I’ve been playing ffxiv with a bunch of friends. Together we’ve did absolutely nothing beneficial and we all killed ourselves laughing just by faffing about.
I love it.
I’ve been playing ffxiv with a bunch of friends. Together we’ve did absolutely nothing beneficial and we all killed ourselves laughing just by faffing about.
I love it.
I spent four straight hours today spamming every semi-normal sounding name that my brain could think of into the character creator, trying to find one that isn’t taken for a Forsaken priestess that I’ve wanted to make
still haven’t found one
quan chi
I want everyone to know that I care about them deeply, and that is why I made my own guild and safe space.
My confession:
People from WoW have been there for me far more than people in my real life.
I think, this is likely it.
I care about ya’ll so much. I don’t understand how its reciprocated…but I <3 ya’ll.
Just remember that. <3
After a ton of support from guildies and IRL peeps I’m going back to inpatient for my mental health stuff.
See ya’ll on the other side.
Best of luck. <3 We’ll be here for you when you get back!
I’ve been realising, as I bounce ideas around in my head for an alt…
I think I’m mainly an Alliance fan at heart. Always thought I liked both factions, but…
Most of the races I’m interesting in making atm are Alliance. XD I’ve got zero ideas for anything good Hordeside atm.
I’ve come to realize that I do extremely poorly in rp convos that include more than one person (besides myself, of course). I think it’s a combination of my relatively slow typing and difficulty in finding places to enter that feel natural.
It’s probably the second biggest reason why I rarely attend purely social events. Last one I was a part of I mostly just stood around awkwardly. Granted I was also struggling with computer troubles then; that certainly didn’t help matters.
On an unrelated note I really want to make a Pandaren DK but also don’t want to give the devs money for an unfinished product; and I mean that last bit in multiple ways.
I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you. I failed you.
…please forgive me, when I deserve it please don’t block me
sends more cake love and support
Best of luck on your journey, the hardest person to ever deal with is always yourself.
I’m the same way, and understand it can make finding RP a challenge. There usually turn out to be two to three people out there your character can click with who’s players are willing to roleplay with you at your own pace.
My confession - last RP event I tried to attend ended up with Rae just standing by a tree for an hour while I was having an anxiety attack over the idea of interacting with such a large group. The event seemed nice, I kind of felt bad for not being able to talk to even ONE person. Still, it was kind of fun to see all the Vulpera RPers and listen to their chatter.
If you can keep in contact with us, please do. Maybe all the forumites can be is a friendly ear to listen and a poor man’s support group, but there’s a lot of people here who want to help you as much as they can.
Don’t give up.
We’ll help as much as we can.
It’s the waggles.
My confession is I wanted to send Valentine letters to the two people that sent me a letter after reading my last confession. But, I chickened out and thought maybe it would be too much to send a goofy letter.
Finally found an RP and feel like I already ruined it by being boring. I talked with the person OOC for like an hour because I didn’t want to RP while being so tired. I’m always tired and have perma-bags under my eyes, but sometimes I get a littler delirious. But! I swapped to Wenjii and we RP’d a bit. It was enjoyable. Haven’t heard back from them.
Also thank you to Oraedia for the /wave. I missed it but I’m sending panda hugs!
I hope you’re okay Shay.
Back in the day, I assumed Warlocks would swap to leather at level 40 the way Hunters went from leather to mail and Warriors went from mail to plate.
I don’t read dungeon guides even though I semi regularly run m+
i just read what Shay sad a few days ago i’m gonna hold on to the letter you sent me and continue my plotting
now, actual confession:
a few months back when i was playing my druid, i just wanted to get into a group for heroic stromgarde WF but the only group listed declined me and it was only 3 hours until it ran out
absolutely terrified, i decided to make my own group as one does, and while it filled, i was fighting anxiety…finally queued up, and go!
we were almost done with the final boss when i noticed:
i was so terrified, i just clocked out and i refuse to scroll up on my elephant log
these people probably consider me a troll, but it was just a mistake on my end
i didn’t dare do any warfronts on my druid since then
annexious did nothing wrong 2020
I really want to make a human paladin