This is a fair argument, as always. I’m also wary of things being tailored to this minority.
That being said, we most not forget that some people wants to play at this level and that they’d appreciate playing the classes and specs they like to without being locked out by compositions “requirements”.
It is a fine line.
Their communications aren’t always the best, to say the least.
We could quote the line when they removed the talent (Long arm of the law) that gave us 30% MS on judgement which was excruciatingly tone deaf…
Let me see if I can find it. Pretty sure I made a post about it at the time.
Here it is
It was wild to be told this.
I’ve never felt so unheard before.
That was before DF launch by the way and so before Ret rework.
Funnily enough, some of things suggested in this thread were implemented in 10.0.7