XP From Dungeons

It’s not broken; It was intentionally nerfed by Blizzard; Thing is we had been complaining about this since patch 7.3.5 was originally implemented and confirmed by Blizzard when this thread first started back in Feb of this year 2018.

However it was not announced until here recently that the developers at Blizzard according to the community manager said they could not figure out a way to stop power leveling without having to rebuild the entire game system so when they were in the process of implementing the scaling they figured out how to do it and changed it during patch 7.3.5.

You can view the Community Managers reply in the link below:

Funny though we had been power leveling for 13+ years and it took them that long to put a stop to Power Leveling; I personally think it was a move to make leveling take longer thus increasing profits in subscription fees and for the players that didn’t want to take the time to level could simply pay $60.00 for a boost which would increase profits for Blizzard; So either way it’s a win for Blizzard in improving revenue; Problem is many have left the game due to this change as a lot of the community that had been allowed to Power Level for all these years suddenly had it taken away without anything in the patch notes or anything.

It’s sad to have something that was allowed for all these years taken away and no communication on it as to why or anything for 10 months; Guess this along with a lot of other things that have been taken away is why the guilds and friends list are now empty; #FEELSBADMAN.