Wyrmrest Confessions

i honestly forgot what i wrote in this thread before, so apologies if i said it already

i want to be a friendly and kind person, outgoing and encouraging, but some times i just want to hide from every one in the world and do my own thing; only that never helps me
i try to be the anger hissing floof, but fail every time :joy:


big mood <3

also, thank you guys so much for reaching out and the kind words here. you have no idea how much it means to me and helps so much when my brain is being all ā€œyou have zero redeeming qualities and are just a burden and annoyance to everyoneā€ in the middle of the night, like thereā€™s something i can do about it at 3am. xD

I hope someday I can return the favor if its needed. <3


Iā€™m not going to lie, that is brilliant. Evil, but brilliant.

Iā€™m in the process of moving my base in ARK since a bunch of dimwits built on the cliff right above my old base, despite the fact I had signs up stating it was under construction.

Iā€™ve killed all their tames with the aid of a randomly spawning alpha rex, but still they persist and have even tried to block me in by building around me.

Thankfully the new site is a decent distance away from them near to some valuable resource nodes and best of all, over the weekend I was awake long enough to drop a motherload of stuff down to prevent them doing this to me again.

The kicker, and why theyā€™ve been such butts about this? Iā€™m the only person on our server who bothered to tame Ovis (wild oriental sheep) and they knew they could shear the sheep while I was offline, so when I came back to find naked sheep, I put them in a closed room and that was ā€˜being meanā€™, so they decided to block me in as punishment.

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how dare you, how hecking dare you!

expect my retalitation
paybackā€™s coming soon >:O

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Lookinā€™ forward to it :smiley:

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Iā€™m scared to death that I may have ruined my OOC relationship with one of my favorite people to RP with last night.


Sometimes Iā€™ll drink an extra diet coke with lunch.

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-big hugs-

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Hope it works out, Altielle :frowning:


I almost made a pandaren monk named Wuhan, then the whole coronavirus things happened and decided I shouldnt

I leveled my first Pandaren monk up to 115 after naming her ā€œJadeguardā€ā€¦ but now I just want to delete her and start over because I realized the Zandalari sentries are named ā€œBladeguardsā€

welcome to the hell that is my brain

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Just keep telling your brain to ST.FU and stay in its lane when it does that.youre you are awesome, and try to make everyone happy and always put everyone else before yourself. And you were there for me during the entirety of my crap show divorce. And for that you are my best friend. Never stop being you. Cause thatā€™s the best part about you

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I nearly deleted this character halfway through levelling because a player pointed out in RP that her name is just a letter away from Aviana.

Itā€™s not as mortifying of an issue as it seems at first :stuck_out_tongue:


Jadeguard is an excellent name. And the Zandalari are all the way over there.


The Zandalari and Pandaren were enemies by alliance, too. Maybe the original Jadeguards were a way to thumb their noses at the Bladeguards?

Iā€™m not sure if this is a confesson so much as itā€™s a vent butā€¦ Iā€™d rather not make a drama thread so Iā€™m posting here.

Is it just me or did all the pvp bros that used to hang out on the Stormwind mage ramp and ruin the atmosphere with their OOC chatter and toy crap move on to Horde/Valley of Honor? Like, did they get lonely after they chased all the RPers off of the most popular Alliance RP hub and decide they need new victims?


i started rping in a new game and it feels so much better already

As a former Alliance main turned Horde main I canā€™t like this enough.

The OOC morons who deliberately troll RP hubs are the worst.


I didnā€™t leave the Alliance explicitly because of them, but it did make the choice a lot easier. The amount of trolling in the last week has really skyrocketed in Valley of Honor, sadly.

Everyone please do your part and report people who are harassing RP hubs. Ignoring them only allows them to continue their behavior.


I hate most of my guild and Iā€™m only in it at this point until I can find a better one.