WW are LITERALLY doubling my damage on shuffles

Its funny how you truly believe your statement justifies anything :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

1- Monk is not the only melee that cleaves
2- Even if monk premise is to ā€œcleaveā€ (it insā€™t) yet is not justified to be autowin into melee lobbies
3- Mark my words, ww will be nerfed and you will remember me cause my point is proven

I just cant get over the priest helm. All i can think about is that meme, me and the boys.

Itā€™s not, you push into the monk to make him run and then focus back the healer once he does.

Didnā€™t say it was, I said 80% of its dmg is splash.
Itā€™s single target lacks because of it, always has.

Of course it will be, it always does when itā€™s performance is high, itā€™s just the wrong things will be nerfed, as usual.

No it just means Blizzard will cater to crybabies like usual

We arenā€™t in season 1 anymore.

  • HP pools are at 10M+ right now
  • the ability has a 30 second cd
  • its a bottom tree talent
  • it replaces FSK, so you basically sacrifice mobility for damage
  • its insanely easy to counter, because it goes on CD as soon as you start casting it. One CC, root, knock back, w/e and you are save

To me it sounds like a fair trade. Good players are already countering it quite frequently, even if you release it instantly. I only think it shouldnā€™t be able to crit, because that is indeed too much damage in my opinion. Make it uncritabe and maybe scale less good with damage increasing buffs (weapon enchants, trinket proc, shaman totem, etc.) and the ability is fine.


Donā€™t forget a quick strafe

I could agree with that

The problem is Blizzard make WW physical class damage Magic now. They hit through Evasion and Parry with that Hero talent Celestial Conduit and it hit hard like Half hp then plus Slicing wind to finish off. I can understand DK do disease and magic damage but WW. Come on Blizzard. Keep physical class doing physical damage only. Why mix it all up?

I was feeling downbad from playing MW yesterday, then tried WW today and absolutely shredded. Hit a Ret with a 3M slicing wind crit, felt great. Thanks for making 1 good Monk spec in pvp, Blizz!

This is a HUGE nerf btw, I absolutely miss FSK so much. Imagine if Wars had to delete their Leap for Demolish. Itā€™s the same vibe.


No FSK does feel bad, better make them slices count!

I had to change my keybindings to try the move out and let me tell you after using the same keybinding setup since 2012 for monk I donā€™t think I can use slicing lol.

I keep releasing it too early

slicing winds is not 1 tapping people wtf is this propaganda LOL

played like 10 shuffles today and it maxed out at 2 mil

i swapped back to FSK because it feels like i have a lot more uptime on my targets with it

Maxed out @ 2mil like how??? You only sending it into Pain Sup and / or other walls? Iā€™m poopbad and I still donā€™t understand how thatā€™s ur biggest over 10 shuffles.

Everything is pumping currently. Whoever your healer decides to pet heal, they will pump. Lots of classes are smashing the meters.

Iā€™ve seen arms at top, mage, shadow priests, ferals, boomies, dks. Dh, Everything hurts right now.

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True - lots of dam everywhere. Aff be crankin too. Have yet to see spriest, feral, mage or DH but Iā€™ve only done 7 shuffles.

Noob WWs sending slicing winds into walls, ability is doing min 3mill dmg.

you can play fsk and you still have more than enough dmg than whatā€™s necessary

people are overhyping slice. im top 50 shuffle as WW right now not even playing it

slice is a gimmick brought over from plunderstorm that shouldā€™ve never existed

i hope they nerf it so other monks (myself not included) donā€™t feel pressured into playing a clunky ability


I struggle to remember to hold it down the few times I used it.

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still waiting the 40% raw nerf on WW damage

There you go with hyperbole again. So many professional victims on the forums these days