WTF is with old raid scaling?

All non-current-expansion raids should having scaling modifiers automatically applied to them (along with adjustments to certain mechanics which are impossible to complete solo). They’re all just transmog runs after they become obsolete anyway.


lmao so @ 245 it takes 3 minutes @277 it takes 45-50 seconds.

Have an argument.

the fact we can solo old raids is a blizz thing. Not every game lets you do this. Some of the best or better games out there flat out refuse this option so if you want something into the queue you go. In this i count my blessings.

I never said I was soloing heroic or mythic, but I can solo most of the raids on normal that I’ve attempted thus far.

Any noticeable difficulty spike would be noticed across the board and not just at the bottom. I recorded the HP and TTK of several mythic raid Legion bosses, a handful of normal raid bosses in BFA, and one m0 boss from BFA in 9.2 and in 10.0. The Legion mythic bosses died as fast or faster, and the BFA ones died in about the same time or slightly slower (though I was also using suboptimal talents at the time and they would likely be faster than before with my current talent set up). Mob/boss HP did go up (due to a game-wide change they made that affects everything below SL) but so did my damage, more than enough to make up for it.

Sorry if I or someone else has already said this, when Blizz relies on the gear to solve the issue of solo’ing legacy content due to bad scaling, then don’t be shocked when players ask for better gear from their chosen form of content. If I’m being told to just get better gear and I will be able to solo legacy content, you know what I am going to do, I am going to ask for that better gear from my chosen form of content.


Like I said, if “people who aren’t max level and well-geared shouldn’t get to solo legacy raids easily” is the hill you want to die on, let me lay out some blankets and pillows so that you don’t bruise yourself when you swoon upon them.

That isn’t the argument being had here. The argument is that this isn’t how it was until the launch of Shadowlands. This is a change. A change that they have never bothered to specifically announce because they know how wildly popular soloing legacy raids is, like when they dragged their feet with the launch of WoD on how flight was going to work until they were basically forced to admit that it was their plan all along to phase out flying in all new content.

They’re just hoping that people don’t notice, or rabble hard enough about it that they have to come out and say that that’s their intent and cause a PR crater.


That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. I can’t read another line of your drivel.
:poop: :clown_face:


This is how it’s always been. You’re able to solo old content as you outscale it with gear. The legacy content buff is meant to help offset the stat squish, not necessarily make it so you can just insta-delete something just because it’s old content. You’re still out scaling the legacy content, the hidden buff just replicates the kind of scaling you’d of had without the stat squish. There’s been no stat squish since the end of BFA so you have to wait until you outscale the content before you can solo it.

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Then don’t, but you will be disappointed since you have no idea how it has been always.

Would be fine, but I bet that there are much shorter queues then in the other games - whatever those games are - because they might take care that there’s actual purpose in running those old raids.
If WoW now decided to scale all olds raid up so much that none of it can be done solo anymore then you would spend much more time waiting for other people than actually playing the game.

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Basically I think they want to complain and make it zero effort so they can transmog old mythic gear and look cool, or whatever.

last post, have fun kids, don’t worry - it will be so easy in DF when you actually have gear over 230 and an extra 10 levels.

Welcome to World of warcraft.

So, all of the times when I was able to go to to raids from two expansions ago in my unleveled character in fresh quest greens and absolutely mow through the raids, that was a mass hallucination that myself and many other people had regularly. All the time that I spent three-shotting bosses in MOP raids on my Legion characters that I barely even had upped my Azerite levels on, all the times that I breathed on bosses in Cata raids and they fell over during WoD, totally my imagination. Raiding Icecrown solo and blazing through it in MoP? Yeah, I must’ve dreamed that.

Weird, that so many people remember that being the case when according to like two people on the forums our recollection is mistaken.

Man, someone needs to adjust these gaslights, I swear it’s like they keep getting dimmer…


You do dream that, I remember having to take people until I out geared it enough to solo because HP = more mechanics.

last post?

Because you outscaled them, via levels and gear, which is what you’ll need to get before you can solo BFA raids.

The sky is blue, the grass is green, and old content is broken in pre patch. This has happened each time in the modern era and they always fix it some time after launch. :woman_shrugging:

There’s no need for it to be this way.

It’s 2 expansions old, bosses should fall over when we breathe on them at that point no matter the raid difficulty.


Legacy Legion raiding was never adjusted to be trivially easy during Shadowlands.


Because there was a 100x damage multiplier buff put on you if you went into a legacy raid from at least 2 expansions ago.

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Seriously? I could have sworn they did at some point, Legion went from impossible to possible at least. But eh…not surprised.

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There been a 10x multiplier on damage dealt in Legion content this whole expansion.

It’s typically only about 10x for content 2 expansions ago, it’s only added after they do a stat squish, and it’s there to replicate the gear scaling you would of had if they didn’t do the squish. We haven’t had a stat squish since the end of BFA so you’ll just have to continue to get better gear / level up and out-scale the content like you always have to.