Hey, if you are ever in need of a WPVP budy count me in
I don’t usually read 80 post plus threads about ostensibly a complaint about the game, but I was drawn into this topic that’s so close to my gamer-heart. I played vanilla on Mannoroth, a big pvp realm in its time, before transferring to Emerald Dream soon after. I even snagged the coveted name Adonis when blood elves were announced on that server. I spent WotLK on MG, where most of my playtime there was spent between Wintergrasp and RP.
Some of my favorite memories since then have been in the first few weeks after an expansion launch when populations were booming and groups were common, and we’d scourge the questing zones doing battle.
I’ve gotten soft since then; I didn’t even turn pvp on once in DF. There’s apparently people who do it at all times, and I still run around blue flagged to not be inconvenienced!?
No more.
I want to turn WM on now. Not just for the thrill (my wyvern swooping down when I summon it only finally stopped freaking me out), or for the rewards (wait, does blizz care about wpvp?), but because I want to meet this players who do it, IC and OOC.
Thanks for all the attention people have given this post. I think I’ve been reborn.
Doing WPvP is like having a second source of PvP gear. Got my conquest weapon from conquest, then got marks of strife to get another piece of gear that would be an upgrade in PvP at an almost comparable level so… Yeah, WPvP is a possible alternative to gearing or if anything, would actually be behind the gear curve until everyone is max conquest by not doing WPvP.
Plus, it gives a bit of practice to slap things around with. If you end up grouping up, there would be a lot of scourging to be had, there happens to be an excess of Alliance targets to blast.
New to WrA and warmode here seems to be teeming with Moonguard Alliance.
As a proud Sindorei, it feels like the 300 Spartans vs the Persian Empire on a nightly basis. It’s wonderful!
Heroes of the Horde, it’s time to wipe these Alliance dogs and take the Dragon Isles!
Sunfury Battalion has entered the chat
Ok, as far as PvP goes, the Cobalt Assembly arena is pretty fun. I killed someone on my hunter last week because I was goated with the sparks. I highly recommend.
I went in there to get two hundred kills for the Sparks of Life quest – I was informed that you can get them from killing rares and completing other WQs in war mode when I was 190 kills deep. <_<’
I ended up running around as a bear with around 369% movement speed, 5 million health, and the ability to one or twoshot pretty much anyone that got in range for moonfire by the time I was done.
Rivalry initiated.
Turns out the guards above the Ruby Life Pools are easy as hell to kill as a warlock
As someone who tends to wander solo, going into warmode would be more trouble than it is worth. i’d do it as a group, yes, I did a lot of it during BFA, but as I am now I’d just get slaughtered by small groups of Alliance all the time. Id maybe get a few hits in (maybe) but I’d just died instantly. I honestly don’t see the advantage I would get from it so PVE mode I go.
Also from an IC point of view, Baz is retired from all that. He no longer wants to fight in pointless wars, least of all against the alliance. BFA was a difficult time for this old orc. Makes for good stories though.
I’ve been slacking on warmode this expac because I haven’t put any effort in this game whatsoever since like the first two weeks of SL s1, so i freaking suck. Heavens forbid one of you forum caballites catches me out of shape!
Thanks! You lit me up nicely.
I’m a solo player and with dragon riding I’ve not found it much of an issue. Once you take off it’s pretty hard to catch up with someone.
It still is possible to chase someone down and knock them out’ve the sky but of the five or so times I’ve attempted that on my Rogue it was only successful once.
I actually think it’d be cool to add in more dogfighting features. You can make it so your dragon can take on a passenger and I think it’d be neat if they could man a netgun while there.
Otherwise I’ve actually probably worked with the Alliance as much as fought them so far. Did that Centaur hunt thing last night where I was outnumbered 3 to 1 by Alliance but we just casually helped eachother with kills. Couple of demons and my shoggoth got a little overzealous and attacked but it was an obvious accident so we didn’t retaliate.
At this point I only realize I forgot to turn WM back on not because I’m being mauled but because my IVL dropped from 415 to 355 and boy. That is like going from a flamethrower to a supersoaker in terms of damage reduction.
Last two drop loot boxes I went too I was the only horde and there was easily 15+ alliance. Mostly moonguard players. You can bet I still charged in by myself
I mean this has been done many times but–
Perhaps we WrA-H should create a pvp channel for us to hop in in
I honestly think they broke something in the WM sharding of the rp servers when they flipped DF on on Nov 28.
Don’t get me wrong, Alliance do outnumber Horde amongst the rp servers, but organized Horde could easily make up for it. Just look at the raids by Sunfury Battalion and Bloodsworn Command in the Badlands of pre-patch.
However, when DF dropped in full, I noticed non rp realm players showing up en masse on both Alliance and Horde side. My hope this is just some weird side affect from the sudden expansion rush. Hopefully it will sort itself out.
part of it is the questing, part of it is alliance made a community specifically to counter Sunfury
I haven’t seen you all or Bloodsworn since DF dropped Nov 28 and that is the most disappointing thing.
I know you all are out there, but you’ve been sharded away.
Yes, I think we should do this!
Since MG WM is often shared with WRA, and even at times ED, I’d even go one step further and make a cross server channel for it. We may not have world defense any more, but if we got enough people out in the world ready to defend, well, ya got a cross server world defense channel.
While we’re talking to do it for Horde, I’d even say it would be beneficial for the Alliance to do the same. Especially if there are those interested in continued WPvP and bringing back that old feeling, even if ever so slightly.