This spec must be nerfed at least 40% overall dmg.
http s://
This spec must be nerfed at least 40% overall dmg.
http s://
And their biceps are so insanely small, it’s embarrassing.
but mine are small cause im little.
If you were a WW they would be 1/3rd the size
Tragic really
we just did a lobby together, ggs
on a serious note I don’t think ive been outdmged single target wise by a ww yet. Cranking that dps on the monks going right through karma just because i can price to pay for disarming me.
Did I suddenly go into the PVE side of the forums?
WW defense force get in here!
“We deserve this! It’s our turn!”
This is the part you gonna pretend you deserve this damage because your spec has “less tools” than others?
No this is a part where I mention a damage meter with zero context of the situation shows nothing.
You don’t even show how many targets it was hitting.
Like that lobby, that’s a heavy multi target uptime on a class that is almost 80% splash dmg from it’s main rotation.
I’ve never kept it a secret I rather be a controlling brawler, than a hit and run high DPS.
Slicing winds is still 1 tapping people.
Needs a big nerf asap.
take this thread down now
Sounds like a l2p issue to me.
Exactly. WW not trash tier? “NERF blizz, can’t be that other classes also can have fun. Only mine should be good!”
But the funny part is. Arms and Fury are also both insanely good, no idea why they would cry. Unless its a l2p issue.
No idea how much hp you have. But I haven’t gotten one tapped by any ability so far.
Stop the damage control, ww needs nerf, insanely overtuned.
WW is without a doubt meta right now, but why is that bad? Are they more op than Feral, Affli, Assa, … last season? I don’t think so!
Why can rogues, feral, mage, shadow, locks and hunter faceroll by doing same damage as everybody else, combined with overtuned cc, but a class with basically no real cc is on top not allowed to outweight its missings with damage?
Also do is see a lot of classes pumping right now. Fury does 1M rampage ticks. If you are capable of multiplying that by 4 you get the potential damage they can land if those stacks crit.
DH is pumping, Shadow is pumping, Locks are pumping, Mages (Frost/Fire) are pumping, Rogues (outlaw/assa) are going wild, all Hunter specs out of control, deva overtuned like crazy and so on.
And yet monks are surpassing them by at least 50% raw damage.
Maybe when they go afk or play with last season gear … I mean, seriously. You play arms. If you get doubled by a ww, maybe try to press MS more often!
Slicing winds does 6mill+ dmg 1 button. Maybe press it better and stop whining about the 1m MS.
i don’t know if im getting old, i just don’t wanna play the game, im just tired, monks are already unkillable, this damage makes the game unplayable, i’ll go back to kingdom come deliverance 2
Probably for the best.