You know I’ve been playing this game for over 13 years now and have collected a little over 700 unique mounts and one my favorite mounts and color combinations is black and blue with the “Infinite Timereaver” and ever since it was released in WoD I made it a goal to try to farm it as it was my favorite mount in the game at the time and still is one of my top 5.
Fast forward to early-mid BFA I installed rarity (great addon btw) and currently sit at 2171 kills of this writing (which I know is not a lot for some who even have over 10k attempts) since then not counting the hundreds of kills I have had before installing it in the years I’ve farmed this mount I’ve only seen 2 drop.
So why this post? I don’t know, just a vent/rant yeah I may not have as many attempts as other which if your counting total times of seeing it drop just do the math plus the 4 others in there with you and you get where I’m going with this.
We got the X-45 Heartbreaker buffed despite being a 2 week event a year( still in the no rocket club) we got World Boss mount drop rates increased(Thanks Evokers) and still we have the “Infinite Timereaver” still in its current state ever since it was released.
We all have heard the stories “I didn’t know it existed and I got it”, “Wow this is my first ever timewalking” or “Just do the weekly and don’t get burnt out” I tried to make the farm “worth it” to farm it I made a timewalking set on my paladin to make it go by faster which is great I run my guildies through it faster so they can get there normal gear which is nice for them( I’m the timewalking guy to them) and seeing them get heroic these timewalking weeks has been great and I use my extra badges to make corehound mounts buying mats when legion timewalking is up.
So here we are its 2023 there’s still people out there like myself who still farm this mount some more then others and Dragonflight has been one the best QoL expacs in a long time I would really like if there was an alternative to farming this mount or increased chance whether is was a raw increase or first dungeon of the day kind of deal like the X-45 just something to give a bit of hope. Yeah rare mounts are nice and all but this is an 8 year mount that’s only farmable ever 2ish weeks and as someone who works 12 hour shift on nights and days some weeks I don’t get a chance to put in as many attempts as I like.
If you have made it this far reading I appreciate it I wish you all a good luck in your future mount farms and hope maybe someday this mount gets a bit easier to obtain in some sort. See you all in 10.1 Cheers