X-45 Heartbreaker

I’m still hoping for it. I’m still trying to get the mount.

I don’t do twitter, for obvious reasons. I refuse to call it X also.

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I have the Love Rocket I got it 3 years ago…I thought was done with this event this year too but low and behold they added a new mount and new battle pet …so here I am running my army of alts…

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LOL that is alright most times I still call it Twitter …

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What the nelly

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that is correct.

Your first run of the day per day has an increased chance.

Any subsequent run per daythe box can still drop it, but it’s at the original drop rate.

I’m a little lost as to what/how you’re confused by this

Dang Kennie you’ve got some damn achievement points there…Good lord…never seen one that high before…

Nowhere does it say this, aside from the old blue post in 2023.

Please read the new post:


I contacted technical support, and they replied that I should keep killing the boss until the mount drops.


lol what 10char

You’re not understanding the adjusted language on the box that is new this year. Last year it didn’t say anything about once per warband. Last year in the holiday announcement they mentioned the first drop is higher chance, but this year they did not.

Nobody has found the love rocket on their non first kill this year which leads me to believe it’s only one chance per day. You can get a epic box from subsequent kills but it will only contain potions/candy/coins not any blue or epic rewards typically found off the bosses.


Funny enough is there are more rocket mounts coming. Someday. :crystal_ball::robot:


Was about to say this. It is no different than the Direbrew keg for the Kodo/Ram, or the HH mount.

(wishes everyone luck in getting the little pink rocket mount!
