Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP)

:diamonds: Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP) :diamonds:

Greetings, Wyrmrest Accord! As the Wyrmrest Community Project grows and changes, it’s time for Forum Thread v2.0 - The Postening.

The most important part is, of course, how to find us. If all you need is a link to join up with the project, we’ve got you covered:

:left_speech_bubble: :dracthyr_comfy_red:ㅤㅤ :speech_balloon:

Join the WCP Discord at: https://discord.gg/7PY25buzpK
Or this link: https://discord/wrawcp.info

:diamonds: :diamonds: :diamonds:
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:small_orange_diamond::diamonds::small_blue_diamond: About the WCP :small_blue_diamond::diamonds::small_orange_diamond:

For those more interested in what this is all about, the Wyrmrest Community Project started in 2021 as a collaboration between many interested community members (via this post: Alliance Roleplay) and has flourished and expanded into a concentrated effort to support and revitalize the RP community on WRA - whether you are interested in Alliance, Horde, or Neutral RP.

We’ve made great strides, and the community now tallies over 1500 roleplayers, guild members, community leaders, and friends, all working together to support Wyrmrest Accord’s unique roleplaying style, our events, and the fun we all have together. The WCP is constantly evolving, growing, and changing as the needs of the community evolve, grow, and change. We’d love you to check us out, come post an event, hang out and talk Lore Nerdery, or just see what’s kicking around on the server.

We hope to see you all very soon!

:small_orange_diamond::diamonds::small_blue_diamond: General Information :small_blue_diamond::diamonds::small_orange_diamond:

The Wyrmrest Community Project (WCP) is a community-led effort to revitalize and support Wyrmrest Accord's RP community through collaboration and networking.


The WCP’s mission is to offer a place for the WRA RP community to come together to network, find or advertise for RP and RP events, find RP guilds, character build, and nearly anything else that a roleplayer could be interested in.


Our primary objective is in hosting an active, interactive Discord server where players can join to find the latest information on RP events through use of calendars and networking with others to find like-minded RP partners and interesting plots.

We also host a variety of public events that aim to bring together our community and workshops for new, returning, or veteran RPers to get involved, meet new people, brush up skills, or just hang out and have fun.

:small_orange_diamond::diamonds::small_blue_diamond: Other WCP Links :small_blue_diamond::diamonds::small_orange_diamond:

Carrd (Coming Soon) https://wrawcp.info/
OG Forum Post [Archived] Wyrmrest Community Project
Ban Appeal Form https://dyno.gg/form/a9ff7002

:small_blue_diamond: :small_blue_diamond:
:diamonds: :diamonds: :diamonds:

Thank you!

Thank you for your trust and support through the years — we’re all in this together!


The WCP Team
Anna, Ari, Biscuit, Chip, Eledris, Harun, Kai, Lucy, Ming, Sswatchto

Updated 11/03/2024


I’m Harun and this is my favorite WoW RP discord on the Citadel.


Bloop. Up for RP folks! UP, I SAY. HEAVE HO!

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Join up and have fun!

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For some reason they continue to tolerate my presence, even after all these years. Harun continues to survive despite my repeated attempts to do him in with pepper-laced foods.

Some good folks here! I give my recommendation to check them out.


I am Grand Marshal Acele Walkinson of the Alliance and I approve this post.

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Join us. We have a ghost knight, cryptids of all kinds, mean girls, the best chefs and brewers in Azeroth…

oh, and Harun.

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Great group of people! :heart:

24 likes to the OP so far! Thanks for the support, WrA. See you in the game!

I am an Accordion, and I support this message.

Bumping the thread!

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Boop. Many events and roleplay connections have been on the WCP lately. WrA is getting busy!

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Catch this bump, Commander Bearglove


Weekly /bumpity bump.

I’d probably join in on it if it weren’t a Discord thing. I used that for at least several months before I came to terms with a simple fact: I feel like I’m not actually doing anything on that platform that matters.

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Up to you! It’s meant to help folks find RP in the game. It’s not a game or roleplay replacement, it’s a network.

Also, time for the weekly /bump.


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Little /boop to bump and also say the WCP hit 1600 members this week! Thanks for being an awesome part of this project and helping us be the community we’ve grown into. You’re the best, WrA.

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I Love Wymrie and Wymrie loves me.

boopy boop /10char