No1’s holding their finger to the queue button.
You’re the one sending the invite. I personally don’t care to log in, but you want someone to say it to you checks notes ONLINE CHARACTERS FACE (lmao) then easy, just like the content you struggle to even get into.
What’s wrong with these two statements?
What’s wrong with your basic lack of understanding sentences?
I personally don’t care to login and bm you at random, otherwise, I’d have done it already.
But, if you’re going to openly invite people to come over and “Challenge you”, then by all means, I’ll do it because it’s funny.
You being intentionally dumb is not cute, it’s sad and pathetic. I legitimately pity you.
??? You’re the one sitting here saying you’re entitled to join whichever group you want, on any difficulty.
Also you left out this part:
You were the one that first mentioned it.
I even quoted you where.
You literally started this with a challenge. I’m one upping you, going further than just whispering it to you, but by putting you on blast in your own trade.
You’re the one now tucking your tail between your legs. If you’re post on desktop right now, we could have easily have done it already.
You said I had invited you to my server though. Nothing of the sort.
A child can comprehend what I said.
If you’re so weak willed that a confrontation in wow is supposed to be a scary challenge, then I hope you wrap yourself in enough bubble wrap for your day to day.
If you would have used your “brain” you would have realized that you don’t have to come to my server to find me in a BG or dungeon. I was talking within the context of finding me through the queue system.
And if you used your brain, you’d understand that trying to snipe a specific player in either of those settings is effectively impossible. I’m not going to grind instances all day on the hopes that you are also there.
The only logical way for your challenge to have any merit is to outright find you in game itself, which requires same server.
You specifically added bg or instances as a requirement because you know someone has to queue snipe you to do it, effectively meaning that it’ll never happen and you’ll never have to actually deal with it. It’s presented as a “tough guy challenge” but masked by your own cowardice.
Which is why I said I’ll just make a toon on grobb and go right to trade, so not only am I saying it to you, about you, but in the open for everyone else to see as well.
Don’t be dumb. It’s not cute, it’s sad and pathetic. I legitimately feel pity for you.
But you interpreted it as me inviting you to me server. You suggested that, then are trying to throw it back at me in that I suggested it.
That’s gaslighting.
Because that’s the only way for your “Say it to my face” to have any merit, as I already explained in the previous post. Not quoting it, scroll up one post and reread it.
You’re a coward who set dumb criteria, so in order to effectively meet your challenge and go even further than what was presented, I’ll gladly just go to your trade and make it public. I want everyone to know who they’re playing with when they play with you.
I already quoted the definition of gaslighting to you. Find it and reread it.
And I said you could have but later when I would be on. Then you go on to say that I’m the one inviting you when you’re inviting yourself.
If you are on and doing an instance, there is a significant number of players queuing at all hours. The chances of us meeting is near zero.
Use your brain.
Because it’s the only logical way to meet your challenge.
Use your brain.
But I didn’t invite you to say that through the server. Which is what you’re trying to say, that I said.
You invited yourself.
Something about not being cute and you’re just sad etc
It wasn’t really a challenge to begin with. That’s you taking what I actually mean out of context, then trying to tell me what context I actually meant.