Wyrmrest Confessions

i lost all my posts and blue hearts because i changed my name :pensive:


This isnā€™t very Plus Ultra of you.

You can make a new character with the original name and level it to 10, then post on that character.

Itā€™s how I reclaimed my posts/likes when I server transferred this Etamalgren to another server. But now I look like an off-server troll cause of my low level :frowning:

I was in the hospital this week after thinking what was a kidney stone turned out to be a massive hernia that was blocking my bowels. Emergency surgery is not fun friends, nor is having your abdomen sliced open. I have determined I would rather be hit by a car than go through this again.


My confession is that Iā€™m a grumpy cat when it comes to April 1st.

It used to be funā€¦fifteen years ago. The problem is that youā€™re now so used to it happening, jokes are getting more over-the-top and the entire social media landscape becomes so oversaturated with them that 99% are just not good anymore. For example, a good joke is subtle. If the first sentence in your fake patch notes is: ā€œNew profession: Sea Shanty Singing!ā€, then I immediately know whatā€™s upā€¦

Not to mention that some jokes are outright cruel. A friend of mine had a (fake) termination notice on his desk this morning. His co-workers thought that was hilarious. Yes, the worst pandemic ever. Having rent to pay. A girlfriend and a three-year-old to feed and feeling absolutely horrified at the prospect of being jobless. Hilarious.

I sound like a grumpy old man despite being in my late 20ā€™s, but I just donā€™t get April Fools.


Whenever I sign up for something like a membership card at a restaurant or an app or something asks for my birthday I put April 1st and then the year as far back as it will allow.

So I get a lot of random birthday coupons and fake birthday wishes from corporations on April 1st.

Itā€™s even funnier when the year is acknowledged.

Happy 100th birthday Juspionā€™s!!


I would like to confess that I am the sort of person who has their characters ICly notice when your character jumps because you mistakenly hit the space bar outside of a typed post, but my characters are all too respectful/socially baffled by the display to remark.


I agree with this sentiment.

April Foolā€™s Day is just a holiday for the trolls and companies that either A: Know how to pull it off or B: End up costing themselves a bunch of money from mistaken marketing and PR fires.

I just donā€™t like it, Iā€™ve never liked it and I wish it didnā€™t exist.

I kinda wish this had happened:

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Itā€™s canon now as far as Iā€™m concerned.

Iā€™ve just now looked at my forums after taking another break and seeing this. Youā€™re fine! Itā€™s not a sensitive subject for me but yeah. Iā€™m slowly coming back but Iā€™m nervous to get back into roleplaying much less finding people I feel comfortable enough around or finding my own circle.

That is something Iā€™ve also been facing of late, which is unfortunate. I find that I struggle a lot when someone is trying to get with my characters because Iā€™m looking to create a story with a lot of fluffy & cute romantic and the appropiate dose of angst on the side to pull them closer but Iā€™ve found that some just want to ERP. :confused: I hope youā€™ve found a Writing Partner since then!


Sometimes I wish that typewriter from The Tommyknockers was real.

oh god if only

i like how muffins are just an excuse to eat cake for breakfast or in my case dinner because i have no concept of time

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I ran headfirst into some gamesā€™ April Foolsā€™ gags. Like, downloaded Muse Dash to run into them announcing bankruptcy and then releasing a new idol character who looks like a doodle + a pack of funposting music. And House Flipperā€™s Kame House update.

Memes are the only thing keeping me smiling these days.

On a less dark note, finally got enough witnesses to start getting my complaints about my lazy-:peach: co-worker above my immediate bossā€™s head and straight to HR.

Work is now a living hell because A) he wonā€™t speak and B) spends all night long standing in my blind spot while looking like heā€™s about to pass a kidney-stone, and has done so for several days now, so weā€™re getting even less work done than normal.

Donā€™t want the guy to lose his job as heā€™s got a wife and kid and needs the job to finish the naturalization process, but at the same point, Iā€™m dying by inches trying to cover the entire site on my own and the new cleaning company is not willing to deal with this nonsense, so weā€™ve either got to ditch the guy and get somebody new in, or heā€™s got to get rid of this ā€˜bare minimum is good enoughā€™ mentality heā€™s adopted over the past 8-9 months and start working again.

On a happier note, I confess that thereā€™s finally a bit of a break-thru with the fatigue issue at work because of the complaints, with a number of machines I normally had to disassemble on my own now being done by the Day Shift as part of their duties, which helps immensely since I now only have to reassemble the machines, rather than strip and disassemble, clean, and then reassemble over an 8-12 hour period. Admittedly this does raise the issue that the Site might be closing down the night-shift strip-and-build team, or at least planning on paring down the team to a single person, but it is nice to come home at night not completely knackered for once.


I played link to the past for like 30 minutes today before noticing that I had accidentally named Link ā€œLimkā€ and at that point my shame was so great I decided not to replay the game after all

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Havent played WoW in a while. Things havenā€™t been great recently. 60 stores closed across North America and 4 in the area where I work. I had to figure out how many jobs I could save, and save them. And tell close to 100 other people they lost their job and I couldnā€™t save them. Then recently my father had a mental health crisis, that Iā€™m in the middle of dealing with.

Things havenā€™t been great, and I kinda miss WoW. But I donā€™t have the energy or mental space to play it the way I want, so I donā€™t enjoy it now.

Sad trombone


We just had 3 pulls on Heroic Denathrius for guild raid night where we got him down to 1% hp, down to 70k HP for one.

Iā€™m beginning to understand how the loser of Godzilla vs Kong probably felt.