WW Monk has the most annoying PVP mechanics in the game


How is this still a thing?

  • 10% dodge + stacking dodge buff??? no other class in the game can randomly avoid your attacks completely. They removed RNG mechanics from the game like 5 expansions ago when classes could proc RNG stuns, dodge, your attacks would miss without hit rating, etc.
  • death grip… why does monk need a death grip? the tank spec maybe but why WW, considering it has 5 movement spells?
  • that knock-up that makes you fall slowly while the monk hits you… this is the most annoying thing ever… essentially a second stun off stun DR
  • clones immune to all CC so the monk can spin and still hit you
  • that conduit of the celestials spell that summons the whole zoo and makes the monk run twice as fast?

Whoever came up with these mechanics clearly overdid it a bit. Therefore, I think the most annoying ones should be nerfed. Maybe remove the dodge one from PVP completely as a start?

Thank you


Agree and this was called out on release of the talent as well. They could easily make it a damage reduction effect instead of dodge in PvP.


I love this Knock-up because I disengage while in it and fly across the arena since it slow falls you.


Windwalker in general has become a really stupid spec. I played Windwalker to almost 2700 last expansion but now I’ve dropped the class because it’s just braindead. It has too much passive defense instead of relying on smart skill usage. It doesn’t have enough burst damage or CC so you just zug zug all game. Clash is a really stupid ability, Skyreach was much better and fit better thematically. The knockup on WDP DRs with Ring of Peace for some reason. Our paralysis is literally 3 seconds so it’s barely worth pressing because you’ll just DR your teammate who probably has a way better incap. Our strongest hero talent is Conduit which is a really stupid ability and leans even more into being a zoo spec. I didn’t pick monk to play a freaking zoo spec, I want to punch and kick people.


Indeed, if I see that:

    1. a CC category is off-DR on my target
    1. the target has not used an immunity spell

… I expect that I can use my CC ability and have it land.

This is how it works with any other class in the game. I don’t expect that monk has a completely different ruleset than the rest.

Funny, because WW is one of the worst performing specs on top ratings, so it might be annoying, but not good enough!


Exactly, WW had a great hit-and-run niche and incentivized smart preemptive usage of defensive CDs and ports. Now, it’s the melee version of BM hunter where it summons 10 pets and runs after you all game. Whoever thought this was better … I don’t know what to say…

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I also think it’s really dumb that I can’t heroic leap over RoP

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generic thread QQing about another class made by a level 10 alt

number 954


I love farming low skill trash noob monks on my warrior and getting rage whispers after, then reporting them and giving them a vacation :slight_smile:

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If they give ww more damage it will terrorise pvp. It has way too much in its kit currently and it literally cannot die.

I’m not hiding and never have, just from EU


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While Ww is up there, how can we make this statement when feral druids exist? their entire spec is designed around laming people out.

Lets say its a 2v2 and both healers die. its you vs a feral. what is the first thing that feral does? run away to pillar. they enter ‘feral’ mode and will spend the rest of the game laming you out. does it matter if they are at 10% are you are 90%? ofc not. they will make sure that it takes 4 minutes for them to die.

sry but there is just no chance that WW is more annoying than feral. its simply not true.

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I don’t even see feral much anymore, they have all rerolled to bm.


True. path of least resistance. ill just clarify that i also hate BM hunters. i will shamelessly propagandize against feral and BM

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I think what most long-time Windwalker players want is that we should do more burst damage and we should die more. More of a glass cannon playstyle.

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ah I see. Maybe you missed the memo.

This passive dodge talent rustles my jimmies more than anything. Oh I’m getting railed by WW on my boomy? I’ll bash to get some breathing room…jk dodge wait 60 more seconds.

I had a game where a monk dodged Scatter Shot and Intimidation in a row, and this is considering I have a huge weak aura that shows the number of dodge stacks so I can decide how risky it is to use important abilities…

This dodge thing is completely broken, and again, does not abide the currrent PVP ruleset.

Just give them something good and proactive, and leave the dodge for the tank spec.

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That’s because RoP is a soft DR of knock back effects and the whirling is a knockback effect.
It’s the same as if trying to RoP something that has been hit by shammy thunderstorm and typhoon/ursol’s vortex.

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