Wyrmest Lounge Thread

Oh hey! Nathan Fillion. And Alan Tudyk. And Rachel Brosnahan and Wendell Pierce. And a dog!

The rest is whatever. I generally watch every superhero movie because I’m that nerd. But I’ll definitely watch it for actors I like :slight_smile: Plus puppy!


Now this is a take I can fully support!

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Some part of me is a little bummed that Undermine came out in a mediocre expansion.

The new Superman does look pretty dope. My only pedantic laugh is Clark Kent has the perm haircut I see teenagers have nowadays. HOW does every kid have curly hair now? I’m 100% sure there’s some hair product these guys are using to get their hair like that.

I’m liking Lex Luthor too! Tho I always imagine him broader and the common rep in live action seems to be thin. Not my thing.

Lois Lane looks super Lois Lane

Guy Gardener’s haircut is so hilarious- but it’s quite on point.

I think this dude looks great, but Cavill’s my favorite Supe. He’s a badass.

I’ll be happy to see this one. We are getting some great super hero stuff this year


Good year for us comic nerds

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Is this really a thing?

look up “teenager perm haircut” you’ll see what I mean.

It’s like the Edgar. G’dangit I’m not looking forward to my son becoming a teenager and going thru one of these bad haircuts…but then again I had the mop-head like every teen had back in the 00s.

edit- i mean it’s like the Edgar in which it is just such a dumb dumb hair trend. But funny!

Hair trends… :roll_eyes:

I remember in jr high when this other kid would get pissy if I wore the same Nine Inch Nails t-shirt on the same day as him. Like I am supposed to know how he picks out his clothes and we just happen to have the same band shirt.

well one of us is going to have to change


I was an 80’s kid. There is no hair like 80’s hair. The amount of damage to the ozone that I was responsible for on my one boggles the mind.

Back to Superman, I’m not anti-super hero. I am anti- remake of the same concept over and over and over. I think Superman is a problematic character for this. The character is basically a god. A god who was created representing the best people and is the goodiest of goodie two shoes. Very movie just provides him with a different flavor of angstiness to “humanize” him and make him relatable to a modern audience. Just a new director and writer’s taking on lightly scuffing a super human. But Superman was never my favorite.

I was a Spiderman kid. I also liked Dr. Strange, Hawkgirl, Wonder woman, Thor, and a couple of more I can’t quite remember right now. For the most part I like what they’ve done with the Marvel Universe.


I got off the Superhero movie train with Avengers: Endgame.
I went and saw Deadpool and Wolverine, and while it was funny it wasn’t a great film.

Superman looks fun. I’m glad to see Krypto. Glad to see an established, fantastical world. But from all I’ve read, it’s functionally a re-tread of the worst Superman movie: Superman IV.

Superman has such a criminally underutilized rogue’s gallery. I can’t get excited for Evil Clone and Evil Businessman when that’s functionally been the beats of every Superman movie/show for the past 50 years. I’m hoping it does well at the box office, but I’d be a lot more interested if the villain was like Brainiac or Metallo…hell, even Toyman. Something other than a “Sayian Fight”.


This is a huge problem with DC/WB. This is the third Superman reboot in 10 years. Now they also have a Batman movie universe that has also spawned a TV series. A Joker verse that had one good movie and one terrible one (I thought the first one was terrible, but others liked it, but it was crap). And now another Superman DCCU movie with a new different Batman movie to follow, as well as an animated spin off series and live action Clayface spin off movie in the works. This. Is. Insane!

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Even if I hadn’t left the Superhero genre behind, I refuse to watch the Joker films on principle for the same reason I vehemently dislike the Sony Spider-Villain movies. They’re villains. We don’t need to see a movie from their perspective. That’s not what they’re there to do and Joker especially is problematic because a lot of people idolize a blatant psychopath.

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Oh yeah. There is nothing else on earth like 80’s hair. It cannot be explained. It is something you simply cannot comprehend unless you lived it. I grew up fighting with my sister every Saturday morning over whether or not we watched Strawberry Shortcake or The Justice League cartoons. “Wonder Twin powers activate!”
The last superhero comic book movie I got hyped for was “Batman Returns” back in 1992. The cast of that sequel was awesome and the production value still gets me hyped when I pop the movie into the old DVD player.

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You’re in luck. Joker 2 was made just as a :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: you to the Joker fans.

But honestly the first one was crap too. I hated it and I am indeed a huge Joker fan even though he is a villain. I know he’s a villain and shouldn’t be emulated irl… but whatever Joker movies were both garbage.

Let’s be honest:

80s Hair is the reason we put a hole in the Ozone Layer that we then spent the better part of 20 years fixing and why Aerosol Hairsprays are very much no longer widely available.


Yep. For sure. My sister and her friends couldn’t afford hairspray so they used to mix up this whack concoction of sugar water. :rofl:


The fact we were also all openly smoking while applying the hairspray…it’s a wonder there weren’t more fires. Though hear me out here - Spontaneous Combustion was a big deal at the time.


I saw Deadpool vs Wolverine with my friend, there was a scene they got spoiled by they knew I’d love, which was Blade I love Blade. I thought the meta universe joke funny/clever and it had other funny moments but it’s not something I’m going to go outta my way to watch again unlike Blade which I might watch tonight because I need to work late when I get home.

Anyway I’ll be an eternal forever hater towards the stinkin DC movies. Batman vs Superman was the dumbest most annoying movie to watch, so many moments where they don’t have to fight but because it’s the name of the movie they have to. Then justice league is just a whole bad movie undoing the previous bad movie. The Darkseid vs old Olympic gods in the stupidly long worse cut was pretty cool, why couldn’t that just be the movie. Space Satan vs the Olympians.

It’s like that movie Reign of Fire and in the opening they explain the world went to war with dragons, how cool would that have been as a movie with jets and stuff fighting dragons lmao or the Wolverine opening and Wolverine fighting in all the wars, just do that and it’ll rock lean into the stupidity.

Anyway tldr superheroes I think are at their best when the target audience is children. The DC animated cartoons prove this. You can still make something for kids while telling a fun and even serious story that an older audience can still appreciate.

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I was quite young, I think it was the 90’s, when I saw a person with a fireball for a head come shrieking out of a salon because the hair-dresser was smoking while applying some sort of stiffening spray (stop that ) and some ash had fallen into the patron’s hair.

Our grandparents, with their lungs full of asbestos. Our parents, with their blood full of carcinogens. Us, with our entire bodies infested with microplastic. I wonder what horrors our children will ‘inherit’ from our insistence on super-industrialization.

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My wife got me DP and Wolvy for my Birthday. But before we watched it, we watched all 3 Blade movies (she’d never seen them), because…