WW are LITERALLY doubling my damage on shuffles

its not about size its how you use it. Monks are all about technique

That’s what the weak would say. Small bicep energy.

shake my head. I bet you lift for hypertrophy. Disgusting.

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I actually agree with u on this one, but not 40 though probably around 20 on certain abilities.

Many multi R1 /awc teams r running ww/frost right now, it’s disgustingly strong.

I agree nerf ww.

I synthol inject if I cannot immediate deadlift a compact car worth of weight.

You just wouldn’t get it.

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How do you feel about the news today :cupcake:

He was right, our big CoC got nerfed

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Locks only pump if they can free cast and are 100% the target every arena, not to mention super easy to shut down with one interrupt as they only have one school of magic.

Unless you’re talking about destro then yes nerf that into the ground

The only hunter spec really out of control on everything is mm. Survival just needed flanking tuned and it would be in line. I haven’t even seen bm lol and the ones I’ve seen streaming don’t do remarkable damage.

Other specs still needing nerfs doesn’t justify the insane damage ww does nor does it justify any of the others.

You guys are coping hardcore
 I watched Chan and a few other rank ones playing war games against eachother and dorito hit a like 4-5mill slicing winds

Now that was prior to the nerf to it but I’m fairly sure this thread is prior to the nerf too. If I’m wrong that’s fine but it at one point most certainly hit too hard.

Why do you think destro needs nerfs lol? Like if you think destro needs nerfs. Demo/aff need nerfs too, so lets make all lock specs c tier because you hate destro, or?

I don’t think destro is super crazy and I hate warlock :skull:

I think aff/demo are better, demo 2 set seems cranked.

as long as execute keeps critting for 3.5 million warlock can do damage :pray:

Destro is out preforming affy in pvp/pve by a large margin and has multiple schools of magic. Affys only buffs they have received was just a dmg buff to darkglare. Destro wither dot out performs all of affys dots and they’re lobbing out 1.6m chaos bolts.

Maybe once i get 2set bonus ill feel diff but from what im seeing I doubt it

You’re taking me too seriously

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Ahhh sarcasm lol hard to pick up on sometimes :rofl:

And I missed the last part apparently :person_facepalming:t2:

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