Modas il Toralar [H/A-RP]

None taken. I initially assumed since you all had been around a while and I heard good things that you wielded IC racism as one should: With consenting parties to add the impetus to progress the story.

People get understandably prickly because villains of any type are rarely, if ever, played well and so most experiences are negative. That said, if you guys are the real deal and know how to do it right, I really hope you consider WrA. I know what it’s like to pick up and move from a tight-knit server (my guild was on Earthen Ring till 2021) to WrA-A. It’s a bit like starting over because the community and faces are different, but it’s also picking up where you left off.

WrA-H is strong and WrA-A has been steadily growing for some months now. You’ll find that WrA in general is very cross-faction roleplay oriented, which adds even more possibilities to stories. Both are also a smaller neighborhood than MG-A and therefore tends to have better communication between parties (when we put in the work) and more open roleplay opportunities to take.

Also, if you haven’t already, check out the Wyrmrest Community Project Discord ( It’s 1600+ members strong and its mission is to help network WrA roleplayers to find guilds, spread the word on events, and collaborate on roleplay projects. We also have one other CC guild that’s recently popped in there with potential interest in transferring, so hope to see you both in the future.

From one long-time GM to another from a defunct RP server, if you want to chat about WrA, transferring, and the like, I’m in that Discord as Ariclaresta.

More info about the Discord in the thread linked below. Hope to see you guys around!