I know you ain’t dissing my waifu Raszageth.
I know you ain’t dissing my waifu Raszageth.
No we definitely can, furthermore we can say “Hail Mother! Hail X’alatath!” when talking about her.
true. i love my mom shub-niggurath
This is like when people were saying, “Finally! We get a black superhero in a movie!” when Black Panther came out. Blade, M.A.N.T.I.S., Spawn, Storm, Black Lightning, War Machine, Steel, Hancock, The Meteor Man, Luke Cage, Blankman, Falcon, Cat Woman, and Dr. Gravity all came before Black Panther on screen.
Selective memories for convenience of their argument.
Not only selective memories, but also selective definitions. Anyone who was a ‘one-shot’, as if plenty of male villains weren’t introduced and dispatched in one patch/xpac, or anyone who gets a redemption arc, because that’s bad (?), just doesn’t count as a ‘real and total’ villain.
Charitably, one could state that the prevalence of male ‘one-shot’ villains without an equivalent number of female villains is, in fact, evidence of…whatever OP’s point is, I forget, I haven’t read the OP in a while.
I’m not sure I particularly feel like being charitable when OP disregards Azshara and Onyxia and is clearly themselves not particularly charitable.
edit because formatting is hard.
additional edit: ‘for the worldsoul saga’ did we get got, or is OP playing fast and loose with the goalposts?
You’re basically describing my ex so absolutely.
I attribute it more to just a lack of knowledge and a desire for their experiences to be relevant.
A lot of people are faux “vanilla veterans” who like to pretend they are OG but in reality weren’t here and get all their knowledge second, third, fourth, etc hand. They straight up don’t know about Onyxia or Lady Waycrest or other “not in your face 24/7” villians because they weren’t here to live it and experience it and they’re not a common topic of conversation so not in the forefront of their mind when what they have for ideas come to pass thus when they do come up, they have to be invalidated.
What I find most hilarious is we actually have no idea how this supposed “first true female villian” actually will play out and yet the OP actually has the audacity to not only discount or even acknowledge the already plentiful actual female villians with completed arcs (short of a retcon or future narratives) but somehow had divined that THIS one is all but played out already.
I really wanted a Drust raid in Shadowlands where it is established that all of the Heartsbane Matrons (the banshee looking ones) bound their souls to Thros when they did the ritual. That way we could kill Lady Waycrest once and for all.
Also Abby Lewis is the worst female villain of them all. Killing a poor kitty and doggo. Justice for the fur babies!!!
She doesn’t count as a villian though because…ummm…she was a 1 off?
There is also Helya, I forgot her.
No shortage of villain ladies in this series.
this is most wow villains, btw.
Yeah is Xal’atath really female?
We say so because of her voice and the elven body she inhabited, but do we know anything of her true nature?
Does gender even make sense for her entity anyways?
I don’t think we have answers to these questions yet.
Azshara and Onyxia don’t count?
Right in the squid feels
Given her voice, even before she had a body, she definitely sounds femme, just as all the other old gods sounded masc. But like you said, does gender even make sense for her? There would be a stronger case with her having a body, one she says agreed to the sacrifice long ago, which could mean Xal’atath specifcally chose a female body. But since she’s of the void it’s as likely that Inanis was vulnerable and easily manipulated by Xal’atath into agreeing to sacrifice herself to Xal’atath. So it could’ve just as well been that the body she had the best opportunity to inhabit was female.
There’s way too little we know about old gods in relation to things such as gender, and Xal’atath herself to really know. We at least know that between the 4 old gods (not counting G’huun as he is Titan made), they don’t have a set “look,” of C’thun, Yogg-Saron, and N’Zoth, they’ve all been portrayed as giant, rotund, and being stuck in the ground, because they’re embedded in the world itself. However, besides those core features, they don’t look like they even would be related to each other. Then Y’shaarj, ironically the only Old God we don’t directly fight since he’s been dead for so long, is typically depicted in a more serpintine manner as far as body goes, still was embedded.
Although now that I’m thinking about it, Xal’atath I’m pretty sure does at one point refer to presumably the old gods as “brothers,” so maybe there is more credence to them having gender than we think.
Princess in elywnn forest terrorized all the humans
I’m pretty sure the first is that Defias warlock woman in the house in Elwynn. The one that stands next to Morgan the Collector.
Princess in elywnn forest terrorized all the humans
I stand corrected.
This kills me. That’s not Igira (?), that’s a male, and the absolute hilarity of putting Candy Cane next to Raz and Onyxia.
Not that it’s wrong; she stole my man. I’d [cries in goblin], but I’m too busy gaslight gatekeep girlbossing my way through Azeroth.
Edit: I can’t figure out how to strike my words, but I have been corrected. That is, in fact Igira, and those are shadows on her face, not a goatee so sharp you could cut yourself on it. The Candy Cane point remains in effect, in its entirety.