XP From Dungeons

They ignore the fact that people can and do quit over minor and major annoyances at their own peril.

People who have left the game for an expansion or two are not in the shop buying mounts and boosts.


I hope it gets buffed in 8.1


Fair point. Although for myself on a business perspective I would rather have a large quantity of players as the likelihood of it including people who are happy to pay in-game transactions increases.
But yes, your point is absolutely correct as well. The more time you spend in game the more you are able to justify the cost of in-game purchases making you more likely to get them.

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I wish they were but sadly we’re not going to get back all that was lost we’re only getting only a small % of what we lost and the “XP FROM DUNGEONS” isn’t getting reverted which is a deal breaker for a lot of us in this thread.


There wasn’t really a nerf to heirlooms. They were always about the same or worse than appropriate level blues.

What makes them better is that they scale to your level, which means it doesn’t matter that it’s been 20 levels since you had a good chest drop, because your chest kept up with your levels.

The dungeon xp nerfs were arbitrary and stupid. They removed bonus objectives and end of dungeon rewards. Result: the only thing that matters is doing random and killing the last boss of the dungeon. I level tanks and I die inside whenever I skip quest bosses that others might need, but it’s just not optimal to kill them anymore.

They need to bring back bonus objective exp AND end of dungeon exp. Right now it’s not worth specific queueing because the only exp you get is the random dungeon finish one, and right now it’s not worth killing anything that doesn’t lead you in the shortest path to the last boss, because bonus objectives were removed and they don’t grant any exp.

If the problem is people having max level characters do it for them, just disable them outside of LFG or, even better, disable them if anyone in the group is not in the appropriate level range.


Well a BLUE finally responded on this through another thread which can be viewed here:


Meh. Been massacring dungeons for over 10 years with lower level guildies, and friends until 7.3.5. A bug hahaha! Took them over 10 years to squash a so called bug lol. No wonder this game is in the shape its in, if it takes them that long to kill a bug. I guess the folks over at Orkin termite, pest control could run this game better than the devs (clowns) currently in charge of this circus lol.


Mm, yes… a “bug” wow.


So you are saying this bug was since the beginning of WoW? We were powerleveling in dungeons back in vanilla. This had nothing to do with scaling other than the fact that the experience went up a bit higher than it was before scaling… So, in fact, you didn’t fix the bug you removed power leveling completely and say you fixed a bug with scaling.


Well this put the nail in the coffin for me; Blizzard snuck this in with patch 7.3.5 without our knowledge intentionally stopping us from power leveling which we had done for the past 13 years; They finally admitted it; They’ve lost my total trust in them.
And for what? So they could promote $60.00 boosts and make leveling take longer for the ones that didn’t buy a boost thus earning more off our subscription time by making it take us longer to level.

This XP reduction they claim to be coming out with in patch 8.1 will be only a drop in the bucket of what was taken from us; Blizzard’s motto; When Fun Is Detected Make It Less Fun And More Tedious For Us Their Paying Customers.


I guess they better get busy getting rid of that bugged video on youtube lol that shows a guild from one of the most populated pve realms in this game which I will not call out,power leveling their guildies through wod dungeons back in October of 2017. A few months before 7.3.5 was released. Believe it was also a month, or two before the patch was even in ptr if I remember correctly. Anyhow just another one of many vids out there on the interwebz proving the bug is a lie lol.


Yep plenty of videos out there showing that this has been going on for the past 13 years and in 7.3.5 Blizzard decides to slide this in with the patch; Now we know it was intentional.


Well this does it for me; If you can’t trust the company that you pay for their services then it’s time to move on. It only took them from Feb 14 when Blizzard themselves started this thread and now we find out they themselves admitted to nerfing the XP when a higher level ran lower levels through dungeons something they knew that had been going on for 13+ years.

Not cool Blizz!


Exactly. Even if it was a glitch with scaling that caused the xp to get messed up, they didn’t need to nerf it 90%. Was the xp reward for raf a bug also that deserved a 300% nerf, after it had been that way for the longest time? Funny how all of these xp nerfs, and heirloom stat nerfs coincided with allied races being added to the game. Cant wait for the inevitable bug that is going to happen when this xp change goes live in the next patch lol. Uh oh they are leveling a little to fast, I guess we better get the bug spray haha.


Yep get the bug bombs ready and be prepared for more speed bumps in the dungeons!


There was actually a nerf to heirlooms in the form of an overall power squish. It was mostly significant at the lower levels though where you would be getting 4-5 of each secondary stat at level 1 and scaling from there which was completely unproportionate to the items around that level.
You now start off with just base stats on each item until it reaches a point where it’s appropriate to start gaining secondary stats.

The strength is still mostly in the scaling like you said, however it’s much easier now to find a blue drop that will be providing a larger stat allocation to you than your heirlooms.


There was a nerf of level 1 heirlooms, their was also a nerf of both heirlooms and blues at 70. Heirlooms are also bugged at 96.

Blues are supposed to be better then heirlooms. They told us that back in wotlk.

But the meme that there was some overall massive nerf at all levels is just that a meme.

The biggest factor slowing levelling is the increased hp of mobs.

I’m reminded of Ion during one of his Q & A’s where he said it was never their intent,; One song comes to mind from the Eagles where they sing “You Can’t Hide Your Lying Eyes”.

I will NEVER trust anything from Blizzard or Activision ever again nor will I recommend them to anyone!


I haven’t recommended this game since they fully implemented crz when mop went live. I know they were testing it in the last patch of cata(4.3 I believe). But they went full throttle with it in mop. That alone drove many of my friends away from the game, because it literally destroyed any kind of realm identities. Their war on flight, and all these leveling nerfs are also big reasons I could never give this game a good recommendation. But ya I tell friends to stay the frick away from it, if they happen to ask now.


[quote=“Mate-proudmoore, post:4617, topic:18747”]
Blues are supposed to be better then heirlooms. They told us that back in wotlk.
[/quote] You have a link for that? From what I remember them saying heirlooms were supposed to be on par with dungeon item level blues.