Wyrmrest Confessions

This is why I balk when people say, “oh just ignore them and they’ll go away”

Or… report them and have the problem solved, ideally.

Part of the problem.


I’d love to know if the pvp bros of today are the same pvp bros of yesteryear when I spent most of my time afk opposite that ramp. Cause those lads had been through about a dozen accounts and that’s when I was still active.

Stay strong WrA.

Speaking loosely of confessions, not that this is much of anything but it was on my mind so whatever. Looking back on my interactions in RP, aside from the awareness of just how insufferable I could be when I found hills to die on, I’ve grown increasingly aware of just how loose I was with application of realism.

I’ve been pretty hypocritical about common sense and lore scripture, very little of my interactions stayed thoroughly grounded. On one hand, I almost wish I could rewind or apologize for the antics, for my own peace of mind if nothing else. Beyond that, though, I guess that’s just part of learning your own interests and such. I like piecing together characters and backstories, I like being present on occasion for events and storylines, but mostly it turns out I don’t really like writing much. I just like having ideas, apparently.


What game?

I’ll be honest, after what befell my guildmate, I now choose to ignore it because I just know I’m going to call someone a motherfluffer at the end of the day, especially if the report is blown off.

And I feel really guilty about being that much of a coward, hence why I haven’t been on much as of late.

I am firmly in the camp that no one should feel like a coward for being a bystander. As long as you aren’t condemning the people who do choose to take action, which is their right and their choice to do, never feel like you’re a villain to for just staying out of it.

It’s at the end of the day, each individual has to decide for themselves. And as long as you aren’t actively harassing people, you’re allowed to report or just ignore it. That’s your autonomy. And never let someone tell you otherwise.


Agree with Mystfire. Don’t feel ashamed for not reporting. If the trolls make you afraid to log in they are still winning.

But if anyone has no qualms with reporting, I really encourage them to report, even if they’re not the ones being directly affected. We have to stand up for each other and get rid of the bad apples or they’ll chase people away until Horde WRA is empty just like the Alliance.


Not the trolls, per se, but Blizzard. I’ve seen the punishment they mete out to those who make a report, defend that report, and won’t back down because they are on the side of right. I’ve come to think of Blizzard as the biggest troll of all. I think that is what truly has been keeping me away, not entirely my own feelings of misplaced guilt.

Thanks for the kindness, Altielle and Mystfire.


With an army of alts, I’ve already done the Love is in the Air bosses more times than someone with a single max level could do in 10 years.

I’m still never getting that damn mount.


The mount I most wanted is no longer attainable (2-person rocket)

I’m usually pretty sad about not having more (any) RP while doing absolutely nothing about it.


I fail at language. Sometimes I look back at my RP chat logs from the previous night and am amazed my friends put up with me. Between all the typos and occasionally even getting the word order itself backwards, it’s like something written by a Malkavian Yoda.


You are not alone in this! I am also the same way. I wish I could blame it on, I dunno, playing while intoxicated but sadly I’m pretty sober…

I’m really really glad I got this when I had the chance, as well as the obsidian nightwing…I’m bummed I didn’t get the zebra one though.

When I first came to WRA, I was so scared to RP and make a fool of myself, that I sat in inns and just watched RP from barstools.

The first person who inspired me to join in was Mootlocke.


I almost just blinded myself by trying to take off my glasses when I wasn’t even wearing them :upside_down_face:


I rammed my toothpaste-covered toothbrush up my nose today because I was brushing my teeth in a hurry.
It’s been twelve hours and I still smell mint.


TBH this is what I encourage new rpers to do to get comfy/an idea of RP.



well this is a first. blizz deleted my response.

I guess it was too much or something. Understandable.



you got blizzard’d

I love how gorgeous other players can make their female Trolls, Tauren, Draenei and Night Elves but mine always looks like massacre and lipstick wearing trainwrecks…

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