other post on this topic is as Follows :
Ya'll would have died if you had to deal with Cataclysm Heroics pre nerf
Can we look at how Cataclysm Heroics being nerfed ultimately lead to this thread being posted and understand why certain PvE changes were the right move?
01/16/2018 11:10 PMPosted by Zokaniz
First of all, we lose 10 hours of our Membership Game Time because of the realms were Down (I wish a compensate be done for it. To all the Active Membership Accounts).


Oh. You were serious? Allow me to amend my previous comment.

I liked my actual dungeon with raid difficulty we called it Return to Karazhan before all those kids !@#$%ed and cried about side content being made for people who wanted the first raid level dungeon, all this scaled nonsense is what it use to be using your brain before pulling half the time like it should be.
01/16/2018 11:12 PMPosted by Caelus
I sincerely hope you are trolling.

Less of a troll than the patch itself tbh
All this thread sounds like to me is that you lot don't understand how to play your class, and now you have to know. I killed a bunch of impatient dps today on my new tank character! They were running ahead pulling everything, so i just stayed back and waited. It was SOOOO fun!!!! Finally, dungeons are fun again!

(I'm being serious, dungeons are fun again!)
L2P issue.
01/17/2018 01:36 AMPosted by Zavenrai
Ya'll would have died if you had to deal with Cataclysm Heroics pre nerf

Good times.
01/16/2018 11:10 PMPosted by Zokaniz
*EVERYONE Please share your experiences...
ALSO, THIS MESSAGE be sent to the 'World of Warcraft' CORRECT DEPARTMENT:

On my Personal Experience with this new Dungeon System, I DISLIKE this New changes on the PvE (Dungeons and Raids) FINDER - DUNGEONS are DUNGEONS and RAIDS are RAIDS.

...I am doing a Dungeon or a Raid?!? ^_^

(First of all, we lose 10 hours of our Membership Game Time because of the realms were Down - I wish a compensate be done for it. To all the Active Membership Accounts)

I did a RANDOM PvE Dungeon (Heroic) with some Family/Friends at the FINDER tonight and when we get into the Dungeon, after a long QUEUE we waited... the first 2 ELITE mobs in the dungeon were exactly the same as 'RAID mobs', Extremely hard, with a ton of HP and killed 3 different groups, (people keep leaving the dungeon and new ones joining). During the DUNGEON (Pandarian one), the people were discussing in all the way WHY THE MOBS WERE SO EXTREMELY STRONG, and keep killing us. (It is not the first time we were doing this Instance and we are not Unskilled Players). While we were in the Dungeon, people were frustrated, others were mad, etc. (Unhappy). This new changes are not making the people feel comfortable to keep doing them... We keep fighting all the way to the end to see if by completing the dungeon we will get a Special Reward or Something and you bet... we just feel tired and like if we wasted our time for nothing after the mobs were like the mobs from a RAID.

...and the Bosses were exactly the same AS THE RAID BOSSES, whats going on with the game?!? People were asking...

This ruin the fun of the game!! :(
We would like to keep Sharing the good time as we were doing with Family & Friends before those new changes.

"We would like to have challenge and difficulty on the In-Game Activities, but this was not even fun..."

*As your Costumers, you should know our concerns.
Truly, something must be done. It was too much time and effort spent for receive the same experience and rewards as always for a simple Dungeon...


Send me a PRIVATE MASSAGE for any additional information.

Thanks for your time and your service always!
(We love this Game).

Zokaniz "The FEARLESS Leader".
<Spirit Council>

-Also, my Primary Language it is Not English.

1. 5 mans especially heroic have always needed rated gear to enter, how ever blizzard now has forgotten about that gear requirement and increased the difficulty of bosses to near impossible to kill unless you are a seasoned player.
2. Blizzard has now wasted time which could have been used for newer content to beef up old world 10 and 25 man instances and is a total waste.
3. People who bought heirlooms with real money are now getting ripped off, imo that's theft by blizzard.
4. Nobody asked for challenging old word content, it wasn't needed.
5. Blizzard has never listen to its player base which is why they will most likely lose half their subs even before their new expansion is out. Like others I made a mistake after 2yrs of being gone to come back and even purchased Legion. I knew at some point bliz would find a way to !@#$% thing up and they did.
6. People defending these changes have weak arguments and most likely are trolls looking for attention or bliz alts.
7. All I can say is gem your toons and use pots for 5 man and learn how to play because it looks like you won't progress if you don't.
8. I hate slow lvling especially when I have different alts who I want to level up fast for use in new content. I've quit and many others quit, how ever blizzards hard headed and don't care. If fact I am willing to bet they would let this game sink into the abyss if they could. It's a shame they've grown cold over the last 6 yrs to the point it's like Everquest which got into the hands of people who were self centered ^-*!@#$s, you either played by their rules or didn't play at all.
Btw those who think people don't quit over stupid chit like this you're wrong. I pay attention to people around me online and pretty much know their playing habits and these people play long hours especially at night. These people other then a small few logged out and even some of them bursted out in anger and have yet to see them online. Out of the 50ish people I see online every night I only saw about 12 or so. These people run dungeons every night for hopes of a mount just as me but you say people won't quit? Yes, keep believing it won't kill subs enough for blizzard to worry. If you think like that you must believe in fairies.
I'll share, the dungeons were not like raids, they were like dungeons. You are experiencing the original boss mechanics not raid mechanics, you just killed it too fast to see it before
Dungeons aren't that difficult. They're actually fun again. Seeing mechanics in dungeons I haven't seen in probably 7-8 years is craziness... in a good way.

Too many spoiled brats that are used to one shotting every thing. Sorry, your days are over with, it's time to bring back a little life to the game, particularly the leveling aspect.
01/16/2018 11:10 PMPosted by Zokaniz
*EVERYONE Please share your experiences...
ALSO, THIS MESSAGE be sent to the 'World of Warcraft' CORRECT DEPARTMENT:

On my Personal Experience with this new Dungeon System, I DISLIKE this New changes on the PvE (Dungeons and Raids) FINDER - DUNGEONS are DUNGEONS and RAIDS are RAIDS.

...I am doing a Dungeon or a Raid?!? ^_^

(First of all, we lose 10 hours of our Membership Game Time because of the realms were Down - I wish a compensate be done for it. To all the Active Membership Accounts)

I did a RANDOM PvE Dungeon (Heroic) with some Family/Friends at the FINDER tonight and when we get into the Dungeon, after a long QUEUE we waited... the first 2 ELITE mobs in the dungeon were exactly the same as 'RAID mobs', Extremely hard, with a ton of HP and killed 3 different groups, (people keep leaving the dungeon and new ones joining). During the DUNGEON (Pandarian one), the people were discussing in all the way WHY THE MOBS WERE SO EXTREMELY STRONG, and keep killing us. (It is not the first time we were doing this Instance and we are not Unskilled Players). While we were in the Dungeon, people were frustrated, others were mad, etc. (Unhappy). This new changes are not making the people feel comfortable to keep doing them... We keep fighting all the way to the end to see if by completing the dungeon we will get a Special Reward or Something and you bet... we just feel tired and like if we wasted our time for nothing after the mobs were like the mobs from a RAID.

...and the Bosses were exactly the same AS THE RAID BOSSES, whats going on with the game?!? People were asking...

This ruin the fun of the game!! :(
We would like to keep Sharing the good time as we were doing with Family & Friends before those new changes.

"We would like to have challenge and difficulty on the In-Game Activities, but this was not even fun..."

*As your Costumers, you should know our concerns.
Truly, something must be done. It was too much time and effort spent for receive the same experience and rewards as always for a simple Dungeon...


Send me a PRIVATE MASSAGE for any additional information.

Thanks for your time and your service always!
(We love this Game).

Zokaniz "The FEARLESS Leader".
<Spirit Council>

-Also, my Primary Language it is Not English.

Lol!!! I qued heroic and felt they nerfed dungeons... legit nearly 1 hit all the trash.. and the bosses didn't even last my cds.

I'm not even geared.
Can't read anymore after the complaint about 10 hours of down time. Work and school hours so you lost like 2 at most.