Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

That’s the most asinine thing ever if you want to skip quests in zones while leveling knock yourself out but forcing a group of people to engage in a exploit because you want to save 5 minutes on a dungeon run is another thing. If you and I cross paths in RDF just leave because I will make sure to pull every trash pack in the instance just for you.

No I 100% agree I miss the LFG system that was in place in wrath that was perfection you could list yourself for a run while still browsing other potential runs. I always formed my own groups in Wrath. But I tolerated nothing if a DK used army on boss insta boot, mage or warlock starts pulling trash before I do insta boot. With RDF and vote kick I have to get three other Bene or Pagle turds to agree to the kick and of course often they won’t. Its Stupid Yes RDF is dumb but it’s back and it is the superior option for heroic grinding.

Only if everyone does it perfectly with no explanation.

Which doesn’t happen in RDF.

That’s not true at all. Even if people mess it up, once you get to the safe zone you can mass rez. Mass rez hits that entire instance. Still skip all the useless trash pulls. Save 7-10 minutes. Move on with your day. And 7-10 minutes adds up when you’ve run that dungeon say 20 times between all characters. That’s around 3 hours of gametime you’ve saved with the skip.

If you don’t want to do the skip, then don’t. I personally value my time. I like to be efficient so I’m going to do it.

ummmm – HUH? What?

Which is again dependent on your group being able/willing to do what you tell them to do so that’s just another RNG check. And RNG check which if i fails ends up costing more time and annoyance that just clearing the trash.

And realistically I’m watching something on my second monitor anyways so going brain dead mode and having a consistent experience is better than having to deal with the group almost certainly screwing this up even if it sometimes saves a minute or two.

I don’t know what part of “it dont matter if they fail or not because you can mass rez them once you hit the safe spot” it is that you’re having trouble understanding. But the pugs failing means nothing… because you can simply mass rez them.

Again, it does not matter if it gets screwed up… you can just mass rez at the safe spot.

7 to 10 minutes is much more than just a minute or two.

Again, you can do the skip if you want, or not do it if you don’t want. I can care less. My point is it’s more than just 1 pack like many people on here have been stating. It’s between 9 and 11 packs “Depending on if you count some of the double pulls as 1 group or not”. And it saves more than a minute. It’s closer to 10 minutes, so it’s a viable skip for people who value efficiency.

The trash between the croc and the second to last boss takes maybe 5 minutes. Doing the skip takes a minute or so and unless your group is fully on board with no explanation add on another couple minutes minimum. Not resulting in much time saved if any.

Which I guess is subjective whether you think a couple minutes is worth it. I explained why to me it’s not.

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I’ve only been kicked twice from a dungeon in the past two decades of playing wow and both times I deserved it, but I can also say that I wouldn’t ever want to run with those people again because of how toxic they were. Not everyone is a good fit in a group and sometimes it’s better not to belong.

If it’s only happened to you once, you hardly have a good perspective on why vote kicking is in the game. Vote kicking a bot, for one. I’ve tried to explain boss mechanics and the healer would die to the thing over and over again. We had to kick them to progress the dungeon.

The vote kick system is there so that 4 players aren’t held hostage.

I have a seperate solution that would be better. Have the debuff time lowered by the amount of bosses or progress in the dungeon. If you were kicked at the end, no debuff. Half way through? 15 minutes.

The vote kick system will never be perfect. It has a purpose and your pouring hopes that the random players you’re with know what they are doing OR are willing to learn. Sure, some groups have less patience to none for mistakes, but that doesn’t mean the vote kick system is the problem.

thats always have been my experience with skips in a randomized group. People apply their military-drill-style raid approach to RDF groups and dont realize that it ll not work or will take several tries to allow everybody to get on the same page…just like in raids.

I always wonder if its ignorance, stupidity or toxcicity

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Never said to get rid of the kick system. Get rid of the 30 minute debuff that prevents you from requeuing when you get wrongfully kicked.

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Then there is no reason to have the kick system.
Everyone who is kicked from groups (even those who have admitted to be toxic) claim they were wrongfully kicked.

If it has happened once or twice then you got bad groups.
If it happened a second time by the same group that kicked you the first time - that is on you.
If it keeps happening the “majority” of your time, that is on you.
If it keeps happening a few times a week, that is on you.

Kick system is perfect just like it is. I’ve now used it twice since RDF was intro’d – twice due to “DC’s” – I say that with " " because it was obvious it was a fake DC. The boss, after they “DC’d”, didn’t drop the loot they wanted and boom, DC. Just leave, makes it easier on the group to replace you.

The kick system would be better if it didn’t bar you from playing the game. You can still kick DCed players.

Don’t be toxic, afk, or a burden do the group and you won’t get kicked and it does not bar you from playing the game. It bars you from using RDF to use for dungeons. You can still play the game, do other things and even form a group of 4 other people and walk into a dungeon.

You apparently didn’t read what I wrote or comprehend it.

You’re arguing in bad faith if you think those are the only times players get kicked.

I did read what you said. You said you had to kick players that had DCed (you assumed they quit). Removing the 30 min debuff from being kicked does not remove the ability to kick a DCed player.

DC’ing = a burden to the group = get better internet = kicked = 30min debuff.

Nothing bad faith here. You want to be able to be toxic or carried and if kicked for it, no penalty. Too bad so sad.

Don’t want the debuff? Then don’t be toxic, afk, or otherwise a burden to the rest of the group. Pretty simple, even you should be able to understand that.

I never stated that or implied that, which tells me you might have read it but didn’t comprehend it.

Shocking right?

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Stop gaslighting. I argued to remove the 30 minute timer. You argued to keep it. Your argument to keep it is that you believe they deserve a penalty by banning them from queue for 30 minutes and that this penalty somehow prevents toxicity (it doesn’t).

You can remove the 30 minute penalty and still allow people to be kicked, they are not mutually exclusive. You did imply that this is what you think when you said:

You did not further explain your position until this exact post here:

Which also assumes (obviously wrongly) that the vote kick system can’t be abused.

He never said that the vote kick system can’t be abused. Not a single time has he said that. He has however said that it’s rare that abuse takes place. And I agree with him. 99%+ of the time as long as you’re not doing something stupid in dungeons (Being afk, toxic, botting, or playing so poorly that people think you’re a bot). You’re not going to be kicked.

I’ve completely heroic geared 13 characters (currently working on a 14th), to pre raid BiS in Heroics. I’ve never seen the abuse that you guys are claiming.

I have seen people get kicked for being toxic, afk, or botting though.

The thing is though… it does prevent toxic behavior. And in more ways than one. The major issue with not having a 30 min timer is tank/healers holding the dungeons hostage. It was HORRIBLE in original cata, and it would be just as horrible again. There is a reason the timer was added, it was not a random decision. Clearly you were not around for that mess. I was… and it sucked.