Alliance Roleplay

It’s Greyah/Gwyneth here and I’m going to try this one more time.

We all know what the game is right now. We know the culture of the company that employs the developers and artists that make and steward it. We all know that things can be better- it can be so much better.

What’s more is that we know that we- us, the players, can have a direct hand in making things better. For a lot of us that’s not playing the game, and moving on to other things. For those of us that still are playing, we know what’s missing from the roleplaying community and it’s hard to know that we are held to the mercy of the swinging pendulum of this servers population. Right now it’s not swinging very high.

What is it that we can do to foster some sort of growth or sense of community beyond a few threads on the forum or a Discord server that, arguably, could be better in its own right?

I’ve tried to create the LFRP communities in game earlier this year in a direct effort to rally our servers roleplayers into a place where we could easily find others looking for partners, events, storylines, etc. That iteration of the LFRP community fell short of what it could be for many reasons: the steep decline of population, stretching myself too thin between Horde and Alliance, and my own personal reckoning with how I enjoy this game.

I’ve had a lot of time to reflect and I’ve watched the game stagnant over the past several months, especially as it relates to the roleplaying community.

In that reflection, I’ve decided to give the LFRP on Alliance side another go. This time I’m only focusing on the Alliance side. That’s the faction I play most, where my new main, Courts, is. I’m no longer GMing, which means I have more time to focus on this community without being stretched in so many directions.

I feel good about this try, and I have some great ideas. But another thing I’ve decided is this: I can’t do this alone. I’m going to need help. I need your help. The Alliance roleplayers still playing, the Alliance roleplayers unsubbed, the Horde players who have alts or care about the server’s roleplaying community as a whole and the non-roleplayers who call Wyrmrest Accord home.

I’ve spent a lot of time on this server and playing this game. So have you, in your own, relative way. It is not hyperbole to want to save or fix or help a place you care about, even in the smallest, hobbyist way.

I’m excited to get started, but I’m going to take my time. I’m looking for collaborators and partners to help with brainstorming, implementation, and support.

OOC/IC events, an in-game community, Discord, forum synergy, guild faires, summits, etc. are all things I have cooking up, and I think this community has unique talent and passion that can bring a breath of fresh air and life back into WRA.

I’d like to try, at any rate.

If you would like to try too, please reach out to me either through Discord or I’m hoping to get a base of several key players/community members that can contribute in their own way so that when we launch, we can be as successful as possible.

Discord: clair#5962 clair#1709

Thanks for reading,

Clair/Greyah/Gwyneth and now, Courts.


I’m here for the long haul! The press lately has been (very) bad and I’ve watched the same stagnation just send the Alliance population into a nosedive. This game can be so much better and WrA has provided me with some of the best times I’ve ever had playing this game. If anyone around remembers the Death Knight Riots, let’s do something like that again, that was dope.

If any of y’all see me ingame and want to throw something together, feel free to holla! I’d like to reach out to as many people as possible because RP collaboration is effin’ cool.


the time has come for Moonguard and Wrymrest to merge!


Incredibly, I was not expecting the 3rd post on this thread to be a Moon Guard superiority post.

I respect the sentiment, but until that happens I will be focusing my gaming efforts on Wyrmrest Accord.

Moving on now.


Count me in. We may have butted heads in the past, but I think we can move past it in the name of some quality RP. WrA Alliance RP deserves another solid try, and I’m here to help that.

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It will take as many of us as possible.

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You have my sword! Through it all I’ve still been quietly roleplaying in Duskwood, and there’s a small community there that’s hanging on. The holidays are coming up and that will definitely make my availability spotty for the next couple months, but I am here to help!


I always wanted death to all the Alliance dogs.

But not like this.


I’d love to help anyway that I can. I’m definitely looking to create some smaller scale RP events for Alliance-side, like tavern nights in Stormwind.


Who’s dead?

I’m not sure what exactly I can do, but I’m fond of Alliance RP and cross-faction RP thereof and I am happy to say this is a Good Idea from Gwyneth’s Good Ideas.

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I’ve migrated most of my Alliance alts to MG at this point. But I don’t want WRA’s Alliance side to die either, it’s where I first settled when I started seriously trying RP. I’ve got one I hop onto from time to time, I’ll try to be more proactive on them about flagging people down to RP.

I’m kind of… shy about joining new guilds or communities but I fully support your dream for a populated WRA Alliance RP scene again. Would it help if I was actively chasing down people who wander into Mage Quarter for RP?

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As someone who plays on Alliance side primarily and only does so on WrA, people are very shy and unlikely to walk up on their own.

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Well apparantly the Alli community, from what I have been reading.

I’ll get on it, then! o7

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Not at all, glad I could correct you. Thanks for your inquiry though!

What’s truly dead is my self-respect for playing this game so long.


Re the roleplay.

We need for the braver players, who really DO have fun with RP, and really DO know how to RP more than love stories, to get brave enough to put on a few public RP moments and recruit while they do it.

Back in the early days of the Death Knights, back in Stormwind, they would always run that loop of the “traitor” being drug into town and Wrynn telling people to be nice or something like that. We also had Horde attacking Stormwind and Alliance attacking Orgrimmar. It was late at night when people get silly.

My friends and I were there one day, and one of them basically posted they spat on the “traitor” and that the king could do nasty things to himself if he thought the friend was going to be nice to a traitor.

Someone else created a “Yeah, where was the king when the bloody horde murdered my family!”

So we just marched on the throne, demanding people join us in a rebellion against King Wrynn. We’d gather in the palace, and make up stories of why we hated him. Others got into by making up tales about defending him, and his good side.

We couldn’t actually KILL any NPC on our own side, so we’d “agree” to take it out on the Horde, and then we turned that into “spying” on the Horde and on the Alliance to see who the real traitors were.

It was just utter silly, fun, chaos.

And then they did that thing with the zones and you had to be the same level as people in your zones, and the created places that looked more exciting than the first cities, and people started abandoning the big cities.

But it was FUN, and it really got a lot of players into the RP part of the game.

Another guild used to send their new players into Stormwind to earn coin and the GM would give them some kind of little reward from the guild. Probably game gold. I dont’ really know.

But they would beg, offer to make you some crafty thing, sell portals to the other cities, etc. A few would RP being a victim of a pick pocket, whil others would RP dragging them off to the prison in Stormwind.

It was fun.

But it TOOK COURAGE, because there are always idiots who are on an RP server, who mock the Roleplayers.


I wasn’t really asking anything. Not sure where the combativeness is coming from when my comment was in support of your idea, but ok.


I like showing up in Stormwind every now and then for some RP (and pvp)

Most of it is just interacting with Velves as part of a Silvermoon Outreach Program.

Nothings come of it yet, but maybe itll help a bit

Sunfury as a Bounty program thats similar. Get a kill in wpvp with screenshot and get 500g.

sometimes a bonus bounty gets announced if an enemy is wrecking our people lol