X-realm automation facts

So am I getting this right?

  • you think if automated group formation exists for some instanced group content, it should exist for all instanced group content.
  • you’re not asking for any special feature in the automated group finder, like no guarantee to have a certain optimal composition besides basic roles, no teleport to dungeon (I know it exists right now, I mean that’s not what you demand fundamentally), basically could be identical to a premade group walking in
  • I assume you’re ok with objective restrictions for accessing automated content like level ranges and gear levels.
  • you don’t care if it reduces the probability of success compared to a premade group due to the random assembly of the group, rather have it harder than not at all.

And personally I wouldn’t care if it were the case, I just don’t see how it’s non existence is fundamentally discriminatory.

When you specifically target me in that quote, then no, you will never play with me. I doubt you’d ever meet the minimum criteria I have for raids I’m in. I may not organize and lead anymore, but, I very much have say due to the people I play with knowing that I know what I’m talking about.

Or I’m in a gdkp and I know you’d never touch those, or, even meet the requirements for those either.

So yes, you would be kicked or neglected from entering a raid in that context. Don’t, what did you say, mal-represent(?) what I said again.


Stop being dumb when I can just quote you.

He will never answer it. He will just say you’re not comprehending what he’s saying and thus wrong.

Correct. Which is why I want an impartial group maker like LFR.

It’s only been roughly 70 years since the civil rights movement, where behavior like that was still prevalent. Those mentalities haven’t been eroded yet, and are very much prevalent in the game. The guild names from Whitemane are more than telling.

When I have never done so much as a single MC, then there is something wrong there.

The answer to all that bulletin list is yes. And while you may be ok with it it, there are those who literally don’t want to see that ever come to fruition.

I can’t force myself unto any one group. If the culture of entry requires that I conform to some standard that I’m not willing to abide by, a player-created standard, not a company policy, just because of the way I choose to play, then and unfair system of access exists; if I have to bend to the will of that said group.

Look to that rogue for precedence. He wants to kick me from any content, simply for wearing a parry gem, regardless of the fact that if that parry gem had any actually bearing on the game or not.

You got me, I misread it. Thought you were targeting the character. Was about to have a lot of fun.

Report the guild names. Edgy online 40 year olds will continue to be edgy online 40 year olds. No different from MW2 on the 360 days. You taking it more serious than just reporting and moving on is just for your own narrative. No one is saying inappropriate names should be allowed.

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If the game rewards people for things like how much time they play or their mechanical skills, can it reward them for their ability to self-form groups (and at least up to WOTLK, for forming bigger groups)? Of course some people have less time to play or physical ability too. Why are those legitimate, non discriminatory requirements for rewards and forming your own group is not? You seem to be biased in what you think is a good hurdle to clear or an unfair one.

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It’s hypocritical in nature, to demand that only you have player agency, and no one else does. This is the core issue with you, and why I keep calling you selfish. I kick people like you because I don’t want to waste my time, or the time of 23 other people.

You would gladly waste everyone’s time on a whim. You are no more important than anyone else at a baseline. What differentiates you is your ability to understand the game, execute your role, and work as a team, which you have shown the ability to do none of those.

Sorry didn’t reply to the last part. You’re pointing to one person wanting to kick you for a silly reason, and to the idea that somehow all groups that form belong to one mindset that makes it impossible for you to get in.

And that’s where I call bs because I also played extremely casually since 2019 and have seen all content, except the last two bosses of Naxx60 and half of heroic ICC. I was on mostly medium pop servers and there were always groups with less requirements. Did they always clear the raid? No. But you’re talking about access not performance. If you’re not asking much of a group you will find one that doesn’t ask much for you.


Im not trying to get on you, but my silly reason, prevents this:

I have no issue with lower req raids existing, of course.

Wafectus just wants to force his way into any group without meeting any requirements at all, which is the issue I have.

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The reality of things.

Forming groups manually is a severe burden for some ppl; or, they’re simply unqualified and shouldn’t be forming and/or leading groups. I know you know this.

You said less requirements. You didn’t say none. That’s you unwittingly corroborating my points.

Was I there to find that group in that server? Is that guild on 24/7, traveling to all other servers to ensure everyone can get into a raid.

Those factors worked for you because they were circumstantial, That is in essence what you’re saying; *because I found what I was looking for, means that others can find the same thing too; nevermind what circumstances they may present

If that really represented the reality of things, I would have done at least one Naxx by now.

To be clear social interactions that break community rules should be acted on by Blizzard. I don’t think making fun of someone’s enchants is one of those rules though.

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It isn’t. It’s no different than pulling someone’s logs and calling them a grey parser.

If a player refuses to even gem and enchant their gear correctly, then any leader or organizer worth their salt will auto deny them. To mess up something so simple shows that you can’t trust them with actual responsibility.

Having raided with people like Wafectus before, they all do the same thing, and it’s just their own thing. The opposite of what one should do in a team setting.

That’s the whole point isn’t it. You, a mere player, are self-appointing yourself an AHJ on what’s acceptable for entry and what isn’t.

You don’t think the reflexes needed for WOTLK heroic raids are a severe burden for some people?

Why does that become relevant?

The issue is about getting into content in a fair and impartial manner; regardless, of who or what you are, or how hard any content is.

Yes those factors are circumstantial. But circumstances repeating themselves enough different times on different toons and servers while really not putting that much effort in the game, lead me to think that it’s not just one time luck , and at some point I’m allowed to be skeptical on your claim that you didn’t see inside of MC or WOTLK Naxx for a reason beyond you didn’t want to.

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Idk what this acronym means, nor am I googling it.

Yes, because I’m repeating what people better than myself say, as well as my own experience playing at different high levels throughout my wow career.

You refusing to even care about your character shows that you will refuse to care about the team, as very much evidenced by your own words and actions in these many posts.

All you’ve done is prove me right time and time again that you are a selfish player who wastes others time.

Ultimately if someone wants to take you, more power to them, and more good luck to them. I’m not saying you can’t join, I’m saying any reasonable lead should never let you join.

You’re very much allowed to be. But it If I had actually seen one of those groups, I might have had the chance to raid with them.

Authority Having Jurisdiction. Something you seem to pretend to be (but as I’ve suspected, might actually be a sent shill by the company, sent to deal with me).

If the job required me to do 10,000 dps, and I did it despite the fact I had all parry gems on, then I’m complying with cooperative nature on the group.

You’re drawing an arbitrary line there, it’s ok for the game to present you with mechanical challenges but not social organization ones. Its ok if you enjoy one difficulty but not the other, but the devs don’t have to agree.


I have an expectation of fair access if I have to pay to play this game.

I want to access all forms of content under my preferred social organization methods; namely, the automated random grouping process.