XP From Dungeons

The way I read that post makes it sound like the scaling caused mobs to reward xp based on the level of the max level player which would be OP af and I as an armchair dev would remove the ability to powerlevel that way as well.

They can still go see it if they want to https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20761996118?page=232


I agree xp from dungeons seems low, but with heirlooms, full rested xp and patch 8.1 changes I won’t mind them

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Cool story. You did it during a time when that was absolutely the slowest and worst way to level a character! Especially during WoD!

Like really, why would you have done that during WoD when instead you could have done it how every intelligent person did it by using the boosts for Gorgrond bonus objectives and leveled the entire way in 2 hours?

Everything you typed shows you have absolutely NO idea, are completely clueless, and have no validity in this thread. Keep using that smug attitude while you do things slow and retort unintelligibly while you show that you’re into wasting your time as well as the others that were dumb enough to carry you.


Tried running a guildie through SM last night with this toon. He has a level 46 high mtn tauren allied race. Figured being under level 100 might make a difference. But ya he was getting like 20xp per mob. Ended up just hearthing back to org lol.


Can confirm still broken.


It’s not broken; It was intentionally nerfed by Blizzard; Thing is we had been complaining about this since patch 7.3.5 was originally implemented and confirmed by Blizzard when this thread first started back in Feb of this year 2018.

However it was not announced until here recently that the developers at Blizzard according to the community manager said they could not figure out a way to stop power leveling without having to rebuild the entire game system so when they were in the process of implementing the scaling they figured out how to do it and changed it during patch 7.3.5.

You can view the Community Managers reply in the link below:

Funny though we had been power leveling for 13+ years and it took them that long to put a stop to Power Leveling; I personally think it was a move to make leveling take longer thus increasing profits in subscription fees and for the players that didn’t want to take the time to level could simply pay $60.00 for a boost which would increase profits for Blizzard; So either way it’s a win for Blizzard in improving revenue; Problem is many have left the game due to this change as a lot of the community that had been allowed to Power Level for all these years suddenly had it taken away without anything in the patch notes or anything.

It’s sad to have something that was allowed for all these years taken away and no communication on it as to why or anything for 10 months; Guess this along with a lot of other things that have been taken away is why the guilds and friends list are now empty; #FEELSBADMAN.


Heck if it was little risk to the person getting carried, or leveling, then they should of just made it where the lower level person had to be within so many feet of the person carrying them? If the lowbie pulls, or aggros a mob=insta death usually. Seems like that would of been a better way to handle it than to nerf it to dust haha. And didn’t it used to be that way years ago? Even if you were in a group with same level people, if you got so far away, you received no xp at all? Idk just seems that would of been a better way to do it, instead of nerfing the fun folks have.


Dumbledorf give ESO a try. You will NOT regret it. Totally free with full sub bennies this week.


Unfortunately Blizzard will never go back on a change unless a high profile guild is involved like Method.


I’m playing it Velara; I started a character there with the same name that I started one here 13+ years ago named “Bubbadaman” ; I’m only up to level 4 right now and have found out what it’s like to be branded a murder and a wanted man and got killed by the guards, LOL! I signed up for the 6 months subscription and log in daily if for nothing else but the daily rewards.

One thing that’s hindering me from playing so much is Christmas and it’s running here and there thing ya know, Also we were just told mid November that my Mother doesn’t have long to live; I left my company in 2014 to give her 24/7 care, me and the wife together; I have a deaf and moderately mentally challenged bi-polar sister that we also care for and I’m in the process of getting guardianship transferred from my Mother to me; Just too many things going on right now to get me immersed into a game but I will be there as soon as all of this passes as I will need an out if you know what I mean; Nothing like taking your frustrations out on NPC’s in a game, LOL!

Anyway I hope to see you soon there, I really like the content so far; Also I didn’t know but I bought “The Elder Scrolls IV” “Oblivion” “Collectors Edition” Years ago but never loaded it, I think I will keep it and maybe sell it years from now as it may increase in value.

Anyway look forward to talking to you soon!

Merry Christmas to all Christians; Happy Holidays to all others and hope that all have a Very Happy New Year Too!


Bless you Dumbledorf, you certainly have your hands full. My very warmest wishes to you and your family.

Glad you’re playing ESO I use toon names as well. Let’s try to figure out how to exchange account names so we can group up!


I appreciate the people saying the 8.1 “change” is just more of the same. I was waiting to see how this was,

You lost a veteran (2006) player and yes this is a really big deal to me. Leveling lowbie alts and grinding lowbie dungeons was the most enjoyment I got out of this game. I found it a really chill fun thing, not the end level grind


EA is remastering Command & Conquer Tiberium Sun, and C&C Red Alert next year supposedly. If EA doesn’t screw it up, then that’s where I will be. They are getting some old Westwood Studios folks to help with the remaster:-). Hopefully if it does well, Generals will get a remaster also eventually. But ya I could see taking a very long hiatus(possibly permanent one) From warcraft, if they do.


Holy crap its still going and they are still blowing us all off i just used a token to see about some of the new stuff it doesnt look like they have fixed the leveling xp or took any of the advice on the heirloom nerfs.


8.1 did make some changes to leveling, here is how it works:

1-39 - XP cap raised (leveling slower)
40-60 - XP cap reduced up to 40%
60 - XP cap raised up to 40%

So more XP required for 39 levels, then up to 40% less maxing at 60 then up to 40% more XP required

Net gain? Don’t make me laugh.


Is that really the change we got? Oof.


Seems they just nuked another alternative way to level through their copy pasted rubbish quests recently hahaha. I used to fly guildies, and friends that play on other realms around to open up flight points, and they would get a decent amount of xp, because it was discovering areas on the map while helping them get the new fp’s. Guess that will be considered a bug, or exploit next, and they will nerf that out of existence also lol. This game is just frickin hilarious at this point. They will be wanting prison time next for the folks who would much rather level faster through their copy pasted rubbish pick up the poop quests lol.


It’s almost as if Blizzard wants Warcraft to fail; They never take advice from their players; Just look at all of the great ideas within this thread alone and have they implemented any of them? No, They’re too proud to take suggestions from us the ones who pay to play; Also we pay their salaries; Vote with your wallet!


Velara I can’t thank you enough for reintroducing me to ESO; I’m up to level 6 now and can see that I will become immensely involved for years into this game; The graphics are beautiful, leaves on trees actually look like leaves and when the winds blows it makes you feel as if you’re there in the game and the quests are simply unbelievable the way they carry the story, I’m just getting started and can already see how nice the players are to each other; No toxicity.

Mom has improved but I know it’s short lived but now we have help coming in mainly from Hospice; Those people are the best.

Hope to see you there soon!


PS; I got me one of those globe homes all decorated up with the winter package and the big fireplace hearth inside; Nice having different homes you can decorate how you want; a little tricky getting used to the controls but well worth it.


Awesome! I am super glad you found something you really enjoy. Everyone should have fun in their games. You especially because of all the stuff you have to deal with.

I will definitely look for you… we have to find some way to exchange account names so we can find each other… I will try to think of a way. Do you reuse toon names as your account name by chance? ESO account names are @name. If I can find you I will send you an in-game mail with some very cool addon info too…the game has a great bunch of 'em.

Not to mention, we can group up and play together! Another one of my very long time WoW friends (met in Vanilla) is joining the game too. Now this is a person who has transferred servers with us, played SWTOR STO NWO and every other game on earth with us. We could actually have our own dungeon group LOL.

Maybe we can aim for being online at the same time – me Pacific time.

I love the little snow globe house too. One addon called: Essential Housing Tools. which has a very steep learning curve (many video tutorials) makes housing decorating even better! I love how there is no limit on where you can place stuff/ I put a loft in my snow globe house, for instance.

Very happy holidays :heart: