Found the Harronir questline. Closed my eyes and heard Trolls talking.
DP and wolv was just a bunch of tik tok content strung together
It was good for what it was and better than it should have been all things considered.
I didn’t hate it.
I have no real urge to watch it again.
I am admittedly bias on DP, but I can also appreciate he doesn’t appeal to everyone. I tend to nerd out on alot of comics. Again going back to my childhood. My dad was very nerdy and still is, he introduced me to Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Star Trek, and Star Wars… pretty much all the classics.
Oh and Indian Jones! My mom was furious that he let me watch Temple of Doom when I was very little… I think it explains alot. Also Beetlejuice.
I never missed the The Justice League, every. I remember how the week before the new TV season started in the spring (yes, that was a thing back in the 70’s and 80’s. The TV “season” started around the beginning of September.) They would have a big prime time show hyping all the new Saturday morning cartoons. I still kinda miss Saturday mornings. I’d have cartoons up to a certain point, then we’d switch over to PBS and watch cooking shows and home improvement stuff with my Dad. <3
Some of that stuff was bullet proof too. But it was also highly flammable. I remember one assembly in High School. It was an honor society induction. They had to hold this candles, and one girl got her candle a little to close to her hair. POOFT It was like a bonfire! She was okay - no bad burns. Her hair was screwed. She got an awesome little punk do for a while.
Yes, my Dad introduced me to Star Trek at a very young age. And my mom made me watch my first Dr. Who episode. The PBS in my state did British Sci-Fi on Saturday nights. She told me she thought it was something that I would like, and she was right. I think I started with the Third Doctor.
Thats me and every Deadpool movie so far. Was fun, but I dont really want to ever watch them again.
I never got into Dr. Who much beyond Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. I did however watch alot of Red Dwarf!
OMG! I love Red Dwarf!!! Same PBS station introduced me to it. They’d start with Dr. Who and then do two or three other shows after. It was awesome.
Oh cool the name change is showing now, anyway
I’m in a weird spot because I didn’t /hate/ Man of Steel even though I could see the glaring problems with it and could imagine exactly how I might have written it differently. I could still find moments to enjoy and, hey, Henry Cavill is an achingly lovely man to look at.
I’ll give this latest attempt a chance. If nothing else it looks like it could be a silly romp, a fun special effects distraction I don’t need to seek anything deeper from. I wasn’t a HUGE Superman fan as a kid but I do hope they actually do the character justice this time.
Idk if it’s legit or not, but I’ve seen this quote attributed to Robert Smith and I choose to believe it’s real because there’s nothing more 80s goth than this:
“Once, I fainted from an over-abundance of hairspray fumes. When I woke up three hours later, I thought I was in a cemetery, but it turns out it was just Siouxsie’s back garden.”
There’s only been a few movies as of late in the superhero genre that have not interested me:
Venom since the first sequel (I’ll watch it eventually)
Shazam 2
The (New) Crow
Blue Beetle (but i had to see it because I’m brown)
The absolute worst of the genre as of late that I’ve actually seen:
Morbius (saw it on a plane)- jeeze louise it cannot be understated how hilariously bad it ended
Madam Web- HILARIOUS AND I MEAN HILARIOUSLY bad. Like its so stupidly bad that you enjoy yourself because you’re making fun of this stupid stupid movie. It’s like the Room
MCU is always at least good; Post Endgame MCU has struggled to find it’s footing but there’s been some remarkable titles. I loved Eternals (I want a sequel and give me back Icarus!!), Spidey 3, Deadpool 3, Doc Strange 2, Loki, Moon Knight on a second viewing, Agatha All Along, Wanda Vision.
I’m really hoping to see the return of the Hulu MCU- Bring me back my Runaways and My Cloak and Dagger!!
I choose to believe it’s real as well. It made me happy to see Robert rocking the same red lipstick and hair - eventhough the hair has thinned and is gray. He still sounds the same too. I remember all the people who talked smack about the music back in the day, yet so much of it, and the artists themselves, are holding up today.
Lol. Have you been watching Creature Commandos?
I’ve watched the first two episodes. It’s a thing. The Sons of Themyscira dude-bros was definitely a choice.
No, I haven’t but I hear it’s good! I usually go threw binges when I watch the DC animated stuff and eventually I’ll probably get tot it.
Everything I’ve heard about The Crow 2024 is that it utterly fails to capture what was so essential about both the original comic and the 90s film with Brandon Lee. As a somewhat diehard fan of said comic and said 90s film I’ve taken this to heart.
I was going into a huge rant about this movie but decided it wasn’t worth it. It should not have used Eric and Shelly’s names. It’s not their story. The creators of this film could have named them literally anything else and it would have made for a better imagining of a Crow story. There’s already been plenty of other Crows in the past, this didn’t have to be a “reimagining” of the Original. It just all over the legacy of a good man and a great movie.
It didn’t need another adaptation at all. I feel like the 90s film was peak, and is still peak, captured the mood perfectly and follows the novel fairly closely with some genuinely fascinating changes.
Like, I’d almost rather see an adaptation of Joshua Zane’s story, or Iris Shaw. But at the same time I just don’t want to see an other Crow movie made. We already have an exceptional one.
The ending of the new Crow movie didn’t even make sense. The whole thing had a lot of issues but the most glaring one was that the ending didn’t deliver on the premise. I think??
The girl is sinking into/goes to hell, if the Crow succeeds with the renewed mission, he goes to hell in her place and she can go to… heaven? But instead, he succeeds and she’s ALIVE (with some time warping nonsense?) and he’s just in the purgatory zone. It seems like the changed their minds, like someone said ‘it would be cool if he was with the crows at the end’ and didn’t change the middle?