Wtf? vote kick needs a warning system

I’ve played since TBC and was most active in Cata. Timer has always been obnoxious. I am perfectly happy just kicking someone from my group without further penalizing them with a timed lockout.

Perhaps we could come to some sort of compromise? Maybe where in if you are kicked X amount of times in a day or week then you get the timer debuff.

Again this leads to tanks and healers holding runs hostage. If you were around for the OG cata you will remember that kicking a tank/healer could mean you’re standing around for 10-15 minutes waiting for a replacement because it was so rampant.

It’s not like that NOW, because of the debuff.

This will still lead to abuse of the system by tanks/healers. Getting kicked in groups (if you’re not doing something dumb) is so rare that it’s simply a non issue. No compromise needed, no change needed.

If you are unlucky and get trolled once out of every hundreds of dungeons you run, that sucks, I admit it. But again, 30 minutes of waisted time for a random troll kick, is a price I’m willing to pay, and a hill I’m willing to die on to prevent the mess that was on our hands previously.


It has been said MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times…there are outliers that are using it for the wrong reasons but there is no evidence that it is being abused other than a few rotating alts whose fee fees are hurt they got kicked.

No one is gaslighting anyone (and good job on the use of the overused word of the century in a wow forum). The buff is fine, and the system is fine. Not a thing wrong with it. Nothing is fool proof but what you want is the ability to have zero consequences for toxic or disruptive actions in a dungeon or to be carried and otherwise a burden to the rest of the group. If you are cya and enjoy your kick and debuff – because why? I can’t miss you until you leave.

All that does is give people a license to troll their group consequence free X times per week or day.

It can’t be abused.

I’m not understanding your dog in this fight. You said you’ve only been kicked once, recently. It is not wrong to have the debuff timer. You get to sit in the corner and not que, but you can still get a group of guild mates or friends and run into the instance. The debuff just prevents you from queing into Randoms.

Are you annoyed that it prevents ‘efficiently’ farming valor? Valor is a reward, not something you are just handed. You gatta earn it. Perhaps with just a little effort.

Are you annoyed you were kicked for some odd reason? I’ve argued that someone kicked should be given the reason. I can’t recall if in Cata you had to type a reason after going for a vote kick, but the game should give you said given reason. And if you missed above, I think it’s fair to give less time on the debuff the further you get in.

If you are repeatedly kicked, there seems to be a common denominator - you. If you are kicked more than 3 times in a reset, you probably need to do some investigation into the issue.

Yes, you type the reason in. I too think people should be informed of the reason, but then they would need to change it to a drop down menu because one could easily type something horrible in the box and it would otherwise go to the kicked player. Granted, that could be followed up with a ticket and action on the kicker for abuse, but there aren’t enough CS out there to deal with that mess, nor would Blizzard spend that money to make it happen.

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Vote kick is probably the stupidest, most toxic and unfair thing they could invent.

Seems to be working well for all of my runs w/o any issues.

I wouldn’t be opposed to a drop down menu. From this thread and several other ones, the main ones appear to be:
Not doing your part

Which were also the three main ones (I don’t think I personally noticed any bots when I played Cata in 2010…) but the other two are the most common in retail as well, along with not taking in instruction. For example, there is a boss in Shadowlands where you need to almost kill the abomination, but need it to get the boss off of his platform. I’ve run into groups that just kill the abomination, even in Mythic plus, at a +7.

The vote kick system isn’t toxic. If you are constantly being kicked, perhaps do some examination. Because of the common denominator is you…

People have to remember that in real life, you aren’t the main character. There is no main character, no matter how much the npcs refer to you as such.

The solution isn’t hard. Just get a guild group, or a group of friends. If you run in a crew of 3, you can’t get kicked. Simple as that.

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Something similar happened to me communication wise. I joined a Halls of Reflection group and they were on the last set of bosses. I got in and said hello. Got nothing back which is typical. We killed 3 of the 4 bosses up there and were moving on to Rajh. I was on my mage and pumping dps. As we are going up the stairs to Rajh I got kicked randomly. On top of that I got a 30 min deserter debuff. Wtf is that? Needs to be fixed

How often have you been kicked from heroics/dungeons? If you had to give an estimate like 1 out of every 2 runs, 1 out of every 10 runs, is this the only time you’ve been kicked?

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Doubtful they will answer, and I feel like you know 100% why they won’t. :wink:
Every time I ask this question it goes unanswered and for good reasons, well good reasons from their perspective anyway.

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It goes unanswered because of fake outrage. Or, perhaps it’s more like they don’t understand why, and have main character syndrome.

I guess it’s also possible they’re trolls. That’s the more likely answer, imo.

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The first dungeon i joined, upon playing Cata, I was kicked because i didnt want to vote kick the healer… Imagine in the irony in that :rofl:

I’ve also been kicked for similar reasons or no apparent reason, one time I was kicked when the final boss of my dungeon was at 10% by a group of 4 guildies likely farming Chaos Orbs just didn’t want competition on the orb… It doesn’t make sense to me that the vote to kick also gives you a 30m deserter debuff as if YOU manually left the group… Shouldn’t be a debuff if you were kicked, only if you left. A warning system would also help prevent people from kicking people without communicating to them, so I agree, there needs to be a new system because when this happens I immediately just log off for the day.

How many times have you been kicked from a Dungeon?