X-45 Heartbreaker Mount Drop Rate Increase

ohhh that’s why my alt warlock whom I only log for the event had 97 tokens on day 1, I thought that was strange. thanks for this! I guess in checks calendar 10 years I can buy the boat.

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0/91 attempts this week. I really find this event depressing.


Depression is in the air…Same.

I hope Council receives a response on this, I got the instance limite 4 times during my love rocket runs…If Devs don’t want to add a better approach with bad luck protection…at least let us do it better.


When I first saw this ‘solution’, I absolutely hated it and still do. Every character should have an equal chance at the mount. The person who logs into 20+ characters per day to kill the boss should have 20x the chance of getting the mount than the guy who logs in on one toon and just runs it once. Instead, it’s like the person with 20 toons gets a 1.01x chance of getting the mount over the guy with just 1 toon.

If the goal is to make players feel like they don’t have to level an army of alts to get this mount, then they should have made the box drop on the first kill of that account ONLY. I’d much rather know that there’s 0% chance of getting the mount if I run it on my alts than get strung along into believing that there’s still a shot after getting nothing on the first box.



I think Chimes just forgott about this topic or he doesn’t care anymore…He mentioned doing as many runs as possible as not a great experience…then proceed to keep the event like this.

“Right now, if you want to maximize your chance of getting the mount, it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.

Devs that don’t understand their playerbase.


Really disappointed in chimes. He has had two years to respond to HIS post but has ignored us. He absolutely knows this thread is here.

And chimes in still running my alts daily thru this event and not having any fun at all


It’s pathetic.

Also, the people who I see get it literally EVERY TIME are people who have almost no mount Feats of Strength and who don’t farm it. I’m almost convinced there’s some code that detects if you’ve farmed it other than the first attempt and lowers your chances or something.

The LEAST they could do is say “This is how it’s going to be forever. Don’t bother trying to think of solutions of expect any changes for another 14 years” or something.

Honestly I’m at the point where I might just stop playing. What’s the point when no matter how much effort you put in, you never get what you’ve been trying for but everyone else gets it without any effort? Plus, I know it’s not happening this year. I’d literally bet $1,000 on it.

It’s so typical that the 3 of us haven’t got it again this year.


I feel exactly the same way, after todays run through of my 68 toons across 2 accounts i honestly am about to throw in the towel. With this event with this mount and with WoW.

Was thinking of cancelling both my subs.

It pisses me off no end that this “change” to drpp rates literally benefits those who don’t want the mount don’t care about the mount and who put in no effort.

For YEARS i have literally changed my playstyle to add tons of new characters, at first just having a big collection and then when blizzard moved the goalposts and only allowed those who are the level cap and 10 levels under, i did that too. Leveling up every toon i possibly could. Making sure to have an alt army to get this thing.

I literally spend hours every single day of the event and have done so for years.

I have thousands and thousands of attempts. My rarity addon broke at some point a few years ago but i can say with certainty my attempts would be over at least 6000 attempts.

All these hours spent, pouring time in to leveling characters, getting more characters, getting a second account, hours and hours everyday year after year.

Well done blizzard, you broke me. I think im done, with the whole game and this bs RNG system where hard work is rewarded in some aspects (like pvp or raiding) but hard work is crapped all over in others (collecting) DESPITE us putting in the SAME crazy hours as pvpers or raiders.

The fact that timmy 2 times can get it on his second attempt and im here with thousands of attemps, hundreds of hours wasted and nothing to show for it and no guarantee in the form of bad luck protection?

Yeh. Im done. Good luck everyone else :rocket:

P.S to not just rant i wanted to add something constructive, not that blizzard ever listen to constructive but here goes.
Theres a LOT that can be done to improve this holiday for collectors whislt still maintaining the rarity that blizzard seem so intent on preserving, such as;

Make us be able to que repeatly on the SAME character as many times as we like for the duration of the event without daily lockouts and hourly lockouts.

Give us bad luck protection in the form of when we have hit the 3333 runs (or whatever the 1 in whatever drop rate is) we have enough tokens to buy the mount

Let second linked accounts be eligible for the increased first daily chance. If we are paying full prices for the game and sub WHY did you think it was a good idea to treat it as account wide??? If we are paying double then we should get double the chance.


Well… my first boxes last week had a greatly increased having candies :rofl:

do you think they really care how you feel?

I’m sure people are gonna mock you and say “Cry more” etc but I won’t. I understand how you feel, and although I have about half the time you’ve put into it, I still try really hard every event to get my characters up to whatever new goalpost level Blizzard have decided on, have characters on realms that are purely for getting around the hourly lockout who I never use because all my resources are on my main realm, and run every single toon I have every year regardless of what else I might have going on.

One thing which I read on Wowhead recently - if you’re using 2 accounts within the same Battle.net, try to queue them both up together so they get their Heart-Shaped Box at the same time. This is POTENTIALLY a path to getting multiple “first day” boxes, since they’ll be given at the exact same time and it’s the box itself, not the opening of the box, that has the “first time boost” chance.

I’m using 3x accounts, but all separate Battle.nets because I made them specifically for this event. But you’re right, it’s ridiculous that you pay the same money but don’t get the boosted chance within the same Bnet.

I think I’m gonna take a break until, at minimum, Season 4. This year has been worse than last, and just absolutely full of people getting it who have 1-2 mount achievements and only do the event a few times throughout the whole thing and it’s beyond frustrating. Whereas those of us who have been posting on here for multiple years about this mount, who actually want it for it’s own sake and not as some “Look what I have that you don’t” or just as a +1 just get nothing time and time again.

I know no one cares, and I’m just venting into the void but oh well. Maybe the people who laugh will have something they want denied to them for close to a decade and suddenly realize it’s not actually that amusing.


I’ve run this 14 times a day since it started this year, and the quote really should say:

  • “Any subsequent Heart-Shaped Boxes you earn on your characters after the first each day won’t drop the mount at the previous, original rate.”

The original rate never dropped it, so the alts will likely never see it, but I feel compelled to run it anyway, when it doesn’t drop on the first run. So far, not getting the mount is still the norm for me.

0/3 of my 3 first tries this reset, only a few days to go and it’s pretty obvious it’s not happening this year.

I’m genuinely going to save like $10 a week for the next year and put it all into subscriptions next January and get as many Level 70s as that’ll get me. And if that doesn’t work, then I’m swearing it right now that I will quit this game forever. I don’t have it in me to spend like several hundred dollars and NOT get the Rocket. Well, maybe I’ll do 10 accounts - that’s like $260 here so I’d only need to save $5 a week, that’s doable.

I am now on try 106 this year so far with no luck.

I haven’t been counting, I found it really depressing to count last year. I don’t even know exactly how many alts I have atm, I know it’s between 26 and 28 xD

I’m THIS close to doing another account right now and quickly boosting another toon. I’d still get 5 more 1% chances and that’s starting to look like a good deal, although I really wish I’d done 5 accounts to start with. I really really thought 3 would be enough.

i’ve got a 60 and a 70 boost just sitting there, but i know it’s a waste to blow them on characters i don’t want.

so i’m not going to do it.

i’m half-way through todays runs.
i need to go to bed (aussie)

it’s just a bit embarrassing, because:

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ’

Kiwi here. I know the feeling.

I’m gonna do the 4th account I think and just stay up late to get a 60 boosted up. There’s like 7 more chances, that’s an extra 7% chance with a 4th account… It’ll be1000% worth it if it drops.

I mean, that’s not how percent chance works, but I digress.
I’ll continue running my 14 a day, unless one of them gets it.

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There’s 7 days left in the holiday…and buying extra accounts just for one mount is totally nutso.

Well, you don’t have to “buy” accounts anymore. Accounts are free. You just have to pay for game time.

And I don’t disagree, buuut when you’ve farmed something for 8 years and you don’t want to go for a 9th then you sometimes get a little nutso.