Wyrmest Lounge Thread

Today I learned people who randomly start singing in public annoy the crap out of me.

So I was invited to lunch with my parents and uncle. While we are sitting there talking and enjoying our meal this guy waiting on his order just starts belting out gospel music in the middle of the restaurant.


It was incredibly rude and obnoxious. I mean if he is just having the best day and high on life (though I doubt it was actually life), whatever. I am happy for you, but damn that grated on me. Fortunately he left right after, I guess he was just super happy to get his burger. Ugh. Anyway I just had to get that out.


Had a drunken mage start singing sea shanties loudly in the middle of a raid so no one could hear the calls. I found that while I enjoy shanties and also enjoy raiding, I don’t enjoy both at the same time.


Everyone wants attention. Some people reach for it classily, some reach for it clumsily.

One day, you’re going to read about some 50 year old guy who had enough of the attn-seeking “influencer” blocking (insert cool thing here) for him and everyone else and that guy lost his cool and clocked the attn-seeking tool right in the face.

That guy is me, being hauled off to jail for assault.

I live a stones throw from a city with all the vibes. I grew up here. I don’t mind tourists. I’m used to that. These influencer creatures? They are FOUL and a whole nutha level.

I will go to jail one day for it. I’m convinced.


Yeah… yeah. This guy was an older fellow. I don’t think he was an influencer type. But who knows… maybe he was trying to go viral. In the world we live in who knows anymore?


Older dude randomly singing gospel music in a Wendy’s gives off more of the “Put the Christ back in Christmas/ War on Christmas” vibes than influencer vibes. You’re very brave for practicing the majority religion sir, here’s your gold star sticker and the key to the city, you saved Christmas.


Oh, I’m sure he’s not one but it just reminded me of my seething and growing hatred for these attention seekers that keep ruining the public square for clicks.


So what I’m hearing is that if Norman moves in next to me in player housing and I don’t want flamingoes, then I need a channel to like and subscribe. :wink:


So what y’all need to do is smash that Like button, hammer that bell, and hollar at cha boy on Xwitterfacegram!

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I’ll build my WoW house up in Hrothgar’s landing. That’ll teach you.

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This is when you’re supposed to starting singing “Satan is good, Satan is our pal” from The 'Burbs.

And on an unrelated note, I’m really peeved about the fact that 28 Days Later still isn’t available anywhere, because the sequel trailer has given me such a powerful need to rewatch it.


It not being on stream is something to do with the rights. Use to be Fox which went to Disney, but there’s also something with Sony owning it too? Or something. I don’t know. I still have my dvd somewhere… but yeah. I really liked the first film. Didn’t care so much for the sequel. I’ve heard there are two more sequels planned after 28 Years. Hollywood is completely out of ideas. Like out out out.

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When the big studios haven’t had an original idea in 30 years and have been plagiarizing and reskinning older movies, novels and series rather than admit that their writing teams are creatively bankrupt and their executives wouldn’t know what the general public wanted if it smashed them in the face, this was inevitable.

Because nobody on those boards will give new writers a go because every movie/series must make a kajillion buckaroonies the second it opens to the public, and inclusion is treated as a speed-run ‘color by numbers’ situation rather than just organically allowing characters to develop rather than jamming the characters in awkwardly and then proclaiming how forward-thinking the studios are, this was inevitable.


It’s also not that Hollywood is out of ideas, but it’s deliberately targeting nostalgia. Why is 28 Days getting a sequel after twenty years? Because the folks who grew up with 28 Days have disposable income, and are thus likely to hand over money to a familiar property.

Video Games really are no different in that respect. Why are they making a Witcher 4? Because CD Projekt Red learned the hard way that branching out can be a struggle given the very negative impression Cyberpunk started out with.


Gourdo went home today. His first act out of the crate was to thump down against his new owner and headbutt their leg.

The absolute joy a dumb orange himbo tabby cat can deliver by immediately treating you as their oldest friend the moment they see you… is immeasurable.

The husband also told me his retired vet tech wife would be the one primarily caring for Gourdo the first few days. Two hours after we got home, he sends us a story of Gourdo coming up to his lap to snuggle him after only two calls of ‘ps-ps’.

That boy is home.


gonna try to finish BG3 now. This game is way too long sometimes but it’s good!


Funnily enough, I kinda blockaded my own enjoyment for BG3 so I’ll likely never finish it.

Was trying to go for a Lawful Evil-ish Elvish Necromancer (Green Dragon Blooded Sorcerer ancestry). So obviously I obtained and read the Book of Thay in Act One. And of course I partook in some parasitic “enhancement” - though I rapidly stopped that when the perks were just interfering with my build and I didn’t really like them.

So guess what that means?

Larian’s like “Okay, you like being a power hungry Sorcerer? Congratulations - you get to roleplay that.” And I didn’t realize that meant when the Emperor gives you that “boon”, to refuse it (and this goes for anyone who has read the Book of Thay) you have to pass a Willpower Test of 20.

And you have to keep passing Willpower Tests of 20 as the game goes on. Because you read the book and crave power.

The Wisdom 20 check only happens if you eat at least one of the taddlypoles, if you hold back on munching them until act 3 the game doesn’t punish you. Of course this is a hindsight thing but I can at least assure you that failing that check is 90% just an aesthetic change to your character, most NPCs won’t comment on your new weird face.

The Necromancy of Thay is also its own side quest and you only have to keep making that check if you keep opening and closing the book after making the first two of three checks. (It’s also totally worth it to finish that quest. I won’t spoil why but the power you get is AWESOME)


hahaha someone flagged my last post and it was removed.

Siren Isle

I don’t think I’ve ever disliked something so fast in this game.