Wyrmest Lounge Thread

I logged in this morning to blitz out the last of the Traveller’s Journal (Because I need them tendies), and got recognized at the Anniversary Event.

It was a weird moment. Kinda fun that someone called me out, but still weird to be recognized.


At least you’ve never come back from AFK to a dozen naked people dancing around you and more whisper-windows open than you know what to do with.

Its still weird to me that people I have never met and never interacted with ‘know’ me and will just roll up and start talking to me.

Am I going to get a lore question? A discussion on transmog? A random conversation about the state of the game? Or are they just going to unhinge their metaphorical jaw and vomit unhinged nonsense onto me?


The sweet orange purr factory I trapped last week came back from neuter surgery today. All the vet techs adored him due to him being an absolute darling.

Downside is he tested positive for FIV, AKA feline AIDs. Unsurprising, given that he had so many deep bite wounds (FIV is transmitted via cat bites that pierce the skin). Male cats battling for territory and mating like him tend to get it from rival males. It’s not a death sentence like it used to be but I’m often at square one educating potential adopters about it.

Luckily for our ginger himbo, he’s adorable and extremely adoptable otherwise. Bonus video of him jumping face-first into the garage window then crying about it:



Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving WrA. I’m thankful for this realm.

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I am level 7, I have almost died twice. You need to be careful, go slow, and mind your pulls. It follows the old rules of “if someone attacks this mob, it’s tagged and you get no loot and no exp from it”, so folks are content to just let you die if it means they can sneak by. Being in a group will save your life, do not be afraid to ask to group up.

If you roll on PvP realms, that’s on you. If you jump into the arena in gurubashi and get sniped by a geared-out rogue, that’s on you. If you challenge a player to a duel to the death and get smeared, that’s on you.

Blizzard will punish people trolling / gaming the system to kill people, have no doubt, but they will not restore characters in the events of DCs, lag, or mechanical problems.


Having played DayZ to the point where at times, I felt like I was logged in enough for it to be a FT job, I can’t do slo-mo on perma death games. I am all in at warp speed to the death. Sometimes it comes quickly, other times it sneaks up and punches you in the face.

Every time I think of doing a different version of “wow” than this one, I remind myself any time invested in a different version is time not invested in this one and I just find it difficult to log in another version.

That said, I’ve been tempted to try hard core just to see how far I get at warp speed.


That is exactly my thoughts on Classic. It seems so tenuous and pointless.

If the achievs and things carried over to my main account, I would be more likely to.


I gave it try. It was okay, but I just couldn’t stand the old tauren models for very long. My ye gods I had forgot how hideous they were.


I like both classic and hardcore, but if I had to choose, I’m going to play retail over both of those every time. I’ve played since Vanilla, so Classic is just basically a retread. I like the challenge in hardcore, but I feel like it’s ultimately a waste of time.

Plus I’m RPing over here and my guild is here. So that makes a difference.

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Yeah, Retail players have forgotten how brutal Classic was in minute ways like this. In addition to not having Wowhead to figure out quests, spells costing more mana, etc., the game mechanics were very anti-solo. It’s unsurprising that WoW went on to develop its antisocial culture later on.


One day, I will be able to purchase something with my achievement points.


If you could get cosmetics that you were missing from vanilla on your retail account by playing classic, i think i would raid. As it were, vanilla’s just a nice little old school RPG i play when i’m bored.


Maybe they’ll add heritage armor back in.

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Imagine if Achievement Points mattered in a Meta fashion, ie at the end of an expansion, any achievement points you got turned into tokens that you could spend ala what Blizzard did at the end of Dragonflight. Cosmetic versions of raid gear, pets, mounts, stuff like that.

Kind of a “If you didn’t get it yet, we gotcha baby!” thing from the game to the players that stuck around for the whole expansion.

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Gentarn, you need to stop making sense. It makes the Blizz team look bad.


Bought my first OLED. 65 inches of beauty

I bought a pizza. We probably paid the same.

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I’m just biding my time until Classic Mists of Pandaria. We’re goin’ back! wipes tear from eye

It dropped fifteen below freezing in the last few days but the house is fully winterized. Living in a 100-year-old house has its charms but mostly it’s just challenges. That said, Saran wrap and masking tape over single-pane windows make excellent insulators.

Gourdo (big sweet FIV+ orange dumb) is snug as a bug in the garage after we added a heater and fashioned a “fireplace” of sorts using old reflectix foil insulation from a previous house project. He’s recovering well from surgery and we hope to find him a forever home soon. :crossed_fingers: