Wyrmrest Community Project

Back to the top with you!


2023? Woah! Weā€™re only half way through summer, lets not get ahead of ourselves! xD


I do not know how that typo survived this long, but thank you for pointing it out LOL :rofl:


Had some great RP tonight again at the recluse, loving what weā€™re doing so far!


Bumping because I can.


Is national hot dog day on the calendar?


Giving this of a visibility nudge as I go IC a bit in Upton Borough (Boralus) selling wares on Gulao.


Come hang out in the Discord with us! :partying_face:


Had alot of fun observing the event in Dalaran tonight, and the gathering after in the Lounge was super nice, love seeing WrA so lively!


Glad you could come! :slight_smile:


The main post has been updated to include new information pertaining to the target community for this project. We look forward to welcoming you all!

Anyone interested in advertising their Wyrmrest Accord Alliance or Horde roleplay events are strongly encouraged to share their event information across any Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP) platforms.

Thank you!
~ The WCP Moderator Team


Our discord hit 300 members not long ago. Thereā€™s alot of us here, but the only thing missing is YOU!

Tons of networking, event planning, and even some guild recruitment going on over at WCP. Come join us!


I had fun at the Duskwatch Saberguardā€™s wine tasting event last night!

Come join the Discord to get notified of any other upcoming events weā€™ve got going on!


WCP just passed 400 members in our discord, and thats pretty awesome!

Love seeing all the active folks in the community, its truly-heartwarming how far weā€™ve come.

Donā€™t be shy, come join us!


I had a great time yesterday at Mingā€™s new Red Wing Tavern in Pandaria.

If anybody else out there is thinking of starting a new RP establishment or even do a one-time event on WRA, the Discord is a great place to advertise it and get it up and running!
Youā€™ll be able to have your event listed on the calendar, so that folks will know about it.

And for people looking to attend events, or even just find/ask for random RP, this Discord is great for staying connected with that as well!


This project has been amazing for WRA as a whole, if you havent already join chat and give support horde alliance neutral its a great opportunity for players and guilds



The Fall season is fast approaching and there are so many fun events in store for Wyrmrest Accord! Below, Iā€™ll highlight some of the upcoming events this weekend, but before I do Iā€™d like to express my gratitude to everyone who has taken the time to join and participate in this growing project. Whether youā€™re here to hang out or assist with hosting and organizing events, know that youā€™re doing so much to help support our community!

To those who have not joined yet, know this community is happy youā€™re around and hope to see you at some of the upcoming events.

Happy roleplaying!

Upcoming Events

:apple: [A-RP] Stormwind Farmer's Market - May 6th
When: 9/9/2022 5:00pm (server)
Where: Cathedral Square, Stormwind

If you are a farmer or simply have handmade goods for sale, this is the market for you! Saddle up your horse or hitch up your wagon of cabbages and head on down to Stormwind City!

:deciduous_tree: HELPING HANDS: NEW PATHS
When: 9/11/2022 5:30pm (server)
Where: Karnumā€™s Glade, Desolace

Karnum Marshweaver of the Cenarion Circle has agreed to provide lumber sourced through wisps encouraging the accelerated growth of trees! However, the Burning Blade Clan is active once more, and taking captives. Additionally, an orcish blademaster has arrived in the Glade and has a request of any adventurers that take up the request.

:teapot: Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!
When: 9/11/2022 4:00pm (server)
Where: Sri La Village, Jade Forest (Pandaria)

Tea and Pandaren-inspired cuisine served by Kunbo and friends. Slow down. Life is meant to be savored. Cross-faction friendly, IC weapons prohibited

:cake: <N RP> Fancy Cakes - Sundays- (Leg) Dalaran
When: 9/11/2022 5:00pm (server)
Where: Antonidas Memorial Gardens, Dalaran (Legion)

Come join us for a casual, social RP mixer event. Donā€™t forget your elixirs! Your first reasonable order of the weekly open house is free. Enjoy a variety of teas, cupcake, pie, coffees, cookies and more!

:performing_arts: Mulgore Story Circle
When: 9/11/2022 6:30pm (server)
Where: Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore

A gathering of tales, songs, lessons and more! This weekly server event has been going for a few years now and we love to have more story tellers and listeners! Come tell your tale or just stay a while and listen. We love having new visitors! Bring your tongues potions!

Reminders for these events are posted in the WCP Discord, and participants are welcome to use the in-game WCP community channel to chat together as events occur live.

Those interested in joining the project, either to network, or simply to stay up-to-date on events, can access our platforms from the links below. All are welcome :sparkling_heart:

Thank you all for your continued contributions to the Wyrmrest Accord community!

~ The WCP Moderator Team

Networking Platforms

:left_speech_bubble: :globe_with_meridians: :speech_balloon:

WCP Discord Click to Join
In-Game Community Click to Join
Moderated by: Maeshkin, Thomas, Feyawen, Raseri, Lucy, Jiroki, and Sswatchto

Just a quick change, the farmerā€™s market is on 9/10 :smiley:

Thanks for posting the events!


Bumping the thread so that the new/returning folks to the server can see it! :partying_face:


Joined finally, looking forward to seeing WrA grow and especially help Alliance keep hold of their community.