Not to mention the 90’s Crow movie had a phenomenal soundtrack.
I feel like the Crow is a product of the time. Sort of like the new Robocop film (Which is actually decent). Yes it can be remade/retold, but some films are just iconic of their eras. Robocop is a quintessential 80s film - The Crow is a quintessential 90s film.
Spy Kids is a quintessential 00s film, because it was honored and inducted into the National Film Registry.
No but seriously, that’s not a lie. Especially not for the amount of star power that franchise managed to draw in.
I just find that baffling.
It’s clear to me even without having seen it (because usually I’d rather see these things before forming a hot take) that the people behind it didn’t understand the assignment whatsoever.
The Crow was James O’Barr’s love letter to his wife who had been killed by a drunk driver. It was his seething, howling outrage at something so senseless, so pointlessly cruel. It was his grieving process. The story itself is more about Eric (O’Barr) struggling to cope with the horror of his experiences and find a way to move on than anything else and even the 90s adaptation understood this–quite well, in fact.
I think I’m avoiding the new movie because there’s something oddly painful about knowing how badly they fumbled what was a grieving man’s farewell to his wife and to the life they built together.
I still listen to parts of it to this day. The instant Dead Souls starts pounding, I’m swept away.
I feel like a Crow movie could work, but it needs to not be Eric and Shelly. Their story was told and told to absolute and tragic (both cinematic and real life) perfection. A new Crow in a new story told as a movie would fine, and it wouldn’t be offensive to the 90’s original if done by people who understood what they were working with.
Oh man, I’m a huge fan of the original soundtrack (Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band of all time) and listen to Dead Souls regularly on a few of my playlists. If you are interested Stabbing Westward did an absolute banger cover of The Cure’s Burn from the Crow OST. I hightly recommend it and the remix Burn (Devil’s Night Mix)!!!
I preferred the Crow we had here on the server.
I have said it before, and I will say it as often as I can as I die like Boromir on this damn hill.
Hollywood and the Studios are all creatively bankrupt and hyper-obsessed with printing money, and that kind of mindset likes to cut corners.
If the story worked so well, why not re-use it. Slap some shiny on it, name-drop the original, have some big name producer that nobody outside of the Studios even knows as anything other than a slightly more bolded name in the credits put their ‘creative’ stamp on the whole thing while the Sociopath Suits upstairs meddle and micro-manage because they want even more money and have been so completely divorced from the people they are trying to peddle to that their ‘help’ just makes the whole thing unwieldy and toxic.
And then the whole thing dies on launch with a wet, rippling fart noise and the auditors descend over everything looking for the reason, but never look upstairs at the Suits, never look at the Directors who are high off their own self-importance, the AAA Actors who traumatize whole sets with their egos and contractual ‘quirks’ (The Rock’s ‘Never Lose’ clause being the most publicly meme’d on one I can recall at 3am) and budgets that get slashed without warning because the Studio over-extended on their columbian flour budget and needs to pay for more pronto.
And having failed to do more than blame the nobodies for the financial fandango that cost them hundreds of millions and tainted a beloved franchise … we go off and do the exact same thing without blinking to the next in the line because the Studios are obsessed with capturing the Lightning in the Bottle on command, and not accepting that it takes time, money and passion to make a good movie, and you need the stuffed shirts out of the picture, a director and team who are not high off their own farts, actors who have that passion and will work well with others, and a team that is suitably funded and not pressed into the concrete keeping up with absurd schedules.
I will point to the disaster that Marvel did with their franchise trying to keep the hype-training going after End-Game and treating the spin-off shows like garbage, including the She-Hulk series where they would pull the actor into the room, give them the scripts, do several attempts, then wheel them out again, meaning the actors had no time to sink into the role, put themselves into the mindset of the characters and the universe they inhabited, and put on a good performance.
Look at the Loki series and how well that did by comparison, not just in profits, but in awards, in people still talking about it long after the series ended. In the impact it had not just in the franchise, but in the social media ‘hive-mind’ when it comes to good series.
And the problem will never stop because the Studios are run by people who are so absurdly wealthy, so completely disconnected from their target audience, and so well insulated by layer after layer of PR teams and support teams and employees and consultants that even if their choices cost a company hundreds of millions of dollars … they’ll never feel even the slightest pinch, or suffer any real consequences because they’re ‘too important’ to replace and their ‘skill set’ is too difficult to find … despite the fact their self-importance and lack of context caused the majority of the issues in the first place.
I generally avoid AAA stuff as a result and try smaller studios and B-Grade movies instead because it avoids the hyper-fixation on money and immediate market saturation that Marvel, Sony, Disney, Warner Bros, Lionsgate and the rest throw at me with their content, because I want to enjoy the movie or the series, not be sitting there with my assembled-incorrectly brain pointing out memes and tropes and corporate placements every five minutes and throwing my immersion out of a speeding car on a freeway.
Morbius being a fantastic flop makes me so incredibly sad, he was always my favorite Spiderman villain/antihero and this movie has left a permanent black mark on the character as a whole. It ain’t fair I tell you! (Morbin’ time is a good meme though)
So, I finally put up the Christmas tree. Technically, the tree has been up for a week. I finally got around to putting decorations on it this afternoon. It’s the first time we’ve had a tree in 6 years. First year was because the new cat was under 6 months old. And one of the other cats loved to climb it around 2 am. Anyway, between cats, depression and moving to a very small apartment, we finally put one up.
The bottom limbs aren’t decorated. The cats’ lawyer refers to it as an “attractive nusance” and I am contractually obligated to leave the bottom fourth empty. interestingly, the cat we were originally worried about hasn’t even sniffed the tree. Our elder void however, yeah… she is in hunting mode.
Who was that again?
Didn’t trolls on twitter get enough traction with talking about it that the company re-released it in theaters only for it to massively flop again?
Honestly, all my sarcasm spawns from envy, because disguising yourself as yourself and going around to try to get people to talk about yourself totally sounds like something I’d do.
Yes, yes they did. And I am proud of the comic book fans for making a giant corporation lose money and look like idiots.
“Sunday mornin’ comin’ down…”
Not really, just a mildly interesting moment in my WoW history.
One of the reasons I created my personal guild / bank back in the day was for profession mats and item hoarding. This guild has easily had it’s name changed 20 times or more, because I’m never happy with whatever I’ve chosen. It’s been in existence since 2012. Not happy with the current name, but someone reported the last one (?) and I had to change it. I’ll change it again at some point. (Maybe I’ll do a “name my guild” contest.)
Anyway, a few months ago (Sept?) Blizz finally came out and said that with the implementation of the 11.0.2 patch back in August, there was a “missing items” bug. They admitted it. It related to guild banks and a number of people (no idea how many?) weren’t going to get all the items in the guild banks restored. Blizz tried, but was unable to restore everything.
Which got me to thinking, perhaps I should clean it out. Is there anything in there I truly value that I should remove and put in my personal bank or void storage or? Finally decided to go through and start selling much of it on the AH. That’s what I’m doing this morning.
Got me to thinking though…is there anything your chars have that if it got lost, would cause you grief or? If you’ve been playing a long time, we’ve all collected A LOT of items that mean something to us - in the World of Warcraft. Looking through Norman’s personal bank, some of the items remind me of players I played with, who are no longer playing or more unfortunately, no longer here on earth. Memories of moments and friends. The guild bank holds a few of those as well, as it had more space.
Kind of an odd feeling selling much of this off or just moving it out, but I would hate to lose it to the nether.
I have sentimental items, but mostly they’re replaceable. I have a soft spot for useless items with silly flavor text like [Cracked Femur: “Great, you broke it”], and trinkets with cool effects. I also can’t let go of multiple stacks of my favorite hallowed wands, because I keep telling myself I’ll use them at some point.
Gonna get me some Puffy Tacos today. YUM!!!
Edit: Also Sonic 3 was SICK
Nothing really in my banks I’d really miss, honestly. Hell, I keep a library of all collectable books from in the game I’m seriously considering purging because the lore of the game isn’t something I prioritize any more. Hell, I catch myself just disassociating through quest text any more.
On a unrelated note - I think I may actually be addicted to Hearthstone’s Battlegrounds. Seeing as how my season reward track has hit the bits that “Unlocks February 2025”.
…I literally outran the rewards for playing the game mode.
Well, I woke up early this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. Rather than do anything productive, I decided to do a “winter clean” on my bank and void storage. To my dismay, some of the things I thought I had, I didn’t. I was rather sad about that. It’s odd to have those feeling about a virtual thing - something that you’ve never laid a finger on.
Anyway, most of what I had in storage was sorted out into Rp outfits. Even though transmog has been a thing for a while, it doesn’t help you if most of your RP gear isn’t your armor type. Plate doesn’t have a lot of “tribal” looking gear. So, I kept outfits for certain occasions. Like Story Circle and ceremonies. Going through them brought back a lot of memories.
It was a little melancholy. It was mostly good though. There’s lots of people I miss, but I’m glad we got to share time. Some of them are probably still on my friends list, but I’m too embarrassed to message them with “Hey, who were you 5-6 years ago?”
Anyway, I have space to hoard new stuff now… and I still have all my memories, even if I don’t have some of the items that I associated it them with.
What I do still have is that that black and white head dress that you can’t get anymore. I got scared I did something stupid and vendored it. But nope, it’s there. Kina can’t transmog it, but at least she can’t still wear it.
i got bronchitis from chicagoland but it was worth it because i was able to have a real pizza and kronos gyros.
Wishing you all merry christmas and happy Holidays