Wyrmest Lounge Thread

Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


Khajiit has HUGE wares :confetti_ball: and will cost me coin next week


We got hit with a bomb cyclone Tuesday night :wind_face::tornado::cyclone: we’re in the foothills, winds were recorded peaking at 74Ford F150s mphs and lots of trees down. Walked the neighborhood and fortunately no houses or vehicles were hit but a few blocked roads. The state was quick to have crews out and roads cleared by 9am. We don’t expect to get power back till Saturday so unloaded the fridge and drove an hour to my mom’s lol

Anyway I think I’m getting sick :face_with_thermometer:

Glad you are okay. I’m hope your not getting sick.

Bad news: I got sick. I guess that’s what happens when you’re cold for 24hours

Good news: Power has been restored so we’ll be going back home soon. They had power crews from other states and Canada helping. :saluting_face: :canada:

So Games Workshop just wants all my money.

The second half of the Aeldari refresh just got announced. Gorgeous models…but I find zero joy painting Space Elves. So I think I’m going to pass.

In favor of the bloody Goblin Wolf Riders that just got revealed as a whole range extension for the Gloomspite Gitz of Age of Sigmar!


Despite really hating social media recently, I’ve been giving Bluesky a chance in light of the mass exodus from Twitter. In a lot of ways it feels like the early days of the bird app. People are nicer. Interactions are higher. Fascists are explicitly told to go kick rocks. It’s been pleasant and everyone seems cautiously optimistic.


The big orange himbo I trapped last week has become so chill, I now let him explore the garage when I clean his enclosure because I can trust him to go back in when I’m done. It takes me extra time to clean his space because he is an absolute slob of a bachelor and has utterly destroyed three toys so far. Luckily for us, a donor ordered new “indestructible” toys for him specifically so he will no longer dwindle my supply for his personal amusement.

Anyway, he loves to run around the garage chatting up a storm while I clean his messes. Today, he jumped face-first into the garage windows and was utterly bewildered by the discovery of glass. Aaannnd he did it twice because I’ve yet to see this orange have his turn with the brain cell. Well, at least he’s amazingly cute.

Trouble puff removal day :scissors: :confetti_ball: is this Wednesday then we hope to find him a home.


Are you talking about a dog? The use of the words “himbo” and “bachelor” are throwing me off here.

Also just got back from the Big Apple celebrating my wife’s birthday. We saw Harry Potter on Broadway (Harry’s kid is the worst); did some Louis Vutton shoppin; ate some delicious chicano food (Puertorriqueno? ; idk but damn was it freaking good); Grabbed some Amiibos from Nintendo New York (Finally got a Captain Falcon and a Sora!), and all around enjoyed weather far different from Texas. (But damn am I glad to be back, I just can’t deal with only having sunlight till like 4PM!)

Finished Arcane s2. What a banger of a s1 that was utterly let down by s2. I am no longer hyped for any of the spinoffs. I may watch them, but its like… just meh. Rather than excitement.

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Was thinking of doing a variation on the ironman challenge on the new classic wow Hardcore server.

Rules being no professions, no quests at all I must mob grind, no mobs more than 2 levels below me, no gear higher than white in quality (Can not buy gear either), Only able to return to town to train and sell once bags are completely full.

I was going to do this on a warrior so that means no defensive or berseker spec. No professions leaves me with no healing options but the food and potions that drop from mobs or I find in chests. For the extra challenge I’m forcing myself to solely be 1 handed weapon and sheld, fully in the protection tree.

Nah, it’s a big orange dummy of a tom cat I trapped. I’d love to do dog/other animal rescue but I just don’t have the land or capacity. Funny that his behavior was associated with a dog’s though. He’s quite the little personality.


I decided to give WoW Classic Hardcore a shot. I’m a troll priest and have made it to level 6. I almost died in the Kul Tiran ruins were it not for a Troll Warrior named Anje.

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It is accomplished!

Since Wardads of Dadnor, I’ve had a stupid, stupid plan.
That plan was to fully staff my Garrison with 25 Hunters.

Now there have been breaks - often long breaks - in between play sessions so I haven’t been logging on every week to obtain new followers. There were times over the years I forgot to go back to the Garrison and get a new body. I wasn’t optimizing my search patterns - Fast Learner, go and roll.

Today upon logging on and going back to my Garrison, I threw the bones…and got my 25th Hunter.


All those Hunters getting excited to graduate from Warlords of Draenor and finding out they have to spend the next two years at the Hunter Class Hall.

In hindsight, I think Rogues got the only good one. We raised a huge stink and Blizzard made every other class hall weaker so we looked cooler.

…well, the Warlock Class Hall was pretty cool.

I wanna try Hard Core but the whole perma death thing scares me, especially with how long it takes to gear up, get to high level, and my internet being prone to dying at random moments.

How hard is it to level? I kinda wanna try it out but I also don’t want to lose three months of my life to nonsense because somebody decided they wanted to be a Streamer and troll people trying to quest, or by some no-lifer camping PvP enabling questsing and zones for an excuse to murder people half their level.

We’re looking at YOU, Stranglethorn Jungle!


I did hardcore with the add on, and then the official hardcore when it came out. I stalled somewhere between levels 19 and 25 due to boredom.

Your easiest classes are probably either hunter or pally. You’ll have to be careful approaching areas that have a lot of mobs in a tight area, such as caves. You’ll also want to be at the top of the level range for quests - don’t try orange or red quests unless you’re feeling super brave.

Grouping for bosses is almost 100% a requirement. Otherwise skip. I didn’t do 5-mans because I didn’t want my life depending on someone else. Keep mindful of everything around you including other players. They can and will kite mobs onto you as they run away or sometimes on purpose.

A lot of times you will have to look at a particular quest and strategize how you’re going to accomplish it, like which path through the mobs you can take to safely get in and out.

Instead of thinking of the experience as a waste of time, think of each gained level as an achievement. That helps.


I updated my guilds Carrd site this morning.

and started a bsky.

Anyone else up to things like this outside of wow? Also add me on bsky because im having trouble finding folks (if there are any) from the community on there.

I still have to do Thanksgiving food shopping. So I’m doing roast instead of turkey because it’s too short notice to thaw a turkey at this point. The roast is the one from the WoW Cookbook.

I’m at work right now, just finishing up holiday luncheon. Leaving sometime in the next hour and am off until Tuesday. I can’t wait. It’s been an absolute nightmare at work for the past couple of months. I worked more overtime last week than I had in years.

Gonna work at cat-proofing my livingroom, as the cat babies are becoming more rambunctious. Then I’ll try to decide what I’m doing for the more than week of vacation time I still have left this year.

Basically done with Christmas shopping at least. Thank you, Amazon.


I rather liked hanging out on the demon hunter starship with a bunch of weird sickos recruited from forgotten Outland factions. I don’t remember what their class hall storyline was about in the end, but I do remember abducting Akama and hiring Naga or something.

But as a warrior main I cannot comment on class halls without bringing up how much ours sucked. I am not a robot viking. I wanted a meathead hangout for the magically untalented not hall of the least likable watcher