It just had to be done.
It just had to be done.
I think that’s playing into the whole feeling Siren Isle is just blatantly filler content. There’s no legacy NPCs leading the charge to it. Not even Dagran, who you’d think would be keen to study something new.
Instead we’ve got the connective tissue of Dawn the Earthen, who doesn’t even merit a voice actor.
we need to start requiring that feminist retellings not involve a male love interest because i swear misogynistic romance authors are just using that label as marketing. we also need to bite back against the idea that “it’s feminist because a woman wrote it and it’s about a woman.”
I want World of Warcraft to feature more kissing, not less.
this is fine because warcraft doesn’t bill itself as a feminist retelling.
There you go again, Gentarn. Being logical and expecting things to be affected by the plot.
Wait. We’re not at peace? What the heck do we do now? What happens to the neighborhoods we’ve been planning? I was looking forward to waving at all my neighbors while watering my lawn in boxers and a bathrobe. Now I have to stand fire watch and hope that some horde hunting party doesn’t TP my house.
Me, shaking the screen
Sometimes I want to hug the writers and tell them it is all going to be okay. Other times, I am consumed with such rage at their ‘choices’ that I want to shake them like they are maracas and I’m doing my Jim Carrey in the Mask impersonation.
I gotta try the new content- but I’ve been playing some other games recently.
outside of WoW-
I just had a professional accomplishment, I believe. $1,000,000.00 in client settlements in a less than 4 month period. I’ve been doing this for awhile and normally $1 million can take anywhere from 8-12 months. I’ve made some people pretty happy recently- one guy scoring like 50 grand on a case that normally wouldn’t see above 20.
ALSO- My wife is done with her 3 week arbitration!! She’s been working from 6 AM-11PM nearly every work day since December started, poor baby! Now she can finally enjoy some Christmas time.
New Superman trailer dropped! Went in not wanting to get hyped because I am way too cynical and jaded to be excited for superhero movies anymore.
That lasted all of exactly 1 minute and 16 seconds. Now I am like…
Here’s the trailer if anyone is interested.
idk what youre hyped about it. Theres not really much there to digest, except a terrible looking Guy Gardner.
Look, I may be dead inside as well as out… but I am a sucker for the super pets (Ace better be in the new Bats or I am gunna be pissed).
As for Guy, I love Nathan Fillion but him as GL was kinda a surprise. I mean I know him and Gunn are buddies, but he is a little old now compared to the younger cast of everyone else.
I’m curious to see how it is. I watched it without sound and there was so no sub titles so idk if anyone said anything lmao.
I absolutely dislike the previous DC movies and the Henry Cavill Superman. The DC animated cartoon set the bar for me, that cartoon was so good??? Superman can be a fun character and I like himbo country bumpkin Superman and wish more writers leaned into that instead of what if Superman is gloomy.
nobody spoke.
just a lot of imagery.
I liked the look of Cavill as Supes. He had the build, the face, and the hair. Like he was the perfect choice to play the man. I just didn’t care for the deconstruction takes on the character in the pre-DCU movies. Superman shouldn’t be dark and gritty (that’s Batman), he should be heroic and hopefully and inspirational. He should be the hero the whole world looks up to. This new take is supposed to be more based on that version of Supes, so let’s hope. Fingers are optimistically crossed.
Also Batman the Animated Series is the definitive animated Bats. And Batman Beyond animated is its only successor.
Unpopular opinion here, but I can’t be convinced to care about a new superman movie, or batman for that reason. How many times has superman been rebooted since Christopher Reeves when I was a kid? a piece of me want to care, but I can’t really manage it. I do appreciate that people like the movies, and I hope this one is as good as everyone wants it to be. But I just don’t get it anymore.
Superman isn’t my favorite comic hero. He isn’t even my favorite DC hero. He is however part of my childhood. I remember watching the original Reeve movies with my dad when I was very young. So there is a still a strong connection to the character. I want this movie to be good, the whole Hollywood industry has been in decline and this may not save it, but it could be a sign of improvement. Maybe. I am looking close at Supes and Fantastic Four as benchmarks for Marvel and DC moving forward (Captain America is already cooked).
I saw Batman in 1989. That’s the only one I’ve seen. I think I saw the 1987 Superman. Honestly, I don’t remember. I have zero interest in superhero movies. I saw Black Panther, because as a POC, it was mandated by law that I watch it. It was okay.
There. I said it.
Not every movie is for everyone. Like you, I am glad people find something they enjoy.
I liked Black Panther. I didn’t see the sequel.
I have not watched a single superhero movie since Avemblers: A Game to Remember.