X-45 Heartbreaker

I just logged in and got it on my first try.

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Someone in the other thread got both the rocket and new mount at the same time from their first run. Maybe they increased the drop chances even more if they changed the system again. I did not get either.

That quote is about the Love Wtich’s Sweeper mount, not the X-45.

This is what is messing with players heads now…read the tool tip now it says this “Contains Love Tokens with a chance of other prizes. The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards”

Now tell me that is not a messed up bunch of words word salad now…

Yes, that’s why I quoted it below this statement:

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You posted this when the event had only been active for 2hrs 45 minutes.

Pressing X to doubt.


Right, the cap is per server, despite what the support article says.

This is what is messing with players heads now…read the tool tip now it says this “Contains Love Tokens with a chance of other prizes. The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards”

Now tell me that is not a messed up bunch of words word salad now…

The wording was only for the new mount, so we don’t really know what’s up.

Personally I think for visual clarity they should change the color of any reward box to green in any case where there’s a once per day/week/whatever warband restriction.

Do they really expect very many people will even read the tooltip? Changing a reward box from epic to green on top of the tooltip changes is a much stronger visual indicator that nothing special can come out of the box after your first run, if that’s the case. IE: your first run has an epic box and then all your alts only see a green box

Maybe it was satire to try to point out a flaw in Blizzard not clarifying how rare drops work.

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The first box you open per day from the event has an increased chance of dropping the mount (and I guess there is a new mount that got added to the event because i just got it on my paladin)

Any subsequent boxes opened per day can drop the mount but at the original drop rate

See this I can understand better that bloody mess they have wrote up on the tool tip now…that tool tip reads to me like Word Salad…

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Just to wrap this conversation up (unfortunately):

Running alts will not give you a greater chance whatsoever in getting the mount. Only your first daily attempt per battle.net account will have any impact on both the mount drop itself, and the baked in “luck protection”.

Good luck all. I’ve already failed today.


This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed this with Blizzard. Their descriptions are kind of vague.

Your damn right on that now with them…you’d think they bloody learn not to write stuff like this now and cause others to wonder now…

Ah, they should edit the 2024 update into the 2023 thread or lock it.

I think making the chests green after you’ve done it for the day would also help a lot since not everyone reads the forums or the tooltips.

did they write something new?

because all i did was essentially cherry pick from the drop changes they announced in 2023

It would be nice if someone who has gotten the mount today could clarify if they did on an alt or not. A blue post would be better but I’ve lost hope on that.


I am going by the tool tip …I posted…the way it reads to me is there is still a chance of drops but with lower rates then your first try of the day…

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You might have better luck on X with a CS Blizzard tag getting any help on how this messed up tool tip is confusing to some…