Wyrmrest World PvP

Definitely more annoyed by non-WrA alliance lately than horde :V


cries I just moved most of my alli off WRA! I’m just there to have fun, not be toxic ;( I like playin both sides and both WRA/MG!

You guys and the Battlehammers used to feed us sand buffets back in ED. I can’t imagine you guys w/o WM on.

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That tree had it coming.

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I’d love to see more horde with WM on. My guild basically lives with it always on, and we do alright in smaller skirmishes with equal numbers.

Then the inevitable huge Moon Guard pug raid shows up and our skirmish becomes a wipe, followed by guerilla warfare…

Lol, it beats having no one to fight though.

Still…it would be cool to see more hordies out wpvp’ing with us.


I always live with WM on, except for RP’s that happen in some parts of the wild (if we expect Alliance to be around). I do wish we had more Horde in WM amongst us. MG alliance dominate, absolutely outnumber us 100% of the time.

A bit demoralizing, but I still fight on.

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I wish, week old post. I wish

If anything I’ve been seeing less WrA Horde people since this post went up. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that it’s probably due to the last two weeks of December where people are busier than usual due to holiday stuff. But that’s to be expected for both sides of the coin.

Goes without saying that blue side still outnumbers red with these shards, but at the same time it goes into the old saying - if you can’t find a group, make one. Not everyone checks the forums as well.

Come join us in HordePvP. If we start to congregate and communicate, I’m sure we can organize and stand a chance.

So it seems like not only we’re outnumbered, we’re also split across multiple shards.

I doubt Horde WM has enough ppl to fill even half a shard at any given time (in our wm group)

Sorry for the (somewhat) necro, I don’t look through the Wyrmrest forums much and happened on this while scrolling. There’s just stuff brought up here that I wanted to talk about.

I do miss the old WrA WPvP, but I don’t think we’ll ever get it back to the glory days. WrA isn’t what it used to be. It feels too much like the average WoW server now - not quite to that point, but definitely more than it used to be. Hard to really explain this, but everyone I talk to about it seems to understand.

There’s also, like, sooo many Horde. It’s not as bad now that cross-faction is (sort of) here, but it’s still fairly lopsided. Nothing like the relative balance we had in the Cata and MoP days, though.

The flipside is that Warmode is completely skewed towards Alliance, because of sharing it with servers like Moon Guard.

Unfortunately, if WM was server-only, WrA would be almost exclusively Horde, and with significantly less players. It’s just a no-win situation. I do like the idea of only seeing people from our server, but I also like being in current WM and actually seeing another alliance player out in the world more often than once every 10 minutes or so.

Datan quit for a while but he’s back now, actually. He went to MG though, much to my dismay. I brought up that you guys talked about him so fondly, lol.

I started playing towards the end of Cata, so I think I missed out on the really good WPvP times. Still had plenty of fun, and managed to meet some of these people. And I did have my fair share of action in Cata with Tol Barad and in MoP with collecting taxes in SMC raids.

I really do miss those days.


No no no! Its all about skill! Horde can 1v20 any Alliance and win! That’s why there are so many of these threads.

((Sorry but these are getting ridiculous. Not saying you because I know you are not like this but a lot of complaints in these threads are ‘I am mad pvp happened but the other team still sucks’ and someone needs to point it out lol))

Good post, and let me add to your comment, wpvp in WoW is mostly just a beatdown. And when you’re the one always outnumbered and always getting the beatdown it can grow old. My favorite wpvp has always been when it’s just a 1 on 1 with someone else you ran into out in the world. That can be downright thrilling, heck I’ve even had some fun 1v2 wpvp out there …but the gang style muggings, nah I’ve always felt in the end that is sorta lame.

Edit: I’m on WrA now and glad to be here!

Man… it has been forever since I spoke with Slithals or Ephie. I think WoD was the last time since I saw Ephie.

A shame that my name didn’t pop up in that list, guess I wasn’t skilled enough in PvP to be noticed~

Who are you I probably remember you if you know Ephie. I think she mainly plays FFXIV now and I believe the last expansion she played for an extended period of time was probably BFA? Slithals I’m not sure where he went I think he just lost interest over the years I dunno I never knew him that well I just remember a tiny Rogue stabbing me in Wintergrasp a lot.

And for the record I was never really that skilled I didn’t like to do arenas and I only dabbled in RBGs and that was many years ago. I just liked farting around in Stormwind or defending cities really

I was Maleficious, an Undead Warlock for a long while. Was really loud in Wintergrasp, I think the only one louder was Keithoo.

Half the fun of PvP is being bad at PvP, in my opinion.


Yep I remember the name.

That would have been quite a feat. I remember he accused AAO of exploiting by sneaking siege engines along the outskirts of the map

Xara was quite resourceful. I miss that guy.

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Area-52 has a high % of feminine hygiene products, as per my experience being sharded with them on Emerald Dream. Not a fun group to be sharded with for wpvp matters.

I think they should have kept the former straight pvp servers in their own shard clusters… Generally a “different” group that sought out those servers and played on them. Not very compatible with the types that sought out the RP servers or even the RPPVP servers.