Wyrmest Lounge Thread

I played ARK survival evolved for a long time before coming back to WoW. Didn’t try Valheim but it looked interesting enough that I’ll give it a go sometime.

Valheim was great to play, even more great to build in - if you like building, which I do. Terraforming, mods, lot of potential. I’ve created so many neat builds /worlds, I can’t even begin to tell you.

For what I paid, I definitely got my money worth but I will say that it does often feel like the devs took the money and are now just strolling through life occasionally putting in extra food recipes and not much else.

I will never understand devs like that.

If I created a game and it was in early access and it went GONZO with sales and people loved it, I’d take the money and all the input and do more, not less.

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My friends and I used to play on a survival mode server. I found a small atoll in the middle of the ocean with corals and other sea creatures that lit up at night. So I built this tranquil little island fort, then collected two cats and made it cat island.

We played with humongous biomes so we built and extensive travel network in the nether.


Y not both



Went ahead and spoiler’d myself and am very, VERY content in my decision to spend that money on Total Warhammer DLC instead.

Might also pick up Dread Delusion. I’m intrigued by the Morrowind comparisons.

Tell us more.

I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone who might genuinely be excited, but for anyone curious the endings and most (all?) of the major plot twists are already up on Youtube.

Veilguard Spoilers?? I'm really trying not to ruin anything, honest! But I will say that there's a cutscene after the ending that, uh, calls to mind a certain "twist" in Shadowlands. Very Jailer-esque, if you get my drift.

So you’ll want this: h ttps://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Purifying+Crystal+Tear

Required for the fight. If you don’t have it, the Nihil stacks will always kill you (I’m sure some weirdo superhero out there has killed him without it). Use it just as he begins the fatal chant.

Black Knife Tiche +10 is an amazingly useful summon in the base game and if you can find and fully upgrade her, she helps a lot with Mohg. She’s very aggressive and her health debuff can make a huge difference even against fights like Malenia.

Also? Mohg bleeds readily despite his whole everything. Don’t hesitate to cheese him with bleed if it comes to that.


can we make a starbound server instead i can’t play minecraft

terraria is also ok

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Well, I do.

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Oh that’s me. I blew him up with infinite mana azure comet.

In my defense I didn’t know magic was so broken. My friend went melee so I said I’d go range to compliment the combat style. I ended up becoming God


I managed to get the mount this morning. All these years. All those horseman fights.
It’s finally over.

“What about Arfus?”



I got the mount years ago. I don’t even know when I got it and I don’t think I even knew it was a rare thing until years later. Same with that brewfest kodo thing

I adore Comet Azur. It’s either the most absurdly foolhardy and doomed cast to attempt, or it’s the literal furious final hand of god


I wonder what the drop rate is on Arfus.

Last year was my greatest year for mounts in this game.

I finally got the Galleon Mount (and then they announced remix lol), I got the Headless Horseman mount in 23 and I got the Heartbreaker V-Day rocket this past V-day holiday.

I’m fairly certain I’ve used all my RNG up for the rest of eternity.


I farmed so hard for Argus last year that my heart isn’t in it to be broken again this year.

Yes LOL! Having Ball Bearing Hunter PTCD flash backs. My scrawny mushroom covered guy trying to get a cast off and my friends are like NO THERE’S NOT ENOUGH TIME as he walks over to me and kills me in one hit

I still need to play the expansion but I know there’s been some patches to fix things and waiting on that before we do another play threw


Ball Bearing Hunter is kind of a pain in the butt no matter the build.

As for Shadows–it’s rough. Just make sure to hunt down your scadutree fragments and revered spirit ashes before going terribly far.

I will say its bosses, while doable, are more likely to instantly punish spirit summoning and certain summons just don’t scale as well (like my beloved Tiche). Though I think it got an update recently that buffed them a bit?

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My main build used a tanky summon (forgot the name) and then summoning meteors from space to explode everything. Then use little swords to do damage while I ran away crying.

I played with my friend and he did this potion tank build and would turn himself into metal. So I was the squishy one that did the damage while he took all the damage.

I will not survive shadow with my current guy alone.