New in 2025, the ability to get the drop on a fresh level 10 allied race character with 5 accounts under one bnet queing simultaneously is PEAK degenerate gameplay. The wowhead comment section on the X-45 when sorted by newest is flooded with the most heinous accounts of people making up to 520 attempts per day queing completely solo for hours per day to end the decades old quest to get this ridiculously sadistic drop.
This mount is anti-social, people are queing completely solo because it is most effective.
People are completely losing their mental health over this mount due specifically to the reported 1/3000 drop rate.
This thing, and all other limited time holiday items really need to go on a vendor going forward. There is so much to enjoy in this game and whatever this is supposed to be isn’t it.
Edit: this community is wild. I’m not doing this personally, I just doing my first attempt per day because a 1/3000 chance is abusive. These forums are so full of terminally online people just looking for their chance to take a fellow player down a peg. “You’re a loser because you like wow more than me!”, crazy. What a fun holiday, really bringing people together.
Have you tried going outside?
No, it’s okay to have rare things.
It did take me 15 years to get it so, you got ways to go
I got mine last year, on my main, first day of the event.
Some mounts should be ultra rare and the Big Love Rocket is one of them. If people are losing their mental health over this mount, thats the users fault, not Blizzards
No one makes these people farm the mount hundreds of times a day, they do that to them selves.
I used to run 15 characters a week through ICC for years until I realised I was wasting my time. Then I just did one character when ever I felt like doing it… and Invincible dropped.
When I stopped actively farming and started playing the game and not worrying about rare drop mounts the game became fun again.
And final point, did you know that IF the mount drops for you… literally no one else will care. This isnt the WotLK days where mounts had a prestige to them. No one will care, no one will whisper you and blow smoke up your booty. I gurantee that when it does drop, you will fill empty and you will fill that void with another rare drop mount to farm hundreds of times a week
Youre a junky and when you do get your hit, you will look somewhere else for a new one
Agree with the OP.
Either that or it needs to work like the broom where it can only drop on the first character you run it on per day with bad luck protection.
Well, Love Tokens are Warbound now, so all you’d have to do is make as many level 10 alts as you need and queue up for the dungeon over and over.
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i was all for it being on the vendor until it dropped for me
it shouldnt go on a vendor
There were a lot of these posts before I got it, and I still thought it was a bad idea. If it was on a vendor it would take away what’s made it worth getting all these years. That it was rare.
I got it this year finally after doing it every year on my 10 chars. It would never have felt the same if I just bought it from a vendor. Some mounts are okay to be rare, i think they should increase the drop rate yearly for people who have been going for it for a long time.
I.e every year you participate you go up a percentage or something.
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I got both on my first run I don’t see the issue.
You know what Blizzard thinks of that?
They LITERALLY doubled down and added ANOTHER mount altogether to the same event, that doesn’t drop either.
That’s what they think of that.
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There have been a few things over the last 5-8 years that have made me almost cry out for help, a mount in a video game was not one of them.
It’s -30 C / -22 F outside. So not really.
There’s no grass to touch outside since it’s under 4 feet of snow. No point.
Also going to an arboretum is 100% cheating.
Get real, no one’s going out in those conditions who don’t have to.
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Don’t worry it will be on a vendor soon enough. Trust me. Within a year or two MS is going monetize the hell out of this game. I am betting Trader’s Tenders are on the market before next x-pack drops. Blizzard doesn’t care about rare drops and special butterflies anymore. Look at all the twitch drops over the last year or so.