X-45 Heartbreaker needs to go on the vendor

Fixed it for you. Personally, I rather have the vendor sell a Two Person mount as it fits the theme of the holiday better.

nothing needs to go anywhere. you’re upset you didn’t get trash. but there’s tons of trash no one is getting. if the rocket needs to go on the vendor so does invincilbe and the undercity plaguebat.

Absolutely time to put some rare holiday items on the vendor (Rocket, Horseman’s mount, etc). I don’t think any holiday items should be boss drop-only for more than, like, three years. Three years is MORE than enough time to make a new drop item (mount, saddle, toy, whatever) and the old item should then go on the vendor for a lot of holiday currency. It is INSANE that we have items like the rocket that people have been farming for over A DECADE. That’s nuts! Horrible design. It’s a freakin’ holiday, Blizz.


A lot of the posts on this thread are legitimately showing mental illness.


Man I can’t imagine losing mental health over this ugly mount. That’s intense.

Holy moly op achievement points are an achievement of their own!

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I got mine today, minimum effort. Honestly didnt expect to get it. Got the broom a few days ago. But I didn’t get any loot in a TWW dungeon I went through last week. I’ve still never seen the Time-Lost Protodrake or Aeonaxx.

There’s still time but I agree that it’s not worthwhile queueing more than once a day.

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People who have the mount> The rarity is fine.
People who don’t have the mount> The rarity is ridiculous.

Both have a point.

What’s the bad luck protection? The 2nd day in a row it goes to a 1/2999 chance, third 1/2998 chance, etc.

I got it after platooning about 8 alts on day 3 this year… I also got the witch mount in a double drop.

Very lucky tbh.

outside bad, big yellow ball burn

If this is actually happening it’s a personal thing not a game thing, no one forces anyone to do this and worse than that the only run that really counts like counts is the first one of the day anything besides that is kind of shooting yourself in the foot because the chance of it dropping is massively lower like it was originally anyway so unless luck is on your side it’s pointless.

Seriously either you get lucky or you don’t, it’s not that deep.

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Sure, It’s a personal problem but who created this massive issue, Reward Devs.

Chimes acknowledge this issue back in 2022 when they started to change it, because it was even worse that now, however; I think that this kind of threads are needed, so maybe Reward Devs finally decide to address holidays with good rewards that are behind a challenge, a questline…etc and it’s a celebration of the event instead of 15 days of attempts if you only do the 1 attempt that you don’t know the drop % or the increase %.

Also, Devs could just remove the option to drop in alts but they didn’t proceed with that :man_shrugging:

In my opinion, Devs should provided a good experience, it’s a game, I’m glad difficulty increase but this should bring some kind of BLP.

A lot of players are frustated because even if the drop % is 99%, you could hit that 1% of bad luck for years, we don’t know anything, like if the increase per day resets every year :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.

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It comes back to that people are making the choice to do this all day long if they do so that’s on them no one else, could droprates be better maybe but making a personal decision to put yourself through that and then complaining about it is kind of laughable.

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True but as game designer, you should worry of this kind of issues, because you get a sample of players that eventually will burn out themselves and leave the game.

Also, this provides a bad image of the game with massive RNG, compared to other games with pretty cool rewards behind a straight forward questline with boss fights…etc


I legit see this as a nonissue because I got the pink rocket first time on this toon a couple years ago and then the pink broom first time this year on this one, as I said before they have went on the record that the key is the first run per day anything past that is someone just putting themselves through hell for no reason but again that’s a personal choice and anyone is free to do that if they want to but shouldn’t complain about it after the fact.

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Sure, but that’s your good luck, It could take 10+ years even with these changes doing just the 1 attempt per day to someone else, if there’s not an article that mention that your increase % doesn’t reset and eventually hit 100% drop as BLP, then it’s pure RNG all the time.

And I’m talking about someone that takes your approach, that’s why a vendor or some kind of better BLP matters for the players that really want these rewards for any reason.

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Oh I had run it many times before the increase and I did it on my alts as well but I did that by choice because again that’s what it comes down to is choice and after the increase yes I got lucky but lots of other people have as well I literally said in my first post in this thread that it depends if luck is on your side.

I have followed what Blizzard has said that first run is the high chance after that anything after that is pretty much blah.

Blizzard hands out more than enough things like candy they don’t have to do it with every thing.

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It doesn’t have to be like candy, example the book mount that requires all the mage towers.

It just need to be a reward that you can accomplish without being a massive RNG, even if they lock everyone behind 1 attempt per day, the threads will never end because someoe will get stuck with bad luck. I’m currently trying for both mounts and the love armor…still nothing. :man_shrugging:

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Lots of mounts are like this though, do people not kill world NPC’s or raid bosses or something after the fact because nothing is ever usually 100% it’s not like this is new or different or something this mount just happened to have a much lower chance than others which a couple years back was upped on first try of the day, key being first try of the day.

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Sure but most of those mounts aren’t tie to a limited event and you can handle those with alts with same % drop per attempt, In this case yes the first try of the day matters more and the other ones are still relevant but its a big gamble, the key about this one compared to other drops is the limited time per year.

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