Infinite Timereaver or Infinite Timewaster?

You know I’ve been playing this game for over 13 years now and have collected a little over 700 unique mounts and one my favorite mounts and color combinations is black and blue with the “Infinite Timereaver” and ever since it was released in WoD I made it a goal to try to farm it as it was my favorite mount in the game at the time and still is one of my top 5.

Fast forward to early-mid BFA I installed rarity (great addon btw) and currently sit at 2171 kills of this writing (which I know is not a lot for some who even have over 10k attempts) since then not counting the hundreds of kills I have had before installing it in the years I’ve farmed this mount I’ve only seen 2 drop.

So why this post? I don’t know, just a vent/rant yeah I may not have as many attempts as other which if your counting total times of seeing it drop just do the math plus the 4 others in there with you and you get where I’m going with this.

We got the X-45 Heartbreaker buffed despite being a 2 week event a year( still in the no rocket club) we got World Boss mount drop rates increased(Thanks Evokers) and still we have the “Infinite Timereaver” still in its current state ever since it was released.

We all have heard the stories “I didn’t know it existed and I got it”, “Wow this is my first ever timewalking” or “Just do the weekly and don’t get burnt out” I tried to make the farm “worth it” to farm it I made a timewalking set on my paladin to make it go by faster which is great I run my guildies through it faster so they can get there normal gear which is nice for them( I’m the timewalking guy to them) and seeing them get heroic these timewalking weeks has been great and I use my extra badges to make corehound mounts buying mats when legion timewalking is up.

So here we are its 2023 there’s still people out there like myself who still farm this mount some more then others and Dragonflight has been one the best QoL expacs in a long time I would really like if there was an alternative to farming this mount or increased chance whether is was a raw increase or first dungeon of the day kind of deal like the X-45 just something to give a bit of hope. Yeah rare mounts are nice and all but this is an 8 year mount that’s only farmable ever 2ish weeks and as someone who works 12 hour shift on nights and days some weeks I don’t get a chance to put in as many attempts as I like.

If you have made it this far reading I appreciate it I wish you all a good luck in your future mount farms and hope maybe someday this mount gets a bit easier to obtain in some sort. See you all in 10.1 Cheers


I got it on my first. Sucks to suck.


I just saw it drop for someone. First time.

I’ve seen 4 drop in total, and I’ve received 1 of them.

Anywho, I actually kind of hate mount Andies. Well, not even kind of, I think mount Andies are a blight on this game, trying to suck all joy out of the game in pursuit of growing a number that will simply cause them to quit if they ever reach 100%.

I personally adore that there are still things in this game that when they happen they’re a big exciting moment. True evergreen impactful moments. I can basically only take satisfaction that OP has lost as there is no real middle ground. You, OP, should never get your way. I really can’t state enough how good it is that you are not getting what you want.


The best thing about the mount is that it dropped even if you dont know anything about it.

And it happened to me. We killed the 3rd Boss and something epic dropped on me. I didnt pay attention as the group continued to go for the next boss. I realized the mount only after the dungeon run. I was just trying to get TImewalking currency to buy a mount and the Infinite Timereaver was just a bonus drop.

Nope, I would never farm for mount. It drops when it drops. I got the Ancient Salamander too. It just dropped. I also bought the Noble Bruffalon after making 3x Onyx Rings in Forbidden Reach. I also got free Hailstorm Armoredon after gearing up to ilevel 406 thru M+. Gear is needed to be able to be invited for Heroic Raz kill group. Unfortunately, there’s no mount on AoTC. But I had fun doing it. Got the Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power recipe instead. That works.

Dropped for me last week in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds

The rocket is a once a year event - it was good to see it buffed - TW occurs several times a year, and you can run as much or as little of it as you want. I don’t see why it needs a buff, but I also wouldn’t lose any sleep if it was put on the vendor for 5k badges like the other mounts.

I also have this mount, because RNG being kind is RNG.

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Id really like to be able to buy it with badges, slap some absurd amount like 50k badges and just let me buy it. Every time it drops i get messaged about it dropping, usually by the ‘didnt even know about it’ crew or worse the ‘you been farming this for years right?’ friends.

The least blizzard could do is remove the lvl 60 and 180 ilvl req’s to queue for tw so i can one again level alts the entire time in tw.

Ill get it one day, 50% drop rate - it either drops or it doesnt!!

Edit: For any devs reading this while giggling at absurd drop rates, i found some nice wowhead comments.

17446 attempts later, still have not gotten this mount. I still remember the day it was released, my mate got it on our second dungeon off one of the bosses in the Black Morass. That was 8 years ago and he has since quit the game, and I’m starting to wish I had followed him.”

"So from Legion until the beginning of Shadowlands, I didn’t have attempts tracked for this mount. We can assume it around a thousand though.
Then, during Shadowlands I started putting in some effort to getting this mount and running Timewalking a lot more than I had before.
However, towards the end of Shadowlands I decided that I REALLY was going to go after it , so I built myself a Timewalking set on my Paladin and got to work, this time actively tracking the attempts each Timewalking.

I plan to keep this post updated until I finally get it, just for fun. You can assume there’s another several hundred, maybe 1,000 uncounted attempts on top of this but it doesn’t really matter.

15/11/2022, end of MoP timewalking (and final TW of Shadowlands): 1002 attempts (I noticed some confusion - this includes all my SL attempts up to this point but not any before SL)
10/1/2023, end of WoD timewalking (and first TW of Dragonflight and 2023): 1217 attempts.
31/1/2023, end of Legion timewalking: 1389 attempts.
21/02/2023, end of TBC timewalking: 1551 attempts
13/03//2023 - WOTLK timewalking: 1856 attempts AND ITS MINE. But it didn’t actually drop FOR ME - my friend was doing his weekly on his alt and we ended up doing the optional/hidden boss in Gundrak just me and him at the end after everyone left. And it dropped for him and I was like OMFG. And he goes “your lucky night” and opens trade, the mad man.

So a huge thank you to my friend Nights - I’ll be doing everything I possibly can to pay him back, but until then he owns my soul."


Wowhead Andies crack me up.

I got it last week, keep grinding my dude

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Once again, I come to you… Blizzard employees that are reading, to ask this:


If you have killed a boss 100 times, you should be able to “unlock” a currency with 100% drop chance that allows you to buy the mount you are trying to get.

It is 2023 and the game is 20 years old. We do NOT need to gate people from rewards behind RNG. I think they have played the content long enough to deserve the reward by now.


Like most of the other people in this thread, OP, I came here to tell you to quit your job and play WoW full time.

Only then can you be as successful as we, the elite, are.

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Seriously. Just put it on the vendors for 25k badges, or something. Enough of this 0.01% drop rate nonsense.


ive seen 3 drop in its entire lifetime and 2 of them were within a week. its so much more stressful to see it drop and not get it than to just not get it. badluck protection doesnt exist for mounts

I didn’t even loot in the last time walking. Logged back in a few days later and it was in my mail lol!

Got it on my 2nd run, didn’t even want it. I’d trade it for Invincible or the Antorus one.

You come off trying to sound intelligent but your whole post is emotionally based at it’s foundation lol why do you care so much my g?


Why do I care that someone wants to suck fun out of a game I play for fun?

Is this a real question?

The best part about this mount is getting it when you least expect it.
