X-45 Heartbreaker needs to go on the vendor

So what it really is, is what I said that you figure everyone should have it which bring me back to that it should be handed out like candy, got it.

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Everyone should eventually reach that goal, it doesn’t have to be easy but that’s my point regarding BLP. Also, check how holidays are handle in similar MMORPG like FF14

I hate how FF14 is in most cases so the last thing I want is WoW to be more like that game.

Sorry but I think some things in the game being somewhat rare is fine, more and more people will have the pink rocket with time and unless someone is like me where they actually like pink and pink mounts it will be another one added to numbers so yeah.

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They could add it for 10000 tokens keeping it rare, rare is just a matter of perspective.

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Change the outlook on why you are here.

I go to see the drama of tanks that are dps, heals that are tanks (or dps). and the dps going…if I don’t have defensives on the bar now would be a good time for it.

This entertains me.

I broke it up this year. I fail at cata’s version.

The luck I had with headless horseman…did not repeat. I got that like my 2nd run in classic a few years ago.

Oh snap! I didn’t even notice till you pointed it out. That’s impressive. I wonder if the OP is competing with that guy who posted on the wow subreddit recently showing off his 100% mount collection. :grimacing:

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It’s this kind of massive boost to engagement that ensures it will always remain a super rare drop. It’s got one purpose, and so long as people throw everything into trying to win it, Blizzard considers that a success.

This is also a thing. There’s definitely some people in this thread who have the mount and want it to remain a very low drop rate expressly because it gives their mount that much more value to them by denying it to others. Which is understandable to a certain degree.

It’s really no different to the mop world boss mounts debacle/exploit that occurred during the DF prepatch.

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True, It took me almost 8k attempts for the Sha mount, then that bug happens almost 1 year later, I don’t care about other players collections, I care about mine and I only felt angry toward devs for not implementing a BLP or better drop rate years ago…Instead we needed a bug.

Rarity is a matter of each player perspective and there’s some players that will defend this annoying massive RNG drops and bad gameplay.

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Just curious… Do you actually own the mount?

And nothing is stopping you. Go get it.

Here’s your logic: I was born rich, my daddy gave me lots of money, connections and opportunities. Anyone not born rich, that’s their problem. If you don’t like being poor then just be born rich instead otherwise stop complaining.

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My logic is that sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don’t if luck is on your side you’ll get the mount or mounts and if not then you keep trying, not everyone is lucky that way that doesn’t mean it needs to be handed out like candy because more than enough mounts and other things are like that in game anyway.

Sounds more to me like you are the one expecting it to just be handed to you easily instead of having to put in the time and effort so yeah.

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There are currently no other mounts like this. This is misinfo.

The rocket has a 1/3333 chance to drop. You are more likely to die this year than you are to get the rocket to drop.

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You have higher drop chance first kill every day and that is added to every time you don’t get it, you aren’t gonna convince me to support you wanting a freebie mount just because you happen to have bad luck.

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The rocket does not have bad luck protection. Say something true or go back to bluesky.

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Wow you really don’t read what blues say do you.

I guess more reason not to actually take your dumb vendor idea seriously, thanks for that though so I won’t waste any more time replying to you.

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