This was my IMMEDIATE thought when I read OP.
I got bad news for you… or hilarious news, depending on how you see it. That is Igara. I took the image from here:
It’s when Igara was in stasis in Zaralek Caverns and the Primalists were freeing her. Yeah, the Djaradin models are that bad that you can’t tell the males and females apart without actually looking closely at them. This is true for generic Djaradin trash mobs, too. There’s a lot of female Djaradin out there but you wouldn’t know because they all look and sound the same
What a horribly boring and ugly race they turned out to be
Just to name a couple
Um, uh, so…I have a confession to make.
You’ll notice the lack of this word in my post that you replied to.
I haven’t played in a month and I could not remember what their race was called DX
In other news, i was wrong. The picture as it is in the Spongebob pic looks like a really sharp-looking goatee that Tony Stark or Stephen Strange would be proud of. I stand corrected.
I really don’t blame you at all. Djaradin are an incredibly forgettable race, and yeah, as squished down as that image of Igara is, yeah that does look like a goatee.
xalatath dies in either ww or leading up to midnight.
what do the void lords need her for if she did what they needed. shes disposable. she just their catalyst.
shes the wow equivalent of sovereign in mass effect 1
Yeah I don’t think OP thought this through before hitting post.
Azshara would be it but I really didn’t find how she was used interesting. She really should have had an entire expansion devoted to her after how long she’s been around. Ditto N’Zoth.
Azshara’s still available for that.
I can think of no greater punishment. And a fitting one too in her case.
Naga expansion with really creepy old god deep ocean nonsense would win me over easily.
Azshara is still there you know…