Wyrmest Lounge Thread

What happened?

Its … uh.

It is certainly something. Maybe as the weeks progress and the story kicks in, it’ll be more interesting, but at this point, its more a “Gear up your Alts” content than “The next chapter in the War Within story!” content.

The Harronir stuff was nice and all but I was hoping for something meaty. This feels like eating a plate of food loaded with MSG and thirty minutes later I’m hungry again.


I think I’d like Siren Isle a lot more if the armor sets weren’t so unimpressive.

And also if it was less brown.


I’m just here for the new ears. And apparently the insane amount of spam upon logging in.

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Imagine Timeless Isle, but 25% the size, with the same three repeatable rare spawns with attached world prompts that are so easy to spawn (You contribute resources to THE TABLE) that you’re being spammed by the NPC dialogue every thirty seconds (But only two of the three, weirdly. Dawn the Earthen has no voice), are pretty uneventful fights, and just drop more of the resource used to summon them…or that you can spend on Transmog recolors of existing stuff.

It was an incredibly “meh” experience despite letting me /wave to Gentarn. I rapidly grew to dislike it (And sweet mercy that weekly unlockable wave defense mission can just nope right out. Never doing that obnoxious thing again) and after having secured the three Hood transmogs (All of which obnoxiously in color combinations that don’t match any Mail pieces I have unlocked), I’m really not sure if I’m ever going back for anything other than the armored Boar as a pet option.

There’s a silly amount of Transmogs to collect too. Like three full vendors with multiple “sets” (That stupid Shoulder, Chestpiece, Tabard collection nonsense) of several thousand of the current F2P style Currency that shouldn’t exist in a subscription MMO, to say nothing of multiple armor and weapon transmogs. Like I’m shooting in the dark but I have to say to get everything would require at least a hundred thousand of the new “You’ll Never Use This Again” currency.

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I can say that having a boss down to 10% and then being kicked out of a timed “collapsing” cave is a really, really poor game design. Hey, let’s deliver disappointment with the new patch.


So is it just me, or is it a little buggy out on the isle? I’m having some issues…

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Nothing on my end.

Now you want to talk weird, how about the fact I can “skin” the Haywire Excavators in the Roaring Deeps. I gain no material from it, but it’s the fact I’m even capable…

Probably just my crappy PC, we are building me a new one for Christmas.

It’s “interesting” that you can skin the excavators… Maybe I’ll get that centaur rug yet.

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The size of the island does make me wonder if this is going to be a Throne of Thunder-like situation and the island (and its surroundings) get expanded week by week based on player progression?

But I’m also concerned that it is also going to be more along the lines of a pure catch-up scenario and any story we get is going to be more foreplay on what Beledar actually is, rather than any actual satisfaction.

I don’t remember anything Harronir. I got bored and logged out before I got to the Harronir stuff or I just entirely missed it.

Either way…

Snipping Vanndrel’s post above, gets me that sentence.

I have zero interest in farming this stupid currency to get everything. I’ll wait a few days for the players to figure out the easy way to farm enough to get those backpacks and maybe a couple other items, then I’m done.

Thanks, no thanks.

I say again, FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS, Blizzard! PLEASE figure out a way to build a quest experience that doesn’t just consist of:

  • Kill 10/12/20 things and get rewarded with currency
  • Kill 1 large thing with high health and get rewarded with currency

Boring. Tedius. Not interested.


I was talking with a friend last night while I finished up doing every possible thing available to do on the island on Kirsy (I believe I’ve run through all the quests and killed all the bosses, but I didn’t turn in the jet pack yet), and we were both lamenting that Blizz does the same thing on the catch up island mechanic every time. The only one I really liked was Pandaria’s.

Instead of starting Larisi in the new content, I went over to Classic and got 2 levels on my lowbie paladin.

I also didn’t see any Harronir, but I’m infamous for not reading quests or looking at questgivers. I’ll do that later. Maybe.

The Harronir stuff doesn’t happen on Siren Isle, but from Allaria in Dornagal. She sends you to investigate some stuff in Hallowfell and you get a small quest chain that takes you to the Roaring Deeps ultimately.

It’s set up for Undermine content, ultimately. Also re-introduces Gallywix as an antagonist.

Khadgar also has a timer on him now, telling us to come back in 20 days. If you open the journal, there are two campaign quests just sitting there dormant, called “The Fate of the Kirin Tor”.

What Beledar is was already explained in the second “Collect 100 Titan Fragment” weeklies. Once you finish that up and get to the Not-Heart Chamber, its revealed they are leftover “blood stains” of Azeroth after the Titans war against the Old Gods. It’s just Azerite writ large, that Azeroth utilizes to communicate with those open to her. It’s why the Vykrul on Siren Isle created the Circlet, why our Harronir friend is becoming a new Speaker, and very probably what the Sacred Flame of the Arathi ultimately is.

The only thing not explained is why Beledar is shifting to void.


I grabbed that quest but there have been so many quests in this expac that I glanced at it and wasn’t sure if it was part of something earlier that I did or not. So I did nothing with it, assuming that the Harronir quest chain would be somewhere on Siren Isle.

Does it connect in to the Kirin Tor storyline that’s supposed to be…somewhere?

Edit: Nevermind, found it. Sort of:

No idea. Honestly I keep forgetting Dalaran exploded at the start of this expansion, for how little a major deal it’s been otherwise and the fact I routinely revisit two separate instances of the city routinely.

I feel like its loss should have impacted more than it has. Or maybe earlier than it has. It seems odd that it would just be sitting out there, crashed, waiting.

But I feel the same way about Xal’atath. We haven’t seen her toes in ages.

It’s wreckage is also barely a blip on the map. Maybe if I went out into the ocean there’d be more, but it’s kinda…unimpactful to the landscape of the Isle of Dorn.

As for Xal’alatath…she’s in a really weird place for technically someone who has been around since the RTS days (She was used to curse Grim Batol). Like I’m always amused when I pop in somewhere and see her referenced in older content because it’s like “Oh hey, she’s established. This is nice.” but she’s been around, in a independent form since Battle For Azeroth and we’re still no closer to what her ultimate goals actually are.

I originally felt like she wanted the Kirin Tor disabled because her diabolical plan could be foiled by them. But if that was the case, she’s really been taking her time. I’m still not clear what she’s doing. Maybe I missed something in her dialogue?

I guess we’ll find out when the quests unlock. I’m still not fully trusting of Khadgar, if I’m being honest. Alleria’s already been established she can’t sense Xala.

I am soooooo sick of Sky Captain Mary Poppins, or whatever her name is, and her fake English accent screaming about crap. I just expect to hear “Pip pip cheerio! Good show lads”.

I actually liked the timeless isle in Pandaria… I do not like this place though.