WW are LITERALLY doubling my damage on shuffles

Yap. Sure it does. Divide it by 3 and you get to the true value you can expect!

No idea why you need to lie to support your opinion?!

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Iā€™ve gotten hit with a 3.1 mil one.

I just donā€™t know why instants for every class has to hit so dang hard

You mean crit. Yes, I also think this ability shouldnā€™t be able to crit. But what was your gear and how much versa did you run?


Not even remotely true man, at least argue with facts and not hyperbole

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In what situation

Probably in a bg with zerk and saltwater

This is kinda why tuning x2 a week would be nice. There are some pretty obvious outliers that ā€˜getting more gearā€™ will not address that they could deal with this friday ie flanking strike, fury damage, dev damage (since they wont deal with the ridiculous mobility/utility of dev that makes it OP they have to hit damage), aimed shot, slicing winds still. But now we have to wait until tuesday most likely.

Would really like to see them start out doing adjustments early in the season for obvious outliers on Fridays/Tuesdays. They have tues/weds/thurs to see how things are playing out, and make adjustments on friday, and then they have sat/sun/mon to see results of Fridays tuning pass and make adjustments on monday when they get back in. This would also allow for less heavy handed tuning passes so they can adjust things slowly, and I think people would be more okay with that since we know when to expect tuning and how often.

Iā€™m hoping it gets better with more gear, but their damage is insane right now. They are top damage most of the time, and can basically force every major defensive in the opener or you die.

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First brox thread?

Oh, is that normal for him?

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Arms is so fine that everyone has swapped to Fury :joy: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
One of the historically most popular pvp specs and you donā€™t see a single one in arena. Hmmmmm almost like its not good.

Whenever he loses to something he demands ā€œrequired nerfs of at least 30-70%ā€. Oftentimes linking a screenshot of BG damage.


Oh, in EU we have a guy called Bloodlock who is exactly like that! Perhaps the same ancestors? :laughing:

Btw, should check. 95% sure he already made a thread about MM, WW, and so on.

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Already proved uploading my screenshot, i could post 2 of them but you would lie asking for a third one, and so onā€¦

Probably my l2p issue, just like hunter defensives changes ā€œthat only affected dark rangerā€

You mean the one patch of two changes? Not the ā€œliteral 10x nerfs to hunter defensives since the start of TWWā€

Please continue talking about how hunter is the least survivable class also XD

If you count changes ā€œthat never happenedā€ like den recovery, never look back and survival of the fittestā€¦ it will be a lot more than ā€œa single change on dark rangerā€

Oh i forgot, Bandage got nerfed tooā€¦

Please list all 10 nerfs that made survival hunter not survivable :slight_smile:

Also, Iā€™m still waiting for your ā€œmany screenshotsā€ where you were outhealed by moonkin as a survival hunter!

Again as I already mentioned

That was a pure melee lobby, WW is going to shine if they can hit multiple targets at once. Thatā€™s why walking dead has been a top monk comp for years

Each melee has its own tools for cleave, it is not justifiable under any plausible hypothesis for a monk to have twice the damage of other melees, whether single target or AOE or both.
Its not even counting DK pets or anything like that, lobby was 2 warriors and 1 ret.

And again wind walker damage is 80% splash how many times do I have to say this?

Soā€¦ 2 million? That still sounds like a lot lol