Wyrmrest Confessions


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I watched the Hobbit Trilogy again recently, and as usual it’s left me coming away with two strong feelings:

  1. The Kili/Tauriel Romance was stupid. Tauriel, you’re a kickass and awesome elf warrior in so many ways, but damn did you misjudge this. Your love was not “real” you met him like three times. Once as a prisoner, once when he was dying and you healed him, and once when you distracted him so that some orc would stab him. It was not real. You are being silly. Stop being silly.

  2. Perhaps more relevant to WoW, I really want to make a heavily armoured dwarf of some kind and do some RP in Ironforge. Erebor makes me wanna be a dwarf :sob: Thinking maybe a Dark Iron Paladin. :thinking:

But what if it was a lady in nonsexualized armor

You’d only be hurting yourself because the best strategy is wearing very little since this often puts your adversary in deep thought of, “why?”

All of its flaws and over reliance on CGI considered, Smaug is still probably one of the best interpretations of a western dragon in cinematic history. The movement, the weight, the voice acting, the visuals, all of it contributes to such an amazing creature.

Shame he wasn’t the primary antagonist.


I can’t help but notice that every time I open a bag of popcorn I lose at least one kernel to my floor.

I believe I may be cursed.

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I’ve seen Birds of Prey three times and I’m not stopping.


Really? Considering the demographics and climate of the internet I’d assume not exposing women would result in the bigger Why

There are many that are intimidated by the glorious thighs of the Alliance. It’s how we win our battles.

Behold, our warriors.


Thicc thighs save lives.

Thicc thighs also take lives.

There is not a more perfect balance.


I’ve run out of hearts, but :blue_heart:

Respect the thighs!

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(Little did they know…I was secretly an a$$ man the entire time!)

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Sooo I mentioned before I was going to go inpatient. I tried. I admitted myself. I was pink-slipped even, but the psychiatrist literally said “you have a better plan of care for your diagnosis than what we can provide you without having insurance.”

So that was…actually a bit encouraging, to hear that I’m finally doing the right things to get my mental health in order.

ALSO, the next time I hear “blizz doesn’t care about its players” I’d like to send them the heartfelt email I received from a blizzard moderator from the forums who reached out to try and give me resources to help with my mental health after reading my above posts and offer their sincere well-wishes on recovery.

Lastly, I got my results back from the Oncologist today and the cancer has returned so the next procedure in 2 weeks will be to see if it has spread.

Thank you guys again for always being there for me, reaching out to show you care. It means more than you know. I get too feelsy sometimes and give TMI but I’m working on not doing that as well as getting better! <3


You gotta feed the demons that hide under your bed somehow.

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Memeing with my guild, everyone is saying “Hewwo” in guild chat all ironic like. Also RPing.

Freaking say “H-hewwo?” in /say.

I am so embarassed. :grimacing:


That’s really encouraging, actually. What a cool thing! Props to the moderator on this one.

I’ve always felt that we shouldn’t blame the employees so much as the bigwigs like Kotick, for the bad things about Blizz… I feel particularly bad for the writers and programmers who are actually passionate about WoW, but can only do so much. Despite all this though I had lost a bit of faith in the mods, in part due to Zenrao’s unfair banning. But this is a really encouraging thing to hear.

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Quick, reroll Vulpera and the camouflage will take hold.

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A few days ago I had to leave a an m5 I was hosting near the end because something came up and I still feel bad

Don’t feel too bad, I was in the Tail last night and someone who I assume meant to post in party chat posted in say “So you two wanna take this back to my place?”

Followed by: ((OHGODNO))
((i’ll see myself out now))

IC: “Well, nevermind, bye!”

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I literally logged right then and there for like ten minutes to let my ears stop burning.

Edit: Though that story reminds me of a time back when I RPed on Warcraft III custom maps someone posts an extremely graphic scene about slicing someone’s thingermaroo in the lobby. Turns out they were having a… private message session with their friend.

Also had a time where I was having an intense discussion with a friend I was trying to make amends with. Another friend hears I’m having that talk and whispers if I’m okay. I say yeah, then continue to send them a PARAGRAPH that was meant for the other person.

…man miss tells are the worst.