XP From Dungeons

Yeah, before 7.3.5 leveling was actually fun with friends.


Lets just say my first toon ran everywhere. Because you couldn’t ride let aloan fly. Yes things have changed, I don’t disagree. But some of the angst is a bit over the top, that’s all I am saying.

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Right now the only metric that matters is MAUs.

What better way to increase MAU’s than to make everything less rewarding and take longer.

It’s the reason for massive loot tables, TF, nerfed heirloom throughput, increased xp requirements, less xp per dungeon, PL to make it harder to efficiently gear raid, scaling, etc.

Don’t be fooled by the 8.1 xp reductions. They didn’t do it for any “altruistic” reasons. They likely saw the attrition rate of new players and/or the abandonment/disinterest in allied races.


I use to enjoy using my 2nd account high level to push my allied races to 80 faster. I tried it a day or two ago and it was useless…its most likely a good thing. In the same though if I’m dumb enough to pay for two accounts, that’s probably good for blizzard.


If your game is entertaining enough you don’t need to rely on tricks and mind-effing your players in order to get them to play.

Blizzard should take a lesson from good old games like Baldur’s Gate, System Shock and KOTOR … these were games that kept you engaged and were fun fun fun fun fun.

Right now, I’m playing ESO almost non-stop. Although I played practically from launch, when they level scaled the world I stopped (about a year and a half ago). Too buggy, too unbalanced.

But now… all I can say is try it. So awesome that I again find myself looking up at the clock and realizing it’s 3a.m. and have been playing since morning. :slight_smile:


Eh. More people paying >>> People playing for more hours even in Activizzards mind.
We don’t pay for additional time we play but additional players do have to pay to play.

It would make no sense for a corporation to market around a metric that doesn’t increase profitability instead of marketing around player numbers.


OCE… Tried ESO when it first came out, I love the Elder Scrolls games.
Unfortunately though, like every damn MMO they don’t cater to OCE regions so the game is unplayable on 300ping.

Really sucks not being able to try new games just because of where I live. Feels like North Korea except its infrastructure not government blocking our usage.


This is part of my point, I think the change to the experience per level coming in 8.1 is a good step forward (anything which creates less of a drag in game is welcome).

My initial point was in relation to the dungeon xp for a few reasons. When randoms + heirlooms were a great way to smash through levels it found a large percentage of the player base using them (many still do, but it’s more to break up the monotony of questing).

The comment that tanks / heals used to just farm randoms is a good point; but that’s the decision on the player to level that way. Some people prefer exploring the content which is fine, others prefer to repeat the same dungeon over and over, each has it’s own benefits and pitfalls.

One of the biggest points around why I was wanting the XP / Heirlooms improved is the fact that some of the fun about levelling is the random groups forming and staying together for a whack of time to continue to level.

For this to occur there has to be an actual incentive.

This doesn’t happen anymore, there’s no motivation to ask the group to stay around to push levels because the xp gain is negligible compared to exiting out, questing and then specifically targeting dungeons you have’t done for the quests.

The counter is that “the players will just level too fast”.
According to who? If you don’t want to que, then dont? If you want to quest & randomly drop in to dungeons now and then, that’s fine and that’s your choice. What is it in the game that suffers if the heirlooms are improved / xp gain improved from randoms. “People will take advantage of it” isn’t a counter as it was in play prior to 7.3.5 but nobody considered that to be taking advantage it was just a method of leveling.

And to anyone who says “heirlooms are too powerful and you just steamroll”, I’m not asking for a massive increase; and if it gets to that point switching heirlooms is another alternative.

The scaling system works so that you can still progress through your rotation which is fine, but if the xp gain is too much then throw on some greens / blues from questing, the ilvl is comparative.

Was surprised that this thread was still alive - nice that other people feel the same way.

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I feel for you Haavi; I used to live way back in the country and had the high ping you speak of and it was for the birds; Back then I played stand alone games that didn’t require an internet connection. I’m now living in a city and have a ping of <1 ms and man it is great; Download is 240+ Mbps; Upload is 18+ Mbps.

I hope one day you can get the same and enjoy the fast speed that the internet has to offer.

Oops, Hit another speed bump in this dungeon; I’m about tired of this; Blizzard please address this issue and revert it; Thank You!


I just don’t understand the concept behind this and other changes, especially regarding the Allied races. I’m flabbergasted enough I just don’t want to play anymore. Unfortunately they got my money due to the stupid boat.

You can have fun so long as it’s their version of fun.

Really trying to not be bitter, but it’s hard when you’ve watched the game move so far from what you remember.

Also… Stayin’ alive!

Gotta keep this thread going.


Yeah I really think Blizzard enjoys holding that carrot on a stick just out of our reach having their kind of FUN at our expense.

A lot are bitter with Blizzard and if you’re looking for the thread that fits then you’ve found it!

If only Blizzard had reverted things a long time ago they may could have kept more people subbed but now with the sneaky way they slipped this in with patch 7.3.5 they have lost the trust of many subscribers, Including me.


Yeah Blizzard tried to sneak tis in with patch 7.3.5 hoping we wouldn’t notice but it floored many players; If they don’t revert this there will be MANY players that I’ve spoke with that plan to leave.


They ignore the fact that people can and do quit over minor and major annoyances at their own peril.

People who have left the game for an expansion or two are not in the shop buying mounts and boosts.


I hope it gets buffed in 8.1


Fair point. Although for myself on a business perspective I would rather have a large quantity of players as the likelihood of it including people who are happy to pay in-game transactions increases.
But yes, your point is absolutely correct as well. The more time you spend in game the more you are able to justify the cost of in-game purchases making you more likely to get them.

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I wish they were but sadly we’re not going to get back all that was lost we’re only getting only a small % of what we lost and the “XP FROM DUNGEONS” isn’t getting reverted which is a deal breaker for a lot of us in this thread.


There wasn’t really a nerf to heirlooms. They were always about the same or worse than appropriate level blues.

What makes them better is that they scale to your level, which means it doesn’t matter that it’s been 20 levels since you had a good chest drop, because your chest kept up with your levels.

The dungeon xp nerfs were arbitrary and stupid. They removed bonus objectives and end of dungeon rewards. Result: the only thing that matters is doing random and killing the last boss of the dungeon. I level tanks and I die inside whenever I skip quest bosses that others might need, but it’s just not optimal to kill them anymore.

They need to bring back bonus objective exp AND end of dungeon exp. Right now it’s not worth specific queueing because the only exp you get is the random dungeon finish one, and right now it’s not worth killing anything that doesn’t lead you in the shortest path to the last boss, because bonus objectives were removed and they don’t grant any exp.

If the problem is people having max level characters do it for them, just disable them outside of LFG or, even better, disable them if anyone in the group is not in the appropriate level range.


Well a BLUE finally responded on this through another thread which can be viewed here:


Meh. Been massacring dungeons for over 10 years with lower level guildies, and friends until 7.3.5. A bug hahaha! Took them over 10 years to squash a so called bug lol. No wonder this game is in the shape its in, if it takes them that long to kill a bug. I guess the folks over at Orkin termite, pest control could run this game better than the devs (clowns) currently in charge of this circus lol.


Mm, yes… a “bug” wow.