Wyrmrest Confessions

Player housing would solve this horrible math problem.

I could build something that matters for me, in the world that the devs create.

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“Action figures” is apt.

If a character’s personality and motivations are constantly changed on the fly (see: Jaina, Rexxar, Sylvanas, etc.), or are so bland + static as to preclude any actual development (hi, Anduin!), then they’re not really a “character”; they’re a toy.

Though I suppose it is impressive that Blizzard has somehow made a character-driven story without any actual characters.


The C in character-driven stands for ‘conflict’.


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The world is the main character = huge cop out.

A good character has things that haunt them, flaws, weaknesses, desires, needs. They make mistakes that drive narrative. We watch them grow and reconcile their ghosts, become better people, transform from the personification of an anti-theme to a theme in a way that resonates. We cheer them on, we shout at the screen, we shed tears, all that stuff.

A “world” just isn’t that. The player-character hero going through the expac’s story via quests and cut scenes is not that. Even the main franchise characters aren’t that, not if their growth occurs off-screen, within some novel that can be retconned at any time.

RPers have a chance to make actual, meaningful characters with arcs that are played out and adjusted, improvised day-to-day as they reach change and resolution.

To that end I say have at it. Play the hero. Play the Maw Walker, even, as I’m sure 75% of the people posting here could write a better Maw Walker arc than we’re going to get. Or don’t! Either way, there’s more depth and resonance in many TRPs that I read than the most well-rendered cutscene!


yknow what’s funny about this, is that in ffxiv’s rp scene, there’s tons of people who play the warrior of light or a warrior of light.

this sounds like a controversial take, but that’s just because of the wow rp community’s strange hangups on letting people “play what they want”. i think people should largely be accepting of more exclusive ideas, and amicable to the fact that not all rp is meant for everyone. i don’t have to play by the books or cater to everyone for my rp to be valid.

that sorta stuff.

if someone said they were playing the canonical maw walker, then i say “have at it.” as long as you understand that you won’t be palatable to all or most rpers, then that’s a good thing.

i have more to say but its unrelated to your comment, so i’ll continue in another post.

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maybe there’s a reason ive always been drawn more to wow’s rp, and i think it stems largely from

stuff like that. why? well, its hard to really rationalize, but hear me out. rp for me is largely a writing exercise. im aware that’s very likely not most people’s main reason for doing it, but… what do rpers consistently spend their time doing? offering fixes for the story, trying to fix the worldbuilding in their own rp, taking areas underdeveloped or underexplored and expanding upon them in their own storytelling.

you all have seen it. seen one dedicated person sit down and decide to turn a vaguely established canon kingdom or group into a fully fleshed out and complex structure. you’ve probably even done something like it, just on a smaller degree. like making up a few religious aspects for your character, or making up some sort of head canoned magic.

warcraft is a big broken setting with an extreme amount of wasted potential, that you me and the tree can see. and between you, me, and the tree… fixing the holes and making compelling tales where the creators of the setting have failed to do for the better part of gestures at the last few years is very fun.

(forgive the off-realmer for their strange long talk.)


A huge cop out?! In the World of Warcraft story?

You better have some evidence to back up this outrageous claim.


It can be.

But the problem I’ve consistently run into over the years is fellow players who are unwilling to accept the patch work done on those gaps because tHaT BrEaKs LoRe!!!

And also there’s the growing and undeniable problem, for me, of just being tired of having to do that or having to do weird mental backflips to work around glaring problems. Eventually I just need something with a better foundation to work with if only to give my brain a break.

Yeah the lore police have to realize that RP, by default, breaks lore. Nothing we do exists in canon.

They also have to realize that if they come at people like that, nobody’s gonna take em seriously. Those types of people go solidly on my “Don’t bother with” list.


I have come to the conclusion that my pitbull has actually figured out how to try and talk to humans.

For the past few months if myself or someone talks to him, so long as he’s not snoozing or professionally ignoring, he’ll respond with properly timed ‘wuffs’ in a tone matching the subject.


My confession is that I think less of people that RP as part of a covenant, or rp as always going to the Shadowlands, as if they’re clocking off at 5pm and heading back to the Tail for a drink before going back to a hard day’s work in the morning.

Shadowlands is just boring.


So, been chugging along and working out more details for my ‘Superhero’ novel that takes a lot of ques from mythology to help craft it’s world building (as well as painting the return of the various pantheons as an apocolyptic scenario since I lay the seeds to say they don’t really get along and gods clashing is mad, m’kay) as opposed to science fiction.

Of titles for an installment of this, I can safely say I never expected to use ‘King of the Demigods’ as one since the main villain is a demigod who fashions himself in this manner and leads what is functionally a cult of people wanting the return of the gods.

Still haven’t decided if the finale for that is an actual power struggle for that title, or simply the bad guy declares it and his opposition going “Mmmmmmmmm… gonna be a hard no there champ.”

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writing is pain

i am a masochist because I enjoy writing


Definitely this. I run/used to run a roleplaying community on another site and I let it eat up far, far too much of my life. It was the primary focus in my life for years, basically. Getting it established, given that I don’t own the site, was a bit of a struggle because it basically involved SO MUCH drama. The only way the community is run is through social means, so it involved having to wrestle control away from the established group, and then dealing with those disenfranchised souls being bitter and forming their own cliques and trying to take back control.

And in the end we won and the other groups are gone.

But then I had a slight falling out with one of the people I helped rise to a pretty prominent position within the site’s administration and while we’re cool now, I realized “Why am I putting all this effort into playing pretend on a Internet forum? Especially one I don’t own?”.

So now I’m pretty disengaged from it, I can’t treat it with the same love that I used to because I know that in the end, we are all just playing pretend and if I want to put that level of effort worldbuilding, creating characters and art…I want it to be for something that isn’t shackled to a forum that again, I don’t own and have no control over.

So instead I treat what I do over there as ‘practice’, and I try to approach helping others not with ‘well, this is the best way to RP’ but rather trying to help them with their creation as an editor would for someone’s book or game or whatever. Even the stuff I create now, I do so with the intent on using that community as more of a sounding board, and seeing how what I make works in a setting with other factions.

That way I can fine tune what I’m working on for integration into my other projects.

Same goes with writing Fanfiction, why go through the effort of writing all this stuff for characters that you don’t own, in settings you don’t own? I’d rather just take the ideas I have and convert them into something original.


i confess that realizing that my fic about Sint beating up a big bad orc having 1500 total views in the places I’ve posted it

is sending me to a higher realm


Unleash the serotonin

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i reached that point in quarantine that i been watching newer seasons of the simpsons and i think some of them are actually pretty funny. Not classic simpsons funny but they hold their own, they also have moments of surprisingly fluid animation that i wouldnt expect.

After unlocking Kul Tiran as an allied race, I can’t stop coming up with Kul Tiran characters. But their customization is so limited, I’m instead trying to fit other races into the ideas.

On top of that, I entirely forgot the idea that drove me to do the unlock in the first place.

So what was it all for, man?


The ability to falcon punch your enemies off the middle of Eye of the Storm.


I need to remember to make a macro for that racial so that whenever I cast it, my Kul Tiran will yell “FALCON PUUUNNNNCHHHH!!!”