Wyrmrest Confessions

I literally just cringed sooo hard.

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They were really nice about it. I instantly said ā€œ:poop:ā€ after sending it and they said they wouldnā€™t read it.

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Working with coffee so long has forever instilled a disdain for Starbucks in me.
I donā€™t know if Iā€™m capable of ordering a frappe without getting irrationally angry over the stupid and made-up restrictions they put on their products.

If you wanted a frappe with caramel, chocolate, and hazelnut, they would insist on calling it a ā€œcaramel-mocha with hazelnutā€. Thereā€™s literally nothing stopping them from making a frappe with any ingredients available, they just insistently sell them by a handful of base flavor combinations.

Letā€™s not forget their stupid insistence on cup size names. You could call it ā€œ20 ounceā€ or ā€œlargeā€ or even ā€œth-the big oneā€ (a lot of people who order coffee are nervous about making mistakes), and Iā€™ll know what you mean. Iā€™m not gonna be a dick about it and insist you call it the Italian word for twenty.

Also, frappuccino is a made-up word, by the way. Theyā€™re called frappes.


This is how everyone should greet the little fox people.

today i ate lasagna for the first time in my life andā€¦

  • itā€™s so good? holy ship

i also ate too much lasagna :frowning: or carrots; i had like 6 with the lasagna


I may just boost my current Brewmaster Monk. But, I have so many conflicted thoughts on it. It feels like a cop out and has very high potential to just be wasted anyways.

  • One of the most nerve-inducing parts about playing Brewmaster for me is not knowing the most optimal route for the dungeons. Or, even have a good grasp for some of them. Iā€™ve seen many times people getting upset because the tank took like five seconds longer to figure out the route. The biggest problem with that here is I havenā€™t really been doing BfA group content. If I boosted a BrM and had to do BfA dungeons, I wouldnā€™t know the routes at all. At least with doing Classic - Legion (minus WoD) dungeons I have a relatively good sense on which way to go. Even if it isnā€™t the quickest way. This is my current ā€œmainā€ and you can see by her armory I havenā€™t even done LFR.

  • Iā€™d still like to learn the spec better before tossing myself into the fire mentioned above. I have WA set up to track brews and procs. But, I donā€™t have a great grasp on it since BrM gets so many tools in their tanking kit later on. I can maintain uptime on Ironskin with the occasional Purge. Iā€™ve been reading Peak of Serenity. That site helped me a lot when I was playing Mistweaver. But, practice is needed! Just reading it isnā€™t enough for me.

  • A boost cost $60. For someone that very rarely plays AAA games, $60 is like 5 new games for me. Or several Panda Express orders. Itā€™s expensive! I could spend $60 on something and feel okay about it financially. Not sure the value is there.

  • Iā€™ve been wanting to do this character for literal years. Itā€™s been like my biggest vendetta in WoW. Iā€™m so ready to just be done with it even if it feels cheesy to boost.

My current thought is to boost and then, for the first time since WoD, join a guild. gasps I keep seeing one called Pandaren Empire. Or, maybe that Chu Chu Noodles one. I like noodles. I donā€™t think I can tank with just one or two people. But, maybe if I could find another 4 people willing to trust their time with me then maybe I could learn. My current situation of just throwing myself into dungeons has been hit-or-miss. Hopefully with a fun group I could prepare myself for Shadowlands. Not knowing the dungeons will lessen greatly if I happen to play near the launch of Shadowlands since most wonā€™t know them.

This is way too long. Apologies! Itā€™s been on my mind for so long. Helped to write it down. I guess this is more of a pre-confession for ā€œI boosted a Monk and never played her againā€.

My other confession is a talk/type way too much.


I want to make a Vulpera hunter, tame one of the cobras from Volā€™dun, pretend that the cobra is a Sethrak, and RP them as buddy cops.


So, maybe this is a mistake. But! Itā€™s done. Iā€™ve been reading Peak of Serenity and they have dungeons routes. I havenā€™t even done some of the dungeons on my other characters. If you see Xingjii from Wyrmrest Accord tanking your dungeon, just run! As far as you can!

If you see her out in the world, feel free to /hug and say hi!

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I confess that I do not know where RP in Boralus is, but would really like to know.


I for one like being greeted like normal people, an OwO will suffice!

As for my confession: Iā€™m always a gnome at heart.

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I joined back in late Cata, mustā€™ve been 4.3, anyway, I was a very shy roleplayer, hadnā€™t approached a guild or players but, one day while I was leveling my Paladin through Hinterlands this Draenei came flying to me in an IC way and said ā€œYour future looks bright, please take this for your journeyā€ and he traded a bag, a sword and a shirt. Thatā€™s the day I stopped being shy to RP.

Also, up to this day I still hold said items dear in the bag he gave me.


I still havenā€™t seen the 1950 Treasure Island movie.

this is the best Treasure Island anyways

Back in Karazhan, those upteen years ago? I did intentionally not heal that ret paladin. He was a jerk.

I do play a hunter because itā€™s easy. All those other reasons I give? Total bull. And I never forget to turn Growl off; I keep it on to screw with the random tank Blizzard assigned to me in the dungeon. And those many, many times I misdirected on to the healer? That was purposeful too. You did something to upset me, so now you can have my threat.

If you ever wondered if I was tapping all the mobs just to keep you from doing it before shared tapping was a thing? I did. If you wondered why I still do it now? I forget shared looting is a thing.

There was this time where I flew into Stormwind on my rogue to kill all the auctioneers and camp them for a while. I will now confess I did that because I was bored and wanted to see how long I could get away with it.

I have kept people from getting upgrades because I wanted to collect the appearances.

I multibox. I only do it to run my lowbies through quick dungeons for some gear or quests, or to help a low geared toon through their first few world quests (or lately killing the invasion bosses for my leggo cloak on a new 120 alt), or some other thing like that, but I do multibox three accounts.

I have been on this server for nearly six years. I have RPed maybe three times. Iā€™m too intimidated and anxious to get started.

Thatā€™s enough for today.


Wait, one more. If I said or ever will say I know the mechanics? Donā€™t believe me. I did not watch the video you linked me. I did not read up on anything. I did open the dungeon journal, but only to see what the drops are and if theyā€™ll be my new transmog. Yes, I probably did cause the wipe.

So many of the problems I am dealing with right now could have been avoided entirely if Iā€™d just said ā€œNo.ā€ and walked away.


I donā€™t and have never thought BfA is nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

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My thumb has been seizing up while using my phone or Xbox controller and in starting to realise this isnā€™t normal.
Iā€™m also not sure if this is serious enough to go do a doctor for. On another note I told my self I would practice drawing tonight and spent two hours playing call of duty instead.

2 hours is a long time. Easy to procrastinate. If you want, you could try this: Start with 15 min. At the end of 15 min, gauge whether or not you want to continue or stop there. And youā€™re totally free to do another 15 min or stop there for the day. Come to think of it, I should use this for doing my dreaded physics homework. ::eats own advice::


I always say, when in doubt, just call your doctor and they will let ya know if you should go in or not!

I main Alliance, but if I notice this one dude in Stormwind with Warmode or PvP on, I will hop onto this chicka and kill him (though no more than once a day, I promiseā€¦).
Yes, I drag my Horde priest all the way to Stormwind, to ā€˜murderā€™ one guyā€¦
Just today, I mind controlled that Master Wood guy (heā€™s near the training dummies) and attacked my victim before engaging directly.

I have zero ragerts.