Wyrmest Lounge Thread

Yeah, a lot of Shadow bosses super punish dropping a spirit…especially Mimic Tear.

That said…still a lot of good fights.

I found Messmer and Bayle to be the two worst ones for this. That said, I figured out how to work around that (and Bayle comes with a built in summon sign anyway and I THINK Messmer does too if you progressed the right quest??)

Yeah, Messmer and Bayle are the two biggest offenders. Gaius too before they reset his spawn to the other side of the Arena.

Golden Hippo will also mess you up if you arent quick about it.

And of course, the final boss.

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Cleaned Haus today- putting down Halloween decorations. Got more tomorrow and probably Sunday - SAD


Sorry for the double dip, but I’m ashamed at my lapse here.


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I hated that fight, hate hate hated it

But I went back to it after Radahn and it felt like chump change by comparison.

I, on the other hand, absolutely had a blast with Bayle.

I have not, however, beaten Consort Radahn nor do I feel any real compulsion to do so. Because I vehemently dislike the entire fight set up. As a final boss challenge, he is designed perfectly. From a narrative standpoint, he’s reheated leftovers.

I can’t for the life of me remember the last time I cleaned up my ‘wow’ folder. I’ve been having some in-game issues and deleted the usual cache, wtf, interface files and what a difference.


I try to go through my computer as a whole and clean up from time to time.

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Welp, found out the little rescue kitty who’s been recovering in my garage from surgery is a boy, not a girl. I have a few choice words with the rescue vet who told me different.

Semi-related, I held the skittish little guy for the first time because I wanted to check his tummy stitches and that’s when I saw the (lack of) balls.

Anyway, since he was cool being held and overall handled his brief time in captivity well, time to find him a foster slot and let him become a spoiled indoor kitty.


To be fair, with kittens especially its difficult to tell the boys from the girls.


Its VERY hard until they get a bit older.

lol! Yes, I’ve made the wrong call a few times doing rescue, especially when they’re brown tabbies (which Ollie is, of course). I’m just beside myself chuckling because the vet did neuter surgery on him and the receptionist straight-faced told me when I picked him up: “She’s a girl!”

Then again, the receptionist wasn’t the one who did the surgery. Bah, I suppose there was a communication breakdown between the vet and front desk.

Anyway, this is why I choose gender-neutral names like Ollie instead of Olivia or Oliver.

Edit: Obligatory Ollie photo from a few days ago. That was the day he let me touch him for the first time. Now we’ve graduated to holding.



I haven’t been back to Shadowlands since we left, save for a few times right after to finish up a few things / get a few things I had missed. So, it’s been almost two years? Crazy time flies.

Anyway, I’m back there now grinding some rep and currency on my new main for some things I want and pretty easy to plow through everything at this point. Makes it much nicer.

I realize most people were probably already doing that, but in case you weren’t…

Shadowlands is on easy mode at this point, even for bad players like me.

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Yes, but it means experiencing Shadowlands content again.



Easy killing, means faster leaving.

TBH, I liked Shadowlands initial release.

Castle Nathria was fun. But after that they quit expanding the Covenants in any meaningful way.

I think if the focus was more on the Covenants and them being weird places to end up when you’re dead, and comical in nature. How Nathria was just like a whacky vampire mansion, it would have went over better.

But EVERY zone added after that initial patch was the same thing over and over again.

Castle Nathria was good fun tho.

Then it ended with the revelation that WarCraft was just a Transformers fan fic.

Robots. Our Gods are Robots! Naturally Occurring Pulleys and Levers! PRAISE THE OMNISSIAH! THE MACHINE GODS HAVE COME!

There was some gameplay I enjoyed but overall, I hated it from beginning to end.

My biggest complaint about Shadowlands was that it never felt like the Warcraft “Death” I expected it to.

I’ve been playing since mid/late BC. There amount of stories and moments and items that exist, that I have played out and through…are just endless. So many wonderful little anecdotes and one-off questlines, story lines…those are what have always made it for me. The “big bad storyline” is usually laughable. I enjoy the zone wide questing and little stories.

So much death over the years of NPC’s that players fondly remember.

Heck, even items that players fondly remember.

Shadowlands could have - SHOULD HAVE - been our trip back in time to the beginning. It should have taken us back to the beginning and we should have spent two years there playing through from Day 1 of WoW until the present. A storyline that basically had us fighting through everything we’ve experienced, to come back to the land of the living. A fight for soul survival.

It could have been such a memory-filled treasure chest that we could have been sitting and staring at our screens thinking of all the wonderful times we’ve had, all the quests, all the moments, people we played with that maybe are no longer with us, SO MANY MEMORIES.

That’s what I wanted my WoW death to be - a trip through everything that was, so that Norman would come out the other side, appreciating the trip through Shadowlands and thanking Blizz for all the good times over the years.

Could have been…



What an expansion that could have been!

Instead, it was an absolute mess that resulted in some rando NPC no one had ever heard being responsible for everything that ever was and LOL HE’S DEAD.

The level of gaming disappointment will never be topped.

I had so many complaints with Shadowlands. So many. Kirsy’s covenant would have put her into not knowing who she was. Nope. The maw was ugly, boring and slow to travel. Nope. Sucking the life essence out of character souls felt icky. No thanks. We didn’t get to see enough lore characters who’d passed on. The best things to come out of it were Torghast, the tea set, umbrellas, vampire bat pets and Sinrunner Blanchy.