Wyrmrest Confessions

I don’t think that many people play ARK, or have any interest playing with each other in it. “People on my WoW server” is a lot wider net to drag than say, “people who watch this streamer” or w/e.

To me, that’s part of the beauty of ARK.

Unless you’re aiming for the Alpha Tier end game bosses, 95% of the game can be done solo and setting up towns, trade routes and raids on dungeons and bosses is generally very relaxing and fun.

Don’t want to deal with shizzle and just want to breed some murder chickens, go do that.

Want to go farming for materials to build a four hundred foot tall effigy of your junk? Go forth, yooooooooung warrior!

Want to drag offline players into your base, equip them in hot pink plate armor and then drag them back home, have at it.

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I could’ve been doing something more productive, but instead, I’ve spent the past five straight hours of my evening painstakingly trying to erase the background from an image by hand (read: mouse) just so that I can make the text into a sticker for my laptop :sweat:

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I got the Risen Mare in my first Havenswood chest and I’m pretty sure I’m the luckiest boy in the world. :man:t4:‍🦳now I can die :skull:fulfilled.

So darker skinned old man emoji becomes a brown haired and dude and… wtf is that next to him!?

If you start an ark server I will finally buy the game if I can afford it

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Another confession because I literally cannot hold it in anymore and you guys really help with your positive responses, sorry if that’s pathetic, but I value this community highly.

I finally saw my Oncologist on Tuesday to follow up on the next steps for my cancer. The next steps are either a hysterectomy, or, if it has spread, likely chemo/radiation discussions. I didn’t really understand the severity/seriousness of the whole situation until this week because I had been pushing all of the issue to the back of my head for the last 9 years to avoid dealing with the emotional response.

I’m trying to work on the BPD stuff. This is difficult when the only specialist who can do therapy that will ACTUALLY help you within 2 hours charges $175/session.
I’m watching youtube videos from a wonderful specialist, I’m using his workbook which has info and worksheets, etc.

I’m taking a specific medication for my ADHD and Narcolepsy, which I very recently discovered is EXTREMELY bad for me, as in causes a lot of terrible symptoms I have noticed but didn’t know where they came from:

  1. Inability to sleep for up to 60 hours at a time due to anxiety, which is a cycle that occurs weekly.
  2. Finally sleep and I do so for 18 hours straight.
  3. Eating a few bites of food every 2-4 days.
  4. Compulsive skin-picking to the point that I won’t leave the house because my entire face and neck is covered in open sores which are super not-cute and also extremely painful, so I didn’t celebrate my birthday yesterday.
  5. Hallucinations.
  6. Becoming much more of a recluse.

There’s just a lot all at once. Learning about BPD and how to manage it, trying so hard to do so. Trying to find therapists who can help in my area with no insurance, or even just online. Medication that is supposed to be helping me making everything 100x worse. Cancer things that I thought were pretty mild turning out to be extremely not and finally being able to realize and process that because I’m allowing myself to feel for the first time since I can remember.

Plus major depressive disorder making everything worse as usual, along with seasonal depression. Nothing I love or enjoy is fun anymore. I am sick of my face constantly being: =|

Mental health is a wild ride my dudes. I’m really sorry if I’ve bitten anyone’s head off the last few weeks (pretty sure I haven’t) or just been generally not myself.


That is all so much to deal with, Shay. I think anyone would be a bit out of sorts with all that worry and stress weighing on their mind. But it’s not pathetic to reach out to your friends & community. It’s a sign of strength.

If you don’t mind good vibes & internet hugs, I’m sending bunches your way. :raised_hands:


Stay strong Shay. You’re a great part of the community and we love you :hearts:


I’m sorry you have to deal with that. You should consult with whoever you can to see if there are any better alternatives to help with your ADHD and Narcolepsy, they may be able to replace it with something that doesn’t have so many terrible symptoms. :frowning:

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Originally, I requested the second meds I took as a teen that had no adverse side-effects, but without insurance it’d cost roughly $200/month. So, I was prescribed the one that I NOW remember having an awful time with as a teen hah.
Anywho, I can see my doc for them in just over a month. Working on slowly weaning myself off them in the meant time.

Thank you guys for reaching out/kind words. It really means a lot.

Just so sick of spending 5 days a week in a dissociative shell and not even remembering the time spent in it, then 2 days feeling relatively alive but also just exhausted.


Just saying that Shay is super awesome and one of the strongest people I know.

I don’t have anymore than that. She’s just amazing and always manages to try to make other people happy no matter how bad she is feeling and I admire that.


I’ve always admired that about Shay. I reckon she’s the nicest person on the server.

I can’t offer any advice, Shay. I’m in no way qualified to. But, for what it’s worth, I think that your openness about this whole issue is indicative of the fact that you’re super strong. Even though things are REALLY tough, you’re fighting not only for yourself, but to treat others nicely, and make their days.

Keep fighting. Keep pushing through. This world is a hell of a better place with you in it. I don’t know you personally and we’ve never even interacted in game I don’t think, but you’re a legit inspiration to me. Despite everything you’re going through, despite having every reason to be bitter and hate the world, you’re an awesome person who shows love and kindness to those you come into contact with, and I think that’s amazing.

So, keep going Shay. I reckon I speak for the majority of the forum people when I say we’re in your corner on this, and know you’re gonna win :heart:


From a guildmate:

WE LOVE YOU SHAY! Were here and are praying, vibing, and hoping for the best.

A guildmate.

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When I logged onto Wenjii today, I got excited because I saw that I had a letter. I was already next to a mailbox so I opened my mail without mousing over it to see who it was from. It was from me. Just an alt sending plate gear over to unlock the transmog. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this.

Edit: Just wanted to say this community is amazing. I logged in and received a letter that wasn’t from me and it brightened my day. Thank you!

Edit2: Sorry for all the edits! But! I got another letter this morning from such a lovely person. A wonderful way to begin the day! Legitimately makes me bounce in my chair when I read them. Thank you so much for this thoughtful community.


Just stopping in to do my part

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I cut my foot while making a sandwich today
On another note I hurt myself on accident way too much lol

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I still have a Homestuck reference in my TRP.


extremely dangerous

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I confess I play Minecraft and 7 Days to Die by living under someone elses base and waiting to see how long it takes the base owner to figure out I’m living there to make zombies spawn and attack their base.