I’m just imagining this animation has Ravenhul in it, then just various gnomes and dwarves with a spear sticking out their chest and the table stuck to their back just following him around with the notes still attached now as reoccurring side characters.
When you go to the Maw to get souls, there’s a non zero chance that you’re saving a gnome that Ravenhaul killed and sent there. Remember that next time you’re saving someone.
Breaking news, the souls of gnomes who thought they escaped Ravenhul in death found speared to tables in Torghast wearing loin cloths.
I confess that the faction conflict of “Ravenhul randomly impaling underpants-clad short people” has brought me more joy than any of the faction conflicts the devs have written since WotLK
We have found our next expansion idea.
I know I said I wanted a Gnome-centric expac, but this…this wasn’t what I had in mind.
Also I confess it’s mildly annoying trying to find a hat to go with this mog since Normal Denathrius is being a Class A buttface and has given me everything but the hat.
i confess that i am not wyrmrest so i cannot confess
As a placeholder until you get the helm from the boss, I recommend using the Honorbound Centurion’s Helmet.
It’s not as shiny, but the general overall colour is a decent match in all aspects, while also offering the continued spikes theme, because it’s Orcish.
Personally, I’m rather concerned about Ravenhul’s thirst for penetrating Gnomes…
I just spewed Pepsi all over my monitor.
Thanks, I needed the laugh.
ETA: And Gentarn made me do it again!
You know what i’m about.
So, I confess that I did a normal little writing prompt idea for my troll discord…
then someone decided to give a proper answer for it that disects why troll view human faith to the light with extreme caution since humans tend to adhere more blindly where the ‘bargain’ portion of a trolls faith with the loa offers some leverage.
I was not expecting an answer this in depth for what was supposed to be a quick one off.
I confess that when people would say that WoW is too focused on major NPCs and not enough on us, it didn’t quite settle in my brain.
Then I started playing FFXIV, which puts you front and frigging center stage. Then I considered how GW2 and even ESO unambiguously demonstrate that you are the most important piece in play.
And I got really sad about that and I’m noticing now how Blizzard is basically playing in the dirt with its old half-broken action figures going gggrrrrrm boom pppssssssssbbbttt btbtbtbtbt BOOSH BOOSH BOOSH and we’re mostly just there to sit and watch.
I still want to walk up to you.
I feel this, though
Another thing that helps in FFXIV is a lot of the NPCs feel more like equals. I haven’t been playing it too long but right now the main story is me fighting Eidolons Espers Primals alongside a group of people who are basically just adventurers like me. They’re not heads of state with god-tier magical powers, they’re just somewhat well-connected dudes who appear to live in the basement of a tavern.
Focusing on Jaina or Anduin or whoever might be fun if they were the sort of person I could credibly imagine my character hanging out with, but I can’t. Jaina rules a country and has magical powers that let her solo armies, I don’t really believe she is friends with a random Draenei warrior.
WoW Devs have already stated “ the world is the main character and you just live in it”. Basically meaning “ everything you do means nothing, what matters is the world we made”
Even if they say that, it’s a load of baloney and they know it, Commander Speaker Champion Thotsnprayer, Hero of the Alliance. That was credible in vanilla, but that boat sailed long ago (and then hit a ramp so it could properly jump some sharks.)
I dunno I sort of liked that philosophy. The Classic-Early WotLK era story was almost all just setting, with no major characters and not a ton of plot. Nothing we did had much of an impact, we were just living in the world, and the “important” characters were mostly just presiding over whatever city they ruled.
I wasn’t a big hotshot champion in Classic but it was still “my story” because the big hotshot champions like Thrall or Jaina didn’t really do anything but preside over their cities anyway. Just the exciting tale of a warrior trying to figure out how to make a whirlwind axe* or whatever without various kings and warchiefs butting in
*please note that I actually chose the whirlwind sword in vanilla and merely said axe to appear as though I was a more optimal player