Wyrmrest World PvP

That’s actually a really great idea. Communities do work cross servers and could be a good way to coordinate.

Not sure if there’s a way to moderate to make sure that when you’re in the heat of things someone from the other faction getting in and snitching.

That’s the only draw back I can consider atm since it’s also allow cross faction.

Well cross faction is optional, so we can just turn that off. If this does get off the ground and wants to developed to a more organized fashion, sure we can make a 3rd community (probably a discord would be more appropriate) for cross faction RP-PvP planning.

I dont think there is ever really a way to moderate out any potential snitches. It always been a ‘problem,’ even way back when of people using two accounts to /who zones, guilds, people, ect, or when Real ID (wow Im old) came out asking your friends on the other faction to /who people for you, even follow them around, and get all your info that way. Its just something you work with and accept. There will always be that one person, or those few, that will pull every string to learn everything and try and counter it. Its fine, it happens, but its not a pervasive issue that needs to truly be accounted for.

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True that

whatever y’all decide thow happy to drop my horde priest in for pvp funsies.

Is Horde on WrA really that outnumbered by Alliance on MG?
I had always thought WrA Hordeside was massive and equal but I guess it makes sense, I know a lot of Alliance WrA moved over to MG.

If so I’m not above selling my services. I’ll even throw in a little extra for the right price :kissing_heart:

Any and all are welcome to join the ancient, venerated, historical HordePvP community.

This community has been around for years. Great heroes and local legends have been in this channel. It is so old, it was around before communities were even a thing. Leadership was passed to me when most everyone departed.

But we can bring those times back! join me here: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/k3mA7IglP?region=US&faction=Horde

Also discord because we are cool: https://discord.gg/3G7nH3HB

For the Horde!


tbh those times I dipped into WM on my Alliance characters it always felt lopsided but it was usually because I got swarmed by a mob with one or two WRA or MG people in it with 20+ randos from Tich, Area 52, Illidan, Destromath and Proudmore.

My experience is I’m almost never outnumbered by people from WRA or MG but randos pulled in from somewhere else.

I just started leveling one of my alliance alts. halfway to level 61, I’ve already looted 6 crates. Each one had 10+ alliance at them and I have only seen 2 horde in the world (at the first quest hub in waking shore). I’ll have enough bloody coins and honor for a full set of gear the minute I ding 70 just from all of the uncontested chests I can loot while leveling. And I’m getting 20% xp/rep bonus and access to against overwhelming odds weekly on top of it. I’ve never experienced ez mode quite like this lmao

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I’d be so down for a cross-server community. My main PvP character is currently on MG Horde.

I have been having an absolute blast with PvP this expansion. I’m a filthy casual, so like, nothin’ serious. We’re super outnumbered in the world which is a problem, but I think the bigger problem is sharding, as talked about above.

Like, there’s dope Vulpera and Blood Elf themed PvP guilds. Even Tauren. Ain’t seen nobody in War Mode. Been doing it all weekend…ran into a couple Horde in the Waking Shores that had a truce to kill a mob. And that’s it. It’s bloody wild.

I get sharding, cause honestly I’m not sure if it wouldn’t just swing the other way if it were WrA only and I don’t want that either…so I don’t know what the solution is.

More Lok’tar, I guess.


Yeah, I like WPVP:

((JKing, I actually do like city defending, thats about it.))

Yeah its crazy how outnumbered I am in War Mode. You think more Horde would be the warmongering combative faction RP wise.

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With the exception of a few buttlords who are present across all games and all factions, the Horde PvPers you love to see on the field tend to only come out when the fight is exciting, which is hard to come by when it’s so one-sided.

But that’s what Moon Guard’s into, baby.

Just wanted to stop by and say I recognized you Sandswept. I’ve seen your name on the world map a few times since DF released with bounties. I don’t see a lot of horde bounties so when the same name pops up over and over it makes it easier to remember them. I hope you can encourage more horde to join wpvp!

/cheers and happy holidays

Unfortunately, roleplay servers and Wpvp is pretty much dead due to sharding.

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There are just too many Alliance for me to be able to handle. I’ve tried but it’s the gangs of Alliance(Never even wyrmrest alliance.) that camp the hell out of me. Not much I feel like I can do so I just don’t bother.


Maybe it’s just a grass-is-greener thing but I really feel like MG Alliance has become exponentially more aggressive over the last few expansions.

I really wish WrA had a larger PVP community like it did several years ago. Specifically in the WPVP department. Instanced PVP is fine but it felt so rare finding people out in the world with war mode on that were actually from the server. The days of raiding alliance capitals with Stormwind Embassy, and organized large scaped WPVP events are long gone. Last time I played on this server people would be so against the idea that it bordered on being obnoxious and hostile whenever it happened.

I want to hope that that can change, but I think enough people that are actively invested in it either moved to other servers, or simply remain confined to their own small groups and limit themselves to instanced PVP like battlegrounds or arenas. Pockets still exist, sure. But in my experience for DF has been an overwhelmingly outnumbered Horde for the sharded zones. People are much less likely to leave WM on if they know they’re outnumbered unfortunately.


I think some of the opposition to PvP back in the day had to do with PvPers trying to attack repeatedly in SW or Org. That’s the last I remember of any real complaints because it was disruptive to RP.

Past that, the WPvP crowd has mostly retired from the game, and others who were Horde went Alliance a few years back when the stats were better for Ally chars. I think that, combined with the velf race being popular skewed the population. All of this has to do with why there’s so little Horde representation in warmode. My guild didn’t level together, so only a couple of us put it on and we didn’t leave it on. PvP when it’s even or close to even is fun. Getting ganked by a zerg is a waste of time.

Definitely miss the horde wpvp action. Always seemed to be teeming with horde in wm back when I mained alli in SL and even after I swapped back to maining horde. My SO and I still run with WM on 24/7 despite being outnumbered because it’s funny how many it can take to wipe out two measly Horde :joy:
I never let the hope die that Horde side in WM will return to what it was! Hopefully a solution is found. :heart: